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Youthprise Database Introduction Youthprise is pleased to present the Minnesota Youth Funders Database. Youthprise has established this free online searchable.

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Presentation on theme: "Youthprise Database Introduction Youthprise is pleased to present the Minnesota Youth Funders Database. Youthprise has established this free online searchable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Youthprise Database Introduction Youthprise is pleased to present the Minnesota Youth Funders Database. Youthprise has established this free online searchable database in partnership with Access Philanthropy. The searchable database was designed to provide users information on funding options for out-of-school time programs. The database includes profiles of 650 private and public grantmakers who have funded youth organizations in Minnesota in the past or declare they are open to funding youth-serving agencies in State of Minnesota. Funders will be added or updated as new information is collected..

2 Welcome to the Youth Funders Database Funders are categorized by regional funding interests Seven Minnesota regions and statewide funders. Funders are also categorized by type of funder – United Way Agencies Government Agencies and Programs Public Charities (churches, community service agencies, fraternal organizations) Private/ Community/Corporate Funders Each funder profile has detailed information, including funding priorities, financial data, sample grants, contact information, application information, website links, deadlines, and funder background. As a special feature, the funder lists can also be sorted by quarterly deadlines. The database is interactive. Each profile has an email link to Access Philanthropy. We hope you will use the links to send us updated information on funders, ideas for new funders, or questions about funders or the database.

3 Funder Location and Interests In the Youth Funders Database, we have included funders with three geographic locations and interests: Minnesota resident funders which fund in Minnesota Non-Minnesota resident funders which fund in Minnesota and a few other states Non-Minnesota resident funders which fund all over the United States.


5 There are three ways to start searching for youth funders By the geographic region in which your organization works –seven Minnesota regions or statewide. By the type of funders you wish to approach – five types of funders. By your own criterion – go directly to the search engines.

6 Funders by Region Funders are categorized by the region or regions in which they fund. Many funders make grants in more than one of these seven regions: Central Minnesota Metro Minnesota Northeast Minnesota Northwest Minnesota Southern Minnesota Southwestern Minnesota West Central Minnesota Funders which fund all over the state are linked to the Statewide Minnesota Youth Funders list

7 Hover over the state map to determine the right regional list for your county.

8 Click on your choice of regions & you’re in a regional database

9 Funders by Type Funders are categorized by organizational type United Way Agencies Government Agencies and Programs Public Grantmakers (fraternal organizations, service clubs, churches) Private and Corporate Funders

10 Click on your choice of type of funders and you’re in that database

11 Use your own criteria to use the Basic or Advance Search Engines

12 Once you have a list, click on a funder’s name to bring up the funder’s profile

13 Click on the website link to reach the funder’s website

14 Other links in the funder’s profile Besides a link to the funder’s website, the profiles also include links to: Staff contacts’ email addresses The funder’s general email address The funder’s corporate website (when appropriate) The funder’s IRS 990 form (when available) The funder’s online application form Some Skype-ready computers pick up live phone number links as well

15 Special Limitations Keys S = The funder traditionally give away a small amount (less than $500,000 annually) G = The funder has strong geographic limitations (a specific city or state) F = The funder has a narrow interest area focus (e.g., music education) P = The funder reports it only accepts only pre-selected applications (but maybe…?!?)

16 The Search Engines However you start your search, you can use the Basic or Advanced search engines to narrow or broaden your search. Once you are in the database, look for the little “Search” tab near the top of every page

17 How to Basic Search This search will find TEXT matches in the following fields: Name and Address Overview Takeaway Notes Geographic Interests Special Population Interests Political Leanings Trustees

18 How Basic Search Works Basic search will search for all words that begin with letters you enter. For example: Typing Rees to search for the Sheldon Rees Foundation generates these results: McKesson Foundation, with Trustee Nigel Rees Sheldon Reese Foundation Research Corporation: Overview – “reestablish”

19 Basic Search Limitations You must enter at least four characters to get a result and they must be four characters that appear together somewhere in the database. Searching for MN for all foundations based in Minnesota will not yield results. Searching Minnesota will not find them either, since the state in the address is not spelled out. If this is all you know you may want to use the Advanced Search option.

