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Donors mapping
Mapping donors conditions Devise successful implementation plan
Contents What is donor mapping? 1 Mapping donors conditions 2 Proposal Development 3 Devise successful implementation plan 4 Developing donor satisfactory M& E System 5 12/22/2011
What is donors mapping?
What Is Donor Mapping? Researching and networking with donors It offers an in-depth overview of the most important characteristics of donor engagement Donor mapping is not a one-time activity
Why Is Donor Mapping Important?
Systematically approach and prioritise your fundraising activities Identifying gaps or issues within your income sources Identifying potential areas of growth / opportunity
HOW TO MAP DONORS Stage One: Map Your Existing Donors
Who currently gives you money? Who currently supports your work? Who currently has an interest in association with your organization? Stage Two: Map Prospective Donors Who works in your geographical area? Who could have an interest in supporting your work? Who do you know that would support your work? Who else would you like to support your work Two Stages that explore 1) who you currently work with and 2) who has expressed an interest in working with you and the other about who might be really very interested in supporting you and who you want to support you. Why are the two stages (in this order) important? Because by knowing who currently funds you and understanding their motivations (stage 1) , you will be able to clearly see what networks these existing donors have that you might be able to tap in to as well as understand how to best communicate the work that you currently do in a way that is of interest to those funders you are interested in approaching (stage 2).
EU Donor Atlas Mapping Official Development Assistance
Funding opportunities
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Aid Statistics: OECD Database
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Mapping donors conditions
Mapping of donors conditions
Mapping of donors conditions and requirements Purpose: To improve your possibilities to coordinate support from different donors and Lessen their administrative burden, in line with donor obligations
Types of data required for mapping
Requirements related to administration of support and content of the collaboration. aid flow
Proposal Development
What is a project proposal?
A proposal is a request for financial assistance to implement a project. A proposal is not just a "shopping list" of things you want. A proposal must justify each item in the list of things you want, so that a donor agency can decide if it wants to provide some or all of those things. You must know exactly what you want to do with these things, and that is why you should design a project to carry out what you want to achieve.
It is important to carefully formulate and design your project.
Proposal writing is a skill which requires some knowledge and practice.
ORGANIZING WORK Involve your team (one person shouldn’t write a proposal) Prepare all preliminary information Create a checklist Don’t bother the funder too much during the preparation process Think of the structure
START-UP WORK Identifying a project idea
Looking for a potential funder Studying priorities, guidelines and application forms / previously funded projects Establishing initial contact (organization’s mission and vision, strategy, structure, team) Creating partnerships (now or earlier)
COVER LETTER First thing the funder reads
Must engage the reader so (s)he reads the rest of the proposal Personal, to the point, concise Structure: project title, goals and objectives, total amount requested, duration of the project)
SUMMARY A concise, clear synopsis of the project Not more than a page
Description of the organization Statement of problem and / or need Project objectives Outline of proposed activities The amount requested
INTRODUCTION Description of the applicant (mission, vision, values, strategic objectives, structure, team) Short list of organization’s achievements Who are you beneficiaries and partners Why do you apply to this funder?
NEEDS ASSESSMENT What is the problem or need?
Describe the problem in relation to your target group Place the problem in a larger context your organizations works in Use figures and concrete examples (case studies) Relate it to the funders guidelines and priorities
OBJECTIVES All objectives should be SMART i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed. Specific - Be precise about what you are going to achieve Measurable - Quantify you objectives Achievable - Are you attempting too much? Realistic - Do you have the resource to make the objective happen (human resources, financial, the right context and opportunities)? Timed - State when you will achieve the objective (within a month? By February 2012?)
METHODS / ACTIVITIES Answer to the question “HOW?”
Right place to give details and figures Put activities in the time order Give reasons why you selected this method Be consistent with overall project goal, objectives and the context Make references to previous use of the method by you or other organizations
Timeline Communicate Solid partnerships Innovative project
Define your budget 80% planning the project % writing the proposal
OUTCOMES / OUTPUTS Know the difference
Outcome: long term result / effect (hard to measure) Output is a very concrete result / product (easily measurable) Provide both outcomes and outputs in a clear structure
EVALUATION PLAN Strategy to measure the success
Explanation of the criteria used to measure the success Includes: - quantitative indicators (numbers) - qualitative indicators (contents) - vision of success (what you want to achieve)
Must be measurable and quantifiable
Use baseline data Evaluate each goal and objective
BUDGET Structure: human resources, purchases, operational costs, activities Clear budget items (how did you come up with the amount you’ve indicated in the budget line) Explanations to the budget in annex (why you need a particular amount, offers, etc.)
