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Ryan Cabinte JD, MBA Dwight Collins, PhD Margrethe Winslow, PhD Ryan Cabinte JD, MBA Dwight Collins, PhD Margrethe Winslow, PhD Developing an Integrated.

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Presentation on theme: "Ryan Cabinte JD, MBA Dwight Collins, PhD Margrethe Winslow, PhD Ryan Cabinte JD, MBA Dwight Collins, PhD Margrethe Winslow, PhD Developing an Integrated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ryan Cabinte JD, MBA Dwight Collins, PhD Margrethe Winslow, PhD Ryan Cabinte JD, MBA Dwight Collins, PhD Margrethe Winslow, PhD Developing an Integrated MBA/MPA Curriculum to Spur Innovative and Collaborative Solutions in Sustainability

2 © Steven Crane and Dwight Collins Presidio Graduate School CHESC 2012 Session 34: Making Student Learning Outcomes into Sustainability Learning Outcomes 2 Presidio Graduate School educates and inspires a new generation of skilled, visionary and enterprising leaders to transform business and public policy and create a more just, prosperous and sustainable world.

3 Why a Joint Degree? Complex social and environmental problems are increasingly being solved through multi- sectoral approaches. Business, government, non-profit sectors are becoming more interdependent. Leverages business skills and knowledge of law and policy-making process. Range of insight allows for innovative problem solving.

4 Joint MBA/MPA or MPP Programs in the U.S. New York University MBA/MPA Ohio State University MBA/MPA Harvard MBA/MPA Stanford MBA/MPP Duke MBA/MPP UCLA MBA/MPP Pepperdine MBA/MPP Georgetown MBA/MPP Presidio Graduate School MBA/MPA in Sustainable Management

5 Sustainability problems are ripe for multi-sector solutions Food waste Recycling Bio-based fuels Land conservation Affordable housing

6 Public-Private Partnership at Napa, CA Waste Diversion Facility Background: 1989 statewide California recycling mandate for local communities to divert 50% of all waste going to landfills Good news: Commercial company waste generators save money Problem: Financial returns on the haulers’ recycling divisions about half that of the collection and landfill divisions Response: City initiative to transform model to align city’s goals with haulers’ goals

7 Public-Private Partnership at Napa, CA Waste Diversion Facility New RFP reflecting new business model focused on diversion – City engages support of social entrepreneur with multi-sectoral knowledge – RFP issued (2004), three haulers responded, winner chosen Diversion rate increased from 49% in 2005 to 62% in 2012 Key Observation: Multi-sectoral knowledge required for initiative to succeed – City budgetary/operations environment – State regulatory environment – For-profit business optimization

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9 EOS Climate Business offering: – Produce high quality Verified Emissions Reductions by destroying Ozone Depleting Substance (ODS) – For-profit model built on policy Skills needed: – Technical: Writing ODS destruction certification protocol – Policy: Knowledge of GHG regulatory environment at federal and state levels – Business: Create business model: ODS sources, revenue sources, destruction operators

10 JACO Environmental Supplies ODS Destruction Credits - De-manufactures Refrigerators & Recycles 98%

11 MBA Learning Outcomes Articulating a Sustainable MBA and MPA Sustainable Systems – Systems Thinking – Sustainability Literacy – Ethics & Social Justice Sustainable Leadership – Efficacy, Resilience & Adaptability – Relationship Management – Organizational Change Business Foundations – Economics – Innovation in products and services, marketing, & operations – Capital Management – Critical Thinking Sustainable Systems – Social, Economic & Ecological Systems – Organizations, Institutions & Policy – Policy Modeling Sustainable Leadership – Insight, Creativity, & Leading for the Long Term – Engagement & Collaboration Public Administration Foundations – Sustainable Management – Ecological & Social Issues – Frameworks MPA Learning Outcomes