20 Search Operator Terms All the search fields can use 4 Search Operator Terms to help expand or narrow your search. OR can be used to search for two or more terms. Searching Sheldon OR Reese will find all records with either one of these terms – In this case, 6 results AND can be used to narrow your search. Searching Sheldon AND Reese will find only the records with both of these terms – In this case, 1 result NOT will also narrow your search. Searching Rees NOT Reese will exclude the Sheldon Reese Foundation – In this case, 2 results Parenthesis ( ) around each item is a trick that will help you keep your thinking straight if you want to use multiple terms in your search

21 Using Advanced Search You can search using multiple criteria. For example: Search by State, by Interests and by Online Application Use the Pop-Up Boxes and Drop Down features to choose the correct search terms. Each box lists the items that are found in the database.

22 Searching Major Interest Areas Arts - Performing, Visual, Literacy, History, Culture, Services (ART) Education - PK-12, Higher, Adult/Continuing, Special Libraries (ED) Environment and Animals -- Environment & Animals (ENV) Health - Mental, Physical, Diseases & Disabilities (HEA) Human Services -- Crime, Housing, Safety/Disasters, Recreation, Legal Services, Multiservice Centers, Food, Agriculture, Community Service Clubs, (HS) International -- Relief, Exchange, Development, Trade, Peace, Education (INT) Not elsewhere classified (NEC) Public Benefit -- Civil Rights, Business Development, Community Improvement, Neighborhoods, Philanthropy/Volunteerism, Public Policy, Rural Development Religion -- Faith-based Agencies and Places of Worship (REL) Science -- Physical and Social (SCI) Special Populations -- Women, Children, Indigent, Newcomers, Prisoners, Veterans, Elderly, GLBT, People with AIDS, People with Disabilities, etc. (POP)

23 Searching Special Interest Areas The database has over 800 unique interest areas. There is usually a broad term (Agriculture) followed by specific areas (Agriculture, Biodiversity). Searching by the broad term will only generate results in that category. Agriculture = 27 results Agriculture, Biodiversity = 3 results – none of which were found under the Agriculture search USE THE POP-UP BOX AND SEARCH ALL APPLICABLE INTEREST AREAS.

24 Geographic Focus Regional and statewide youth funders are categorized on the Landing Page. This is the first place to go for geographic information. The Geographic Focus box corresponds to the “Gives in these States” section of the funder profile. It will search cities and states in which the funder has historically awarded grants or publicly states it will award grants. Use the Pop-Up Box to find the geographic terms. The “Geographic Interests” area of the funder profile is not searchable.

25 You can also search by: Funder’s Name Funder’s City/State Types of Support Relationship to Corporations Whether they have an Online Application Recent Giving Levels Recent Asset Levels

26 Click on the Deadline Link to View Funders’ Quarterly Deadlines

27 What You Want to Know About Prospective Funders Geographic limitation and preferences (where they fund and don’t fund) Interest areas limitations & preferences (e.g. education, arts, youth, religion) Financial information (how much they give away annually, average grant size) Special limitations (e.g. gifts to new groups or individuals, accepts requests) Grantmaking procedures (deadlines, form of initial contact, information they need) Their Contact information (name, title, email)

28 What Funders Want to Know About You and Your Organization Background Information on Your Issue Descriptions Constituency Description Community Description (if different) Organization Description What is the Problem You’re Addressing? Evidence of the Problem (statistics, stories) How You Will/Are Addressing the Issue Goals, Objectives, and Timelines How You Will Evaluate Your Success Financial Information (budget, income)

29 Other Things You Will Need to Supply to Prospective Funders Your Contact Person and Information (email, phone, address and job title) Cover Letter (indicating amount requested) Board of Directors and Affiliations Tax Exemption Letter (from the IRS) Recent Audit and/or Tax Return (990) Organizational and Program Budgets Other Sources of Income (post & current) Local Partner Organizations/Allies

30 Need more help? Contact Access Philanthropy Steve Paprocki Director of Research and Operations 612-886-1368 2100 Stevens Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55404

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