Strategies For Writing Your Proposal
Content Organization Style Design
Content Be focused and specific
Show how your project is related to the grant giver’s goals Provide details, including the budget Include everything required by the RFP
Organization Provide an executive summary
Follow the guidelines of the RFP Use headings, overviews, and summaries
Style Define terms Be to the point Allow time for revision
Get feedback from other people
Design Use page numbers, headers, and footers
Include photos and diagrams Make sure the proposal looks professional
Tips on Writing Always remember your main idea Avoid excessive jargon
Think of the reviewer No unnecessary information Revise Have someone else read the proposal Edit Have someone unrelated to the project read your proposal. If they are bored, chances are the reviewer will be as well.
Sections of the Proposal
Summary Need Budget Capability Method Plan Evaluate
Remember: It all Starts with an Idea
Never forget to analyze the goals of the granting agency
What are the goals of the granting agency? What is their strategic plan? Why was the fund set up? What do they want to fund? What other obligations are involved? What are the requirements of the RFP?
Common mistakes
Common Mistakes Idea ≠ Grant purpose Ignoring instructions
Vague objectives Poor writing Last minute writing Typos Assuming reviewers are experts in field Using buzzwords Inaccurate costs Budget ≠ Narrative
The Budget Equipment $1000 Human Resource $20,000 Others $35,000
Comment on this budget
The Budget Highlight each item in the narrative that will appear in the budget Conversely, every item that appears in the budget must be described in the narrative Break down each item into parts; be intuitive O Equipment $1000 Equipment Dell computer Model # $900 Remote Mouse $100 P
Tips: Use donor specific guidelines to seek project funding
Reasons of proposals rejection
The proposal uses vague generalizations and promises.
Because the use of vague generalizations and promises is often a sign of an action plan that the applicant has not put sufficient thought into preparing.
Reasons for rejection GM of an NGO
Lack of Reference Structure of the organization / Composition of Board Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP) Certification is needed for tax exemption Overestimation of costs
Reasons for M&E Nearly 80% of interviewees describe an increased emphasis on M&E over the past 20 years. Donors push for M&E because they believe: There is a need for greater political accountability within their own governments. M&E helps them learn from past failures and strengthen future programs. M&E is a powerful method for showing impact and legitimizing work Mapping Donor Decision Making on Media Development, by The School of International and Public Affairs Columbia University, May 2011
Devise successful implementation plan
Developing donor satisfactory M& E System
Trends Case of Gates and Buffet : Chicago Meeting
Paris Declaration of Aid Effectiveness
Paris Declaration 2005 Donors are urged in the Paris Declaration to specialise in areas where they have a comparative advantage and to work collaboratively, for example through programme-based approaches and delegated co- operation. The Paris Declaration recognises that a pragmatic approach to division of labour by donors and partner countries stands to increase complementarity, improve alignment, and reduce transaction costs
Remember: Corporate Social Responsibility units in corporations
International Good Practice Principles for Country-Led Division of Labour and Complementarity, 2009 by OECD
Principle 1: Partner Country Leadership
“The division of labour process should be led by the partner country in dialogue with donors, and in a transparent manner that enables parliaments to fulfill their mandate and enables the participation of civil society and the private sector.”
Principle 2: Rationalize Aid
“Development results can be improved when donors individually and collectively rationalize their activities at the country level.”
Principle 3: Optimal Use of Development Resources
“Partner countries and donors should commit to avoiding duplication and fragmentation and ensuring the optimal use of development resources in the locations, sectors and thematic areas where they work and in the aid modalities through which they channel their assistance.”
Principle 4: Flexibility and Pragmatism
“Negotiations are a necessary component of the division of labour process, and therefore flexibility on both sides is required. All actors are committed to pragmatic and workable solutions.”
Principle 5: Capacity Development
“As division of labour aims at more effective use of aid, donors should commit to harmonise and better co-ordinate their support for capacity development for overall aid management by the partner country.”
Principle 6: Neutral Impact on Aid Volume
“The impact of a division of labour process on overall country aid volume should be neutral.”
Principle 7: Monitoring and Evaluation
“Partner countries and donors should monitor and evaluate the added value of division of labour”
Principle 8: Communication
“Partner countries and donors should communicate the added value of division of labour.”
0333-5317802 Atiq ur Rehman
QUESTIONS? Atiq ur Rehman
You got the Grant!!!
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