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ADD UCEDD TA Institute Panel: The Future of UCEDD Accountability Lu Zeph, Ed.D. June 2, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "ADD UCEDD TA Institute Panel: The Future of UCEDD Accountability Lu Zeph, Ed.D. June 2, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADD UCEDD TA Institute Panel: The Future of UCEDD Accountability Lu Zeph, Ed.D. June 2, 2009

2 Future Trends Affecting Interdisciplinary University Centers Continued Emphasis on Accountability Increased University and Funder Interest in Interdisciplinarity, Diversity, University-Community Engagement, and Social Impact Increased Role of Technology Across All Aspects of Society Establishment of Various Types of Consortia Increased Competition for University and Funder Resources Demonstrated Return on Investment University Focus on Enhanced Status

3 The Potential Benefits of an Integrated Accountability System for UCEDDs Document Accountability Requirements of the DD Act Set Core Benchmarks and Standards for Success Create a Culture of Continuous Quality Enhancement Enhance UCEDD Standing Within the University and Among Other Funders Engage Stakeholders, Faculty, Staff, University Administrators, UCEDD Network Peers, and Federal Representatives in the Process

4 Characteristics of an Integrated Quality Enhancement Accountability System for UCEDDS Integrates Peer Review, Technical Assistance, Strategic Planning Process, and Core Grant Application Reflects University Requirements and Culture Recognizes and Respects the Inter- relationship between the UCEDD and the Host University Fosters Increased Understanding of UCEDD Activities for Stakeholders, UCEDD Faculty, Staff and Students, and the Host University

5 Characteristics (2) Captures Both Quantitative and Qualitative Data Through Multiple Sources Incorporates Stakeholder Satisfaction Includes Self-Assessment Encourages a Problem-Solving Approach to Addressing Challenges Evaluates for Success

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