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3rd Hemispheric Conference on Medical Geology (3rd HCMedGeo) October, 13-16, 2009 Montevideo, Uruguay.

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Presentation on theme: "3rd Hemispheric Conference on Medical Geology (3rd HCMedGeo) October, 13-16, 2009 Montevideo, Uruguay."— Presentation transcript:

1 3rd Hemispheric Conference on Medical Geology (3rd HCMedGeo) October, 13-16, 2009 Montevideo, Uruguay

2 3rd Hemispheric Conference on Medical Geology October, 2009 Montevideo, Uruguay 1st. Announcement Invitation Objectives Subjects International Scientific Committee Sponsors Call for papers About Uruguay “Natural”

3 3rd Hemispheric Conference on Medical Geology October 13-16, 2009 Montevideo, Uruguay We are pleased to invite you to our next 3 rd. HCMedGeo, which will be held in October 2009 in Montevideo, Uruguay Organisers  International Medical Geology Association (IMGA),  Uruguayan Society of Toxicology and EcoToxicology (SUTE)  Department of Toxicology and Enviroment Hygiene: Faculty of Chemistry of Uruguay (FQ) University of the Republic

4 3rd Hemispheric Conference on Medical Geology October 13-16, 2009 Montevideo, Uruguay Objectives Expand the growing field of Medical Geology in South America, Central and North America, Canada, and the Caribbean Basin Share the most recent advances on Medical Geology with particular emphasis on environmental and health problems afflicting this part of the globe. Bring together a wide range of disciplines in Geosciences and Biomedical research Contribute to build up new personal contacts between medical geology researchers

5 Subjects: Trace elements, metals and metalloids and nutrition Soils, water, air, climate changes and public health. Environmental toxicology, epidemiology, environmental monitoring, and disease surveillance Emerging and re-merging diseases and medical geology Topical diseases and their impact on human and animal health Geochemical mapping and human health databases Risk analysis and risk communication and management in Medical Geology Environmental medicine, Toxicology and Environmental Geochemistry; Environmental and Forensic geology; Analytical toxicology (e.g., trace element speciation) Geochemical tools in Medical Geology; Environmental bioremediation of contaminated sites. 3rd Hemispheric Conference on Medical Geology October 13-16, 2009 Montevideo, Uruguay

6 3rd. HCMedGeo Montevideo, 2009 General Chairwoman: Dr. Nelly Mañay International Scientific Committe (ISC) Chairman: Dr. Jose Centeno ISC Confirmed Olle Selllinus (Sweden) Bob Finkelman (USA) Bernardino Figueiredo (Brazil) Brian Gulson (Australia) Cassio Silva (Brazil) Laura Borgel (Chile) Monica Bastos Paolliello (Brazil) Phill Wenstein ( Australia) Marta Litter (Argentina) Eduardo Anselmo da Silva (Portugal) Dr. Chin-Hsiao Tseng (Taiwan) To be confirmed Geoffrey Plumblee (USA) Angus Kook (Australia) Kevin Telmer (Canada) Gerald Combs (USA) Toby Rossman (USA) Romulo Angelica (Brasil) Aurora Armienta ( México) Juan C. Villagran (Germany)


8 and…. “Natural Uruguay” Thank you !! and…. “Natural Uruguay” Thank you !!

9 CONTACTS: Send your e-mail to get information IMGA Dr. Nelly Mañay (Uruguay) Dr. Jose Centeno (USA)

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