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Presentation on theme: "ADOPT-A-SPOT PROGRAMME"— Presentation transcript:


2 Purpose Adopt-A-Spot concept Establish PPP
Opportunity for social responsibility Address Environmental Injustice Take ownership of the environment

3 Scope of Environmental Legislation
Regulatory framework - National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) - National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act - National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act - Provincial and municipal by-laws

4 Scope of Environmental Legislation (cntnue)
Environment Conservation Act Waste Management Bill Compliance promotion w.r.t environmental matters; Creating deterrence through visible existence (routine inspections)

5 Scope of Environmental Legislation (cntnue)
Direct enforcement through (e.g. spot fines) Information gathering & profiling

6 Potential benefits Compliant community
Credibility to the City’s regulatory function / mandate Anti-litter behaviour Public Private Partnership

7 Adopt-A-Spot Concept An initiative by Council to enable industries, companies or members of the public to adopt any open space belonging to Council at no cost. The “adoptee” will then be responsible to clear the area of any alien vegetation, illegal dumping etc, as well as to maintain it.

8 Difference with leasing open space
Pay for the rights to utilise the area for private use AAS does not give the adoptee the right to restrict public access to the area Areas remain public domain

9 Which areas? Any unused road reserve, servitude, walkway and other open spaces, Areas worthy of conservation would be promoted.

10 Why should we ‘adopt’? Marketing initiative corporate responsibility
Landscaping companies can showcase Contribute towards Environmental programs Play a role on Climate Change

11 Why should we ‘adopt’? (cntnue)
Cleaner environment for City of Tshwane residents. Job creation. Economic development. Poverty relief. Capacity building Skills transfer

12 Application process Application form
An agreement will be drawn and signed by both parties The “Adoptee” will take care and maintain the area for a specified period. The area can be rehabilitated or landscaped with indigenous vegetation

13 Application process (cntnue)
The applicant could partner with community groups or individuals to maintain the area “Adoptee” could be entitled to advertise its involvement in the initiative subject to approval and Council’s Advertising By-Laws Certificate – Executive Mayor

14 Progress registered Establishment of a Steering Committee
Draft: Terms of Reference (copies available for comments) Adopt-a-Spot process flow plan Zoning certificates obtained 13 Recommendations for approval by SED done 10 Applications declined

15 Milestones Capacity Outsourcing has adopted a spot for rehabilitation as a park in Ga-Rankuwa. This site was a hot spot for illegal dumping and also contributing to crime. Launch of AAS program

16 Milestones (before development)

17 Milestones (process on development)

18 Milestones (launch) AAS program was launched on the 04th June 2010

19 Milestones (after development)

20 Few of the illegal dumping hot spot to be adopted.
Van der Walt Street Struben Street

21 illegal dumping hot spot to be adopted (cont…
Cnr Jacob Mare and Mandela Drive Timber City: Cnr Paul Kruger and Bloed



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