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Presentation on theme: "1.封面图片可去网上搜索(比如卖书的网店中有,比较清晰,不要用拍照的方式)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1.封面图片可去网上搜索(比如卖书的网店中有,比较清晰,不要用拍照的方式)
2.该模版采用: 格式—幻灯片设计—应用设计模板—可供使用 中的Edge.pot这一模板,比较简洁

2 Module 3 Things around us
Oxford English Book 5B Module 3 Things around us Unit 1 Signs Pre-task preparations 该封面大家可以直接修改相关文字内容即可, 并更换相应的图片,每个Period换一个图片,或者一个Unit换一个图片 英文字体统一为Arial的,中文字体统一为宋体 模块的文本框的底色建议和教材颜色一致,这样各个年级可以一目了然 While-task procedures Post-task activities Period 2 Assignment

3 教学目标: 1、掌握更多标识的含义: Don’t throw your rubbish here!
Say and act Listen and enjoy (SB: P40,P41 WB: P51 G, P52 H) 教学目标: 1、掌握更多标识的含义: Don’t throw your rubbish here! You must be quiet here! 2、了解更多公园里的标识, 知道如何遵守标识, 建立良好的道德观念: 例: You mustn’t pick flowers in the park. 大家只要修改文字内容即可,格式不用修改

4 What does this sign mean? It means we can ___________.
telephone restaurant toilet make a telephone here go to the toilet here eat nice food here 师出示图片,学生拼出单词和句型。 go out here exit entrance go in here

5 What does this sign mean?
It means we can’t/ mustn’t/ shouldn’t … Don’t play football! No swimming! Don’t ride bicycles! 师出示图片,学生拼出单词和句型。 Don’t walk on the grass! Don’t walk dogs! No smoking!

6 What does this sign mean? It means…
It means you shouldn’t throw your rubbish here! 师:出示图片 生:跟读Don’t litter. Don’t throw your rubbish here. 师:What does this sign mean? 生:回答问题 Don’t litter! Don’t throw your rubbish here!

7 What does this sign mean? It means…
It means you must be quiet here! 师:出示图片 生:跟读Don’t talk. Be quiet! 师:What does this sign mean? 生:回答问题 Don’t talk! Be quiet !

8 Listen and enjoy 播放Listen and enjoy的flash动画, 第一遍学生听, 第二遍学生跟读。

9 Mary and John are in the park. They want to have a picnic there.
4-1出示图片, 和学生一起讨论图片 例:Who are they? Where are they? What do they want to do? 4-2出示文字, 全班朗读

10 Where can they get into the park?
Can Mary pick any flowers in the park? Can they have a picnic on the grass? What does the sign ‘Exit ’ mean? Where can they have a picnic? 师:出示图片和问题 生:读问题

11 Look and listen 出示不带文字的flash动画, 学生仔细看和听。

12 Where can they get into the park?
Can Mary pick any flowers in the park? Can they have a picnic on the grass? What does the sign “ Exit ” mean? Where can they have a picnic? They can get into the park from the entrance. Mary can’t pick any flowers. There is a sign. They can’t have a picnic on the grass. The sign means they can’t walk on the grass. The sign “Exit” means they can go out of the park from the exit. 再次出示问题, 学生逐个回答, 在出示答案的同时, 出示相对的标识。 They can have a picnic on the bench.

13 Read after the tape(跟读录音)
出示带文字的flash动画, 学生逐句跟读。

14 Mary and John want to have a picnic in the park.
Mary: Where can we get into the park? John: Here’s a sign. It says ‘Entrance’. Mary: Oh, these flowers are pretty! I want to pick some. John: But the sign means you mustn’t pick the flowers, Mary. Mary: OK. Let’s have our picnic on the grass then. John: But that sign means you can’t walk on the grass. Mary: Hmm. And what does that sign say, John? John: ‘Exit’. Mary: Oh, no! I don’t want to get out of here. But where can we have our picnic? John: We can have it on the bench. Mary: Great! 出示文字,同桌合作读对话内容, 并请2至3组表演。

15 Mary and John want to have a picnic in the park.
Mary: Where can we get into the park? John: Here’s a sign. It says ‘_______’. Mary: Oh, these flowers are pretty! I want to pick some. John: But the sign means you mustn’t __________, Mary. Mary: OK. Let’s have our picnic on the grass then. John: But that sign means you can’t ____________. Mary: Hmm. And what does that sign say, John? John: ‘_____’. Mary: Oh, no! I don’t want to get out of here. But where can we have our picnic? John: We can have it _________. Mary: Great! 同桌合作, 完成口头填空, 完成对话内容, 并请另外2至3组展示。

16 Assignment Listen and recite “Listen and enjoy” on the textbook P41.
2. Listen and read “Say and act” on the textbook P40 three times.听读课本第41页上的“Listen and enjoy”3遍。 打开书, 跟着录音读 3. Workbook P51 G and P52 H. 完成练习册第50练习E和第51页练习F和G。

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