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Local Area Forum 28 th April 2014 Sharphill Wood past and future By Chrissie Wells.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Area Forum 28 th April 2014 Sharphill Wood past and future By Chrissie Wells."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Area Forum 28 th April 2014 Sharphill Wood past and future By Chrissie Wells

2 The ideal woodland walk…. Friends of Sharphill Wood April 2014

3 Beginnings  First meeting 22 nd January 2008  Joint Management RBC, NWT and Friends Group  Aim: To enhance Sharphill Wood Local Nature Reserve (the site) for the benefit of the local community and for flora and fauna  Site is also a SINC (Site of Importance for Nature Conservation) Friends of Sharphill Wood April 2014

4 Objectives  To promote co-operation by fostering effective partnerships  To enhance, develop and monitor the management of the site.  To promote the site as an educational resource for local organisations.  To discourage anti-social behaviour or activity that may cause damage to the site and its flora and fauna.  To organise events and activities to promote the site and protect its flora and fauna.  To manage the site & undertake work to conserve and enhance it.  To provide training for group members and the wider community  To promote the site and the group more widely.  To help fund raise so that the group can develop and improve existing & new features  To liaise with other groups with similar aims to exchange information & develop ideas. Friends of Sharphill Wood April 2014

5 Badging! Friends of Sharphill Wood April 2014

6 Badgering! Friends of Sharphill Wood April 2014

7 Plan A….. 5 Year Management Plan converts Constitution into activities and tasks. Key Objectives:-  Maintain and enhance the habitat types and species present  Combine habitat enhancement and management with education, recreation and access provision  Encourage public understanding and awareness of issues relating to the site  Conserve and interpret the archaeological and historical elements on the site  Monitor effects of management and visitor use on the wildlife on the site [through surveys] Friends of Sharphill Wood April 2014

8 Just some activities  Encourage people to keep to the paths  Report anti social behaviour  Collect litter  Coppice  Maintain Wood boundaries  Organise and carry out surveys  Encourage nest building by birds  Foster balanced growth of trees and shrubs  Organise events and volunteer parties  Involve young people and children Friends of Sharphill Wood April 2014

9 All our own work Friends of Sharphill Wood April 2014

10 Some achievements  Rushcliffe BC Award Winners 2013  Big reduction in paths and trampled areas  Opening of Sharphill as a Local Nature Reserve  Jubilee oaks from Woodland Trust  Number of whips planted  Involvement of young people and children’s groups  443 person hours of work in the Wood per annum  Excludes secretarial administration, meeting hours, financial management, involvement in Development consultations, media and promotion work, fundraising  Inclusion of wildlife surveys in national organisations  Supporting the development of the Mitigation Plan Friends of Sharphill Wood April 2014

11 Surveys Friends of Sharphill Wood April 2014

12 Surveys Friends of Sharphill Wood April 2014

13 Surveys Friends of Sharphill Wood April 2014

14 Surveys Friends of Sharphill Wood April 2014

15 New priorities & challenges  Protecting the Wood in preparation for the large numbers of new residents + pets  Development of new Mitigation Plan?  Continuing to manage the tension between leisure and protection  Departure of two supportive NWT staff  Monitoring the impact of pressure on the Wood  Plus “same old, same old!” Friends of Sharphill Wood April 2014

16 An historic view? Friends of Sharphill Wood April 2014

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