12 SUS 7010: Introduction to Public Administration & Policy SUS 6000: Civic Leadership, Decision-Making & Systems Thinking SUS 6010: Principles of Sustainable Management SUS 6195: Effective Management, Communication & Action SUS 7030: Research Methods & Policy Evaluation SUS 6025: Human Resources and Management Ethics SUS 6130: Implementation of Sustainable Practices SUS 6021: Quantitative Methods for Business & Public Administration SUS 7060: Public Sector Finance SUS 7080: Information Management, Technology & Policy SUS 6210: Leadership for Sustainable Management SUS 7025: Market Failure and the Regulatory Environment SUS 7100: Sustainable Urban Development, Economics, and Policy 7090: Integrative Capstone Plan Elective (Culture Values & Ethics; International Entrepreneurship; Clean Technology) SUS 6025: Micro- and Macroeconomics MPA

13 SUS 6010: Principles of Sustainable Management SUS 6195: Effective Management, Communication & Action SUS 6000: Managerial Accounting SUS 6060: Managerial Marketing SUS 6130: Implementation of Sustainable Practices SUS 6021: Quantitative Methods for Business & Public Administration SUS 6110: Operations & Production SUS 6090: Sustainable Products & Services SUS 6210: Leadership for Sustainable Management SUS 7025: Market Failure and the Regulatory Environment SUS 6040: Managerial Finance SUS 6050: Strategy Elective (Culture Values & Ethics; International Entrepreneurship; Clean Technology) SUS 6025: Micro- and Macroeconomics SUS 6175: Capital Markets SUS 6145: Integrative Capstone Venture Plan MBA

14 SUS 7010: Introduction to Public Administration & Policy SUS 6000: Civic Leadership, Decision-Making & Systems Thinking SUS 6010: Principles of Sustainable Management SUS 6195: Effective Management, Communication & Action SUS 6000: Managerial Accounting SUS 6060: Managerial Marketing SUS 7030: Research Methods & Policy Evaluation SUS 6025: Human Resources and Management Ethics SUS 6130: Implementation of Sustainable Practices SUS 6021: Quantitative Methods for Business & Public Administration SUS 6110: Operations & Production SUS 6090: Sustainable Products & Services SUS 7060: Public Sector Finance SUS 7080: Information Management, Technology & Policy SUS 6210: Leadership for Sustainable Management SUS 7025: Market Failure and the Regulatory Environment SUS 6040: Managerial Finance SUS 6050: Strategy SUS 7100: Sustainable Urban Development, Economics, and Policy 7090: Integrative Capstone Plan Elective (Culture Values & Ethics; International Entrepreneurship; Clean Technology) SUS 6025: Micro- and Macroeconomics SUS 6175: Capital Markets SUS 6145: Integrative Capstone Venture Plan MPA MBA

15 Market Failures and the Regulatory Environment Markets Market Failure Regulatory Intervention Regulatory Failure

16 Markets Market Failure Regulatory Intervention Regulatory Failure Intractable Problems/System Failures (often “Sustainability” problems) Opportunity for Sustainability Innovation and Value (i.e., Social Entrepreneurship) Market Failures and the Regulatory Environment

17 Key Assignment Pick an Intractable problem Design 5 solutions Market Failures and the Regulatory Environment

18 Key Assignment Pick an Intractable problem Design 5 solutions 1 business1 NGO1 policy Market Failures and the Regulatory Environment

19 Key Assignment Pick an Intractable problem Design 5 solutions 1 business -Porter’s 5 forces -Business Model Generation 1 NGO -Find a funder -Write the grant proposal outline 1 policy -Bardach’s 8 Fold path -Find funding source Market Failures and the Regulatory Environment

20 Key Assignment Pick an Intractable problem Design 5 solutions 1 business -Porter’s 5 forces -Business Model Generation 1 NGO -Find a funder -Write the grant proposal outline 1 policy -Bardach’s 8 Fold path -Find funding source 2 inter-sectoral solutions, PPP, or solution outside system Market Failures and the Regulatory Environment

21 Discussion What feedback do you have for us? What are your thoughts about or experiences with dual-degree programs?

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