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1 Building Quality QUALITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES Building Quality Quality Improvement.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Building Quality QUALITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES Building Quality Quality Improvement."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Building Quality QUALITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES Building Quality Quality Improvement

2 Building Quality NSW/ACT Manager Jenny Klause

3 3 Quality language unravelled The Quality Cycle Current quality challenges in the sector Sector values vs quality principles Promoting a culture of quality over compliance Embedding CQI Benefits for organsiations and the sector Building Quality

4 4 NFP, 7 states/territories Health and community service sector Quality promotion: training, consultancy, promotion of good practice, gap analysis/action plan Develop Standards with sector input ACT Provider of the Quality Improvement Council (QIC) Accreditation Program QUALITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES Building Quality

5 5 QMS’ Client Profile Sector peaks Primary Health Care Services Supported Accommodation Services Drug & Alcohol Services Aboriginal Community Controlled Services Women’s Health Large Multi Service NGO’s Problem Gambling Treatment Services Mental Health Services Advocacy and health promotion Building Quality

6 Quality Management Good practice management techniques & methods Systems theory-includes planning communicating delegating documenting evaluating consulting


8 Continuous Quality Improvement Ongoing review, evaluation and refinement of practices across the entire breadth of the organisations operations. In this sector improvements generally focus on client outcomes BUT are also important in other systems areas such as human resources, management. a subset of Quality Management Has a focus on acknowledging the benefits of participation

9 Accreditation a form of recognised industry benchmark review usually includes formal external independent assessment against industry set standards in the pursuit of quality, evidenced based services includes CQI at the centre of operations

10 Compliance the act of adhering to, and demonstrating adherence to, a standard or regulation

11 Quality Improvement Cycle Plan Do Check Act

12 Central ideas of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Encouraged from the top down A way of working rather than a set of events Formal and informal evaluation mechanisms Resources allocated to CQI Facilitate staff contributions to CQI Staff understand purpose, processes and components of CQI (PDCA) CQI is evident at all levels of the organisation Cooperative work practices –sharing and incorporating new knowledge Continuous practice of CQI

13 13 Current ‘Quality’ challenges in the Community Sector 1.Focus on compliance not CQI 2.Gov’t preference for ‘accredited’ organisations 3.Multiple compliance issues 4.Limited resources to commence CQI 5.No planned approach to quality 6.Funding does not necessarily promote CQI Building Quality

14 14 Why people run screaming ! What makes embedding quality management difficult? Funded for Service outputs not quality systems Reactive decision making Excessive funder driven compliance audits Staff with a passion for people not paper Stretched budget base Unclear about the benefits of a quality framework Quality silo-ed (ie. responsibility of one person) Building Quality

15 15 Impact of these barriers Quality is seen by organisations/staff as being for the funder not the consumer or service Staff are compliance focused Quality processes can be seen as punitive Organisational culture is quality resistant Ad hoc quality systems development Responding at program level creates silos Overlap and duplication of effort across orgs. Resentful, uncommitted and unsupported staff Building Quality

16 CQI Outcomes  Ongoing improvement in service delivery  Proud & happy staff  More accountable to client and funder  Enable staff to be reflective and critical  Ensures transparency  Acknowledges good practice  Gives confidence to/and builds trust with stakeholders

17 17 Where Quality fits in the Community Sector Building Quality

18 18 Indicators of Quality From the perspective of: Consumer: Outcomes achieved, needs met, positive experience & relationship with service Service Manager: Funder expectations re outputs met, minimal complaints, customer & staff satisfaction, consistency of service quality across staff/programs Staff: Professional & ethical standards met, good client relations, accountability to organisation and client, sense of satisfaction in work and recognition for doing a good job (client/peers/org), input into service improvements Funder: Risk managed, outputs achieved, accountability for funding and effective efficient services delivered Building Quality

19 19 Sector Values vs Quality Principles Equity & accessibility Accessibility & Timeliness Client Focus, social justice Respectful client relationship The importance of community & developing own solutions Sustainability & transparency Effectiveness, fairness and capability Acceptable and responsive Appropriateness and participation Efficiency and sustainability Organisational independence; openness; accountability; positive work environment staff focus. Good management /efficiency Building Quality

20 Benefits of embedding CQI Achieve improved organisational capacity through: Assessment of strengths and weaknesses Increased staff knowledge of and contribution to QI, good management and current industry good practice New ideas for identified areas for improvement Structured way to address areas for improvement Building Quality

21 21 Benefits of embedding CQI Cont’d Provides guidance around the systems you need Staff know who is responsible for what People who need to know, understand their role in the system You do what you say you want to do Client outcomes are monitored and improved Building Quality

22 22 Making it work for your organisation Build a vision and leadership for quality Agenda for quality is set internally, the external quality framework is used to drive your agenda Choice and control over the journey Use a quality framework appropriate to the sector ie. Match between quality framework and organisational values Recognize the need for dedicated time and resources Train staff, volunteers and management in CQI and standards Participation of staff/manager as peer reviewers Supportive relationship with Quality Partner (eg QMS) Building Quality

23 23 CQI and a Strong sector Safe and quality services Consumer confidence Funder confidence Organisational pride Staff/volunteer recognition Retention and attraction of good staff Sound reputation Competitive advantage Quality Culture not a compliance culture Building Quality

24 24 Thank you Building Quality Jenny Klause State Manager QMS NSW/ACT/QLD Email: Phone: (02) 8246 6900

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