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Ten-Point Marking Criteria clearobvious It is clear or obvious that: problem is real 1.The problem is real, with proof. problem is urgent 2.The problem.

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Presentation on theme: "Ten-Point Marking Criteria clearobvious It is clear or obvious that: problem is real 1.The problem is real, with proof. problem is urgent 2.The problem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ten-Point Marking Criteria clearobvious It is clear or obvious that: problem is real 1.The problem is real, with proof. problem is urgent 2.The problem is urgent, with proof. includes original input 3.The proposal includes original input from you. method is clear 4.The action, procedure, or method is clear. benefits and beneficiaries 5.The benefits and beneficiaries are clear. can be applied 6.It can be applied in your home country. can help AIU 7.It can help AIU become a greener campus. connected to your course 8.It is connected to your course of study. can be done in two weeks 9.The plan of action can be done in two weeks. correctly attributed 10.All sourced materials are correctly attributed.

2 Insect-repellant Curtains from Discarded Cigarette Filters A PROJECT PROPOSAL BY Joshua Abdulaziz HAMID (Korea) Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (2015) Albukhary International University, Alor Setar, Malaysia

3 INSECT-REPELLANT CURTAINS FROM DISCARDED CIGARETTE FILTERS PRESENTATION A Project Proposal By Joshua Abdulaziz HAMID (Korea) Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (2015) Albukhary International University, Alor Setar, Malaysia


5 The Proposal: Potential Benefits Minimize environmental damage from cigarette butts. Avoid health effects of insecticides. Create income opportunities for young people.

6 PROPOSED PROJECT: GOAL 1 Collect and reuse cigarette filters Collect and reuse cigarette filters to minimize environmental damage.

7 PROPOSED PROJECT: GOAL 2 Minimizeuseof insecticides Minimize the use of expensive, toxic, commercial insecticides.

8 PROPOSED PROJECT: GOAL 3 Create income opportunities for young people in 10 countries Create income opportunities for young people in 10 countries with the highest population of smokers.


10 Problem Part 1: CIGARETTE BUTTS Image of cigarette butts courtesy of

11 The Problem: Statement Cigarette butts seem to be one of “the most commonly littered item... around the world.” Martin, T. (2012, October 04). Cigarette Litter and how it Affects Us: Cigarette Litter Facts. Retrieved from

12 The Problem: Background highest populationsof smokers. Most AIU scholars come from countries with the world’s highest populations of smokers. Personal communication, November 2012.

13 Rank CountryLanguage 1 Russian Russian* 2 Korea Korean 3 Kuwait Arabic 4 China Chinese 5 Turkey Turkish 6 Indonesia Indonesian 7 Tajikistan Tajik 8 Viet Nam Vietnamese 9 Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz 10 Philippines Tagalog 11Thailand Thai 12Mongolia Mongolian 13Malaysia Malay 14Pakistan Pakistani Rank CountryLanguage 15Cambodia Cambodian 16Uzbekistan Uzbek 17Laos Laotian 18Nepal Nepali 19Yemen Arabic 20Sri Lanka Sinhala 21Myanmar Burmese 22Bangladesh Bangladeshi 24Bhutan Nepali 25India Hindi 26Rwanda English 27Somalia Somali 28Afghanistan Pashto, Dari Languages of Top Smoking Countries Represented in AIU Adapted from *Top Ten

14 The Problem: Background 300 million smokers 1.7 trillion cigarettes In China alone, 300 million smokers consume about 3 million cigarettes a minute or 1.7 trillion cigarettes a year. Martin, T. (2012, October 04). Cigarette Litter and how it Affects Us: Cigarette Litter Facts. Retrieved from

15 The Problem: Background 10 years Cellulose acetate in cigarette filters can take up to 10 years to decompose. Martin, T. (2012, October 04). Cigarette Litter and how it Affects Us: Cigarette Litter Facts. Retrieved from

16 Problem Part 2: INSECTICIDES Image of insecticide courtesy of

17 The Problem: Statement eliminate natural pest control, develop resistance other pests multiply Insecticides can eliminate natural pest control, develop resistance among target pests, and other pests multiply when natural enemies are killed. Williamson, S. (2003, September) The Real Cost of Pesticides in Economic costs of pesticide reliance. Retrieved from

18 The Problem: Statement expensive USD 32,769 million Insecticides are expensive: In 2000-2001, sales of insecticides and pesticides worldwide is about USD 32,769 million. Kiely, T., Donaldson, D., Grube, A. (2012). Pesticides Industry Sales and Usage: 2000 and 2001 Market Estimates. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved from

19 Problem Part 3: POOR MINORS Image of street children courtesy of

20 The Problem: Background The exact number of street children... almost certainly runs into tens of millions across the world. UNICEF (2002), State of the World’s Children 2003, p.37, quoted in Street Children Statistics. Retrieved from

21 Rank CountryStreet Children 1 India 11,000,000 2 Africa 10,450,000 3 Cambodia 616,023 4 Bangladesh 400,000 5 Peru 250,000 6 Indonesia 170,000 7 China 150,000 8 Viet Nam 23,000 Street Children in Some Countries Represented in AIU Estimates from Note: No current statistics available for other countries.

