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6th Framework Programme Implementation of Priority 3.4.4 Integration of nanotechnologies, new materials & new production technologies for improved security.

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Presentation on theme: "6th Framework Programme Implementation of Priority 3.4.4 Integration of nanotechnologies, new materials & new production technologies for improved security."— Presentation transcript:

1 6th Framework Programme Implementation of Priority 3.4.4 Integration of nanotechnologies, new materials & new production technologies for improved security & quality of life Dir G - DG Research Warszawa, 20go stycznia 2003

2 An integrating area Technologies for safety and security of people

3 Materials and advanced industrial technologies and devices at the service of health, environment and security 3.4. Integration of nanotechnologies, new materials & new production technologies for improved security & quality of life 4.1 Systems, instruments and equipment for better diagnosis and/or surgery 4.3 New generation of sensors, actuators, and systems 4.2 Tissue engineering, new bio-mimetics and bio- hybrid systems Areas 3.4.1 + 3.4.2 + 3.4.3

4 Integration of nanotechnology, new materials, & new processes for improved security & Quality of life (2003 priorities) - Systems, instruments and equipment for better diagnosis and/or surgery Remote systems and biosensors - Tissue engineering, new bio-mimetics and bio-hybrid systems Bio-materials, bio-reactors, production lines - New generation sensors, actuators, systems for health, safety & security of people and environment Real-time detection of hazards, monitoring of quality, reliability & safety of products & systems (links priority 2)

5 Systems for better diagnosis and surgery -IP; NE; CA Tissue engineering & bio-hybrid systems - IP; NE; STREP; CA New generation of sensors and systems for health, safety and security of people and environment (*) - IP; NE; STREP (*) The call under this area is co-ordinated with Priority 2, area micro and nanosystems, for which 70M are earmarked. Priority 3 first call

6 Launch 17 December 2002 Closing date: for the new instruments, March 6, 2003 (1st stage); June 26, 2003 (2nd stage). For other instruments, April 10 (single stage) Indicative budget: 400 M (of which 260 M for the new instruments) Priority areas: all, apart those opened for the joint call with priority 2 and for the SME dedicated call Priority 3 first call

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