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Nigel Walker. Context Growing demand Choice and control Services to be personalised Funding issues Workforce issues National/regional/local issues Commissioner.

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Presentation on theme: "Nigel Walker. Context Growing demand Choice and control Services to be personalised Funding issues Workforce issues National/regional/local issues Commissioner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nigel Walker

2 Context Growing demand Choice and control Services to be personalised Funding issues Workforce issues National/regional/local issues Commissioner and provider behaviours not always aligned

3 What about the market? Management ? Development ? Facilitation ? Create ? Re-shape ? Decommissioning ?

4 What is a market ? Wide number of potential providers and support Vary from private “for profit” companies (some small and some international) through variety of 3 rd Sector bodies to public sector services. Can also be individual people who help people with things they need May cross organisational boundaries Need to distinguish also between direct service and those that can support (e.g. housing, training and work finding agencies may give vital support to people with mental health issues without being a direct service provider) How do we best knit these together?

5 Obstacles can include.. Nature of the market (diverse) Obstacle to stimulation (few providers, dominant providers) Lack of consumer power Commissioning approaches Workforce constraints (insufficient, poor training, intransigent)

6 How do we map our markets? Where are our current services situated ? Who do they provide for – numbers, type of service user, other support (eg carers)? How many people use them/want them and why? Are they doing the right things, getting the right outcomes? Are they the right services in the right place? If not what must change? Are there things missing that we would want to develop? Is there an identifiable group who can assist? If not how will you find them and what are there attributes ?

7 Shaping provision People using the service Provider Commissioner Co-production RESPONSIVE SERVICES

8 Responsive services create.. Customer focus Choice Control Shared goals Improved outcomes Fair pricing Risk sharing Opportunities Interoperability

9 An investment in outcomes Types of outcome: maintenance; improvement; transition; process The need to find synergy between different levels of expressed outcomes:- Strategic (political) communities (localism) communities of interest you & me Inputs (money, staff, buildings) → Outputs (who, how many, when and how long) Inputs (investment) → Outcomes (results) → Accountability to investors and users

10 Funder/Investor comparison THE FUNDERTHE INVESTOR Seeks proposals and allocate available money Likes widespread participation in selection decisions Considers funding decisions the high point of their work Hands-off – from grant deciders to contractors to monitors Focuses on compliance with procedures and activity Monitors and ‘holds accountable’ Seeks and funds promising opportunities as presented Asks small teams to make investment decisions Considers the initial investment only the starting point Views the investment as part of a partnership The investor sticks with the investment Focuses on getting intended results Asks “How can I help?”

11 Provider management questions Non-results based asks… Am I following the work plan? Am I following the rules? Am I spending all the money? Results based asks… What results do I commit to achieve? Can I pull it off, both financially and with my programme / service? What do I need to learn?

12 Influencing NationalLocal Regulation (tighter or looser)Planning (eg lighter touch) Legal entry requirements (part of regulation but not optional ) Local tax (reduced rates for certain types of business) Tax incentivesInvestment (financial support, training etc) Preferential treatments (Gov’t promotes some ideas via media) Perks ( new business referrals via enhanced information support, ”star ratings” etc.)

13 Some specific tools Commissioner/provider Concordat ( ) Risk management ( book/Chapter4WorkingwithServiceProviders/) book/Chapter4WorkingwithServiceProviders/ Open book methodologies ( Community engagement ( ) Social Capital ( )

14 Some more specific tools Well developed long term strategies and clear sense of direction ( 07.pdf ) 07.pdf Micro Markets ( hild=3531) hild=3531 Information ( Time banks ( )

15 Some specific issues for discussion with market providers…. Risk Limits Affordability Sustainability Outcomes approach Consortia working

16 Contact Skype:- creativecommissioning Phone:- 07534 981220

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