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Parkinson’s Finding the cure Presentation

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1 Parkinson’s Finding the cure Presentation 23.02.10
Caroline Morris - Education & Training Officer South West & Channel Islands Finding the cure Presentation

2 Our Programme Today…………
What is Parkinson’s? Symptoms and Impact of Parkinson’s Managing Parkinson’s The work of Parkinson’s UK

3 Essay on the Shaking Palsy
Dr James Parkinson (1755 – 1824) Essay on the Shaking Palsy “….involuntary tremulous motion, with lessened muscular power, in parts not in action …… with a propensity to bend the trunk forward, and to pass from a walking to a running pace …… the senses and intellect being uninjured.” 1817 Hoxton Square Shoreditch, London

4 What is Parkinson’s……. Parkinson’s is a progressive & fluctuating neurological condition Parkinson’s occurs when 80% of dopamine producing cells are lost from the part of the brain that controls movement The cause of loss of dopamine is being researched…….. Dopamine

5 Parkinson’s – Incidence & Prevalence
1 in 500 of general population 127,000 in UK in > ,000 in UK by 2020 Average age of diagnosis years Does not discriminate – all ethnic groups Parkinson’s is rarely a hereditary condition (5% of cases) General Practice Research Database (GPRD) 2009

6 NICE If Parkinson’s is suspected, patients should quickly be referred (untreated) to a neurologist or to a geriatrician with a special interest in Parkinson’s Follow up every months to optimise treatment and reassess the diagnosis A definite diagnosis of PD is difficult In view of high diagnostic error rate in non-experts, all patients with suspected PD should be referred untreated to a local expert clinician and their PD service

7 Diagnosis - Main Physical Symptoms
Slow Movements (bradykinesia) Ability to start a movement (initiation) Reduced size of movements (amplitude) Coordination of movements (sequencing) Stiff, Rigid or Frozen Muscles Problems with turning, getting out of a chair, turning over in bed Fine detailed movements – activities of daily living Stooped posture, difficulty with facial expressions Pill Rolling Tremor 70% of people with Parkinson’s have a tremor More noticeable when a person is anxious

8 Impact of Parkinson’s

9 Impact of Parkinson’s Communication problems
Mask - Bradyphrenia - Voice Eating & drinking difficulties Saliva, swallowing issues Mobility problems Hypotension Falls & “Freezing” Bladder & bowel problems Pain/Dystonia Anxiety/Depression Dementia Sleep problems Tiredness Tremor General health Complex medication

10 Managing Parkinson’s

11 Parkinson’s Medications
Medication & GIOT (Day & Night) Levodopa Dopamine agonists MAO-B inhibitors COMT inhibitors Glutamate antagonist Anticholinergics

12 Challenges of Medication
Fluctuations in response (“On/Off” effect) Hallucinations, nightmares, confusion Impulsive / Compulsive behaviour (ICB’s) Dyskinesia (involuntary movements)

13 Parkinson’s UK

14 We’re the Parkinson’s support and research charity
We’re the Parkinson’s support and research charity. We’re committed to finding a cure and improving life for everyone affected by Parkinson’s 14

15 Parkinson’s UK Join our Conversation
(web viewed by 95,000 people each month) FREEPHONE CONFIDENTIAL HELPLINE

16 Notes Sudhansu

17 Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist Service
In 1989 we pioneered the first Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist Since then we have invested over £8 million in funding these nurses There are now 336 specialist nurse posts across the UK, so over 75% of people now have access to a Parkinson's nurse They offer a targeted service to greatly improve the care of PwP

18 Information & Support Workers
Up-to-date information on Parkinson’s Emotional support for PwP’s & family Information about benefits and applications Information about and links to local services A supporting voice Links to other Parkinson’s Services: Helpline Website Information Resources Local Branches and Support Group

19 Volunteer Educators Raise awareness of Parkinson’s
1 hour talks to care & nursing homes Across the South West

20 Parkinson’s Research We are the largest charitable funder of Parkinson’s research in the UK. We have invested over £55 million so far……. 90 Projects (£17 million) 40 projects investigating the causes of Parkinson’s 20 projects to improve life with Parkinson’s 30 projects exploring better treatment and a cure

21 Olympic Torch

22 South West Olympic Torch Bearers David Denmead (Cornwall)


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