22 The Problem: Background More than 90% of AIU scholars need more money. Personal communication, November 2012.


24 The Problem: Urgency Insecticides can cause asthma, 1 birth defects, 2 reduced IQ, learning disability, 3 and cancer. 4 1 Senthilselvan et al, 1992. 2 Sherman, JD. 1996 Chlorpyrifos (Dursban)-associated birth defects: report of four cases. Arch. Env.Health 51(1): 5-8) 3 Guillette, Environmental He. Perspectives, June 1998. 4 A. Swenson and S. Bushhouse, "Childhood Cancer Incidence and Trends in Minnesota, 1988-1994". Minnesota Medicine, vol. 81, December 1998.

25 The Problem: Urgency 10 million cigarettes Around the world, per minute, about “10 million cigarettes are purchased.” Martin, T. (2012, October 04). Cigarette Litter and how it Affects Us: Cigarette Litter Facts. Retrieved from

26 The Problem: Urgency toxins contaminate damage “Nicotine, tar, toxins, and chemicals contaminate the ground, waterways, and damage organisms.” Martin, T. (2012, October 04). Cigarette Litter and how it Affects Us: Cigarette Litter Facts. Retrieved from


28 Proposed Solution A cigarette filter contains chemicals, such as nicotine, which can repel insects. Cigarette filters can be made into curtains for doors or windows.

29 PROPOSED OUTPUT One project proposal One instruction poster One promotion poster One promotion slidecast

30 TWO-WEEK ACTION PLAN 1/4 promotion poster Action: Create one promotion poster (English). Purpose: To motivate people to collect discarded cigarette filters.

31 TWO-WEEK ACTION PLAN 2/4 instruction poster Action: Create one instruction poster (English). Purpose: To teach visually (no text) how to make curtains from discarded cigarette filters.

32 TWO-WEEK ACTION PLAN 3/4 one promotion slidecast Action: Create one promotion slidecast (English). Purpose: To show the effects of discarded cigarette filters on the environment.

33 TWO-WEEK ACTION PLAN 4/4 one project proposal Action: Create one project proposal (English) Purpose: To convince a company to finance a project: collect – to collect discarded cigarette filters make – to make insect-repelling curtains sell – to sell the product


35 Procedure 1.Collect cigarette filters 2.Use a needle and thread 3.String the cigarette filters together, 4.Hang several strands from a strip of cardboard. 5.Hang the curtain from a window or a door

36 Collect cigarette filters. Use gloves. Image of cigarette butt collection courtesy of

37 Dry the cigarette filters. Image of cigarette butt courtesy of

38 Sort and clean the cigarette filters. Image of cigarette butts courtesy of

39 Procedure 1.Collect cigarette filters 2.Use a needle and thread to string the cigarette filters together. 3.Hang several strands from a strip of cardboard 3.Hang several strands from a strip of cardboard. 4.Hang the curtain from a window or a door

40 Curtain with multi- colored design Image of curtain courtesy of

41 Procedure 1.Collect cigarette filters 2.Use a needle and thread to string the cigarette filters together. 3.Hang several strands from a strip of cardboard. 4.Color, and hang the insect- repelling curtain from a window or a door.

42 Curtain with painted design Image of curtain courtesy of

43 Image of curtain courtesy of


45 Conclusion 1 inimize environmental damage This project can help minimize environmental damage from cigarette filters.

46 Conclusion 2 prevent negative health effects This project can prevent negative health effects of commercial pesticides


48 Recommendation 1 to teach how to package A visual poster can be created to teach how to package or present the product.

49 Recommendation 2 how to sell A visual poster can be created to teach how to sell the product.

50 Recommendation 3 how to raise capital A visual poster can be created to teach how to raise capital for this project.

51 One More Time: Potential Benefits Minimize environmental damage from cigarette butts. Avoid health effects of insecticides. Create income opportunities for young people.

52 INSECT-REPELLANT CURTAINS FROM DISCARDED CIGARETTE FILTERS END OF PRESENTATION A Project Proposal By Joshua Abdulaziz HAMID (Korea) Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (2015) Albukhary International University, Alor Setar, Malaysia

53 Ten-Point Marking Criteria It is clear or obvious that: problem is real 1.The problem is real, with proof. problem is urgent 2.The problem is urgent, with proof. includes original input 3.The proposal includes original input from you. method is clear 4.The action, procedure, or method is clear. benefits and beneficiaries 5.The benefits and beneficiaries are clear. can be applied 6.It can be applied in your home country. can help AIU 7.It can help AIU become a greener campus. connected to your course 8.It is connected to your course of study. can be done in two weeks 9.The plan of action can be done in two weeks. correctly attributed 10.All sourced materials are correctly attributed.

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