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Chapter 1.  Scientific method  Procedures used to solve problems and answer questions that can include…

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1 Chapter 1

2  Scientific method  Procedures used to solve problems and answer questions that can include…

3  1. stating the problem  2. gathering information  3. forming a hypothesis  4. testing a hypothesis with an experiment  5. analyzing data  6. drawing conclusions

4 -Hypothesis prediction that can be tested -Control standard to which the outcome of a test is compared -Variable something in an experiment that can change

5 -theory explanation of things or events based on scientific knowledge resulting from many observations and experiences -law statement about how things work in nature that seems to be true all the time

6  Question  The problem relating to a topic that can be answered by conducting an experiment  Experiment  Test or trial performed I order to discover something  Research  To conduct an investigation into current information about something  Procedure  Sequence of steps involved in performing an experiment

7  Observe  To notice what occurs during an experiment  Record  To write accurate information about what occurs during an experiment  Conclusion  The result or outcome of something  Interpret  To explain or give meaning to


9  Read page 7  Problem:  “The technician decides that something in the cats’ surroundings or their food might be irritating their skin.”

10  Read page 8  Data collected:  “During her observations she notices that the cats seem to scratch and chew themselves most after using their litter boxes. The cat litter used by the clinic contains a deodorant. The technician calls the owner and finds out that the cat litter he buys does not contain a deodorant.”

11  Read page 8  “…she hypothesizes that something in the cat litter is irritating the cats’ skin.”

12  Read page 8  Perform an experiment.  Uses controlled conditions  Notices reads labels on 2 brands of cat litter and sees that they have same ingredients except 1 has deodorant

13  Read page 9  Separates cats with sores from other cats  Control cat- has deodorant in litter  Experimental cat- cat that has no deodorant in litter; control cat is compared to this cat  Variable- whether or not the litter contains deodoarant (experiment should have 1 variable)  Both cats treated exactly the same, except the deodorant

14  Read page 9  Record data in journal  Analysis:  “The data show that the control cat scratches and chews more often than the experimental cat does. The sores on the skin of the experimental cat begin to heal, but those on the control cat do not.”

15  Read page 9  Conclusion:  “The technician the draws that conclusion…that the deodorant in the cat litter probably irritated the skin of the two cats.” Reject or Accept hypothesis? She accepted.

16  Read page 10  “The veterinary technician calls the cats’ owner and tells him the results of her experiment. She tells him she has stopped using the deodorant cat litter.”  “The technician also writes a story for the clinic’s newsletter that describes her experiment and shares her conclusions.”

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