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Bioenergy: GHG balances ‘Carbon lean’, not ‘carbon neutral’

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Presentation on theme: "Bioenergy: GHG balances ‘Carbon lean’, not ‘carbon neutral’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bioenergy: GHG balances ‘Carbon lean’, not ‘carbon neutral’

2 The evidence: Scotland, UK, international

3 Standard Methodology Carbon stock dynamics Trade-offs and synergies Permanence Emission factors Efficiency Up stream energy inputs By-products Leakage Other GHG’s Task 38

4 The evidence: Scotland, UK, international


6 The potential: Scotland, UK, international


8 Behind the evidence: data and calculations Online at: The user can select, from a drop-down list, the country in question and then the country specific values are inserted into the tool. Task 38

9 Behind the evidence: data and calculations

10 Biomass: beyond energy

11 Biomass: beyond greenhouse gases


13 Biomass: balancing land use, production and end use What types of trees and crops are best as carbon sink or for bioenergy and wood production? Can land be managed simultaneously as a carbon sink and for bioenergy and fibre production?

14 Biomass: balancing sinks, energy and fibre 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0102030405060708090100 Time [years] Cumulative C sequestr. [tC ha ] Credit for energy substitution Trees Litter Soil Fossil fuel input is generally a negative value and brings the top line of the pattern down to the ultimate total (thick black line) Model results: fuelwood plantation on agricultural land

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