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D E P A R T M E N T O F A G R I C U L T U R E, F I S H E R I E S A N D F O R E S T R Y 1. Data Sources for Building Pest Lists 2. Australian Plant Pest.

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Presentation on theme: "D E P A R T M E N T O F A G R I C U L T U R E, F I S H E R I E S A N D F O R E S T R Y 1. Data Sources for Building Pest Lists 2. Australian Plant Pest."— Presentation transcript:

1 D E P A R T M E N T O F A G R I C U L T U R E, F I S H E R I E S A N D F O R E S T R Y 1. Data Sources for Building Pest Lists 2. Australian Plant Pest Database Dr Ian Naumann, Office of the Chief Plant Protection Officer SPS Awareness and Introduction to PRA, Lembang, Indonesia 18-19 April 2005

2 Overview ISPM 8 – definition of pest record and criteria for evaluating a record Information sources and how criteria can be used to evaluate the records they contain Importance of reference collections and the records they preserve Information management systems Local databases Sharing information among databases Australian Plant Pest Database Global linking of databases

3 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) ISPM 3. Code of Conduct for the Import and Release of Exotic Biological Control Agents ISPM 6. Guidelines for Surveillance ISPM 8. Determination of Pest Status in an Area ISPM 11. Pest Risk Analysis for Quarantine Pests

4 ISPM 8. Determination of Pest Status in an Area 1.Scientific name of pest 2.Classification 3.Life stage 4.Identification method 5.Date of record 6.Locality, including site particulars 7.Name of host 8.Host damage or method of collection 9.Prevalence 10. Bibliographical references PEST RECORD

5 1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location 4. Recording and publication RELIABILITY OF A RECORD ISPM 8. Determination of Pest Status in an Area

6 1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location 4. Recording and publication 1. Collectors a.Taxonomic specialist b.Professional diagnostician c.Scientist d.Technician e.Expert amateur f.Non-specialist g.Collector/identifier ISPM 8. Determination of Pest Status in an Area

7 1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location 4. Recording and publication 2. Technical Identification a.Biochemical or molecular diagnosis b.Specimen or culture in official collection, taxonomic description by specialist c.Specimen in general collection d.Description and photograph e.Visual description only f.Method of identification not known ISPM 8. Determination of Pest Status in an Area

8 1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location 4. Recording and publication 3. Location and date a.Delimiting or detection surveys b.Other field or production surveys c.Casual or incidental field observation, possibly with no defined location/date d.Observation with/in products or by- products; interception e.Precise location and date not known ISPM 8. Determination of Pest Status in an Area

9 1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location 4. Recording and publication a.NPPO record/RPPO publication (where refereed) b.Scientific or technical journal (refereed) c.Official historical record d.Scientific or technical journal (not refereed) e.Specialist amateur publication f.Unpublished scientific or technical document g.Non-technical publication, periodical, newspaper h.Personal communication, unpublished ISPM 8. Determination of Pest Status in an Area

10 Pest Information Sources Primary Literature (research papers, specialist texts) Grey Literature (conference proceedings; pamphlets, PRA’s) Secondary Literature (“encyclopaedias”) Electronic sources Specimen information Listservers Newspapers Unpublished information (letters, unpublished documents)

11 1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location 4. Recording and publication a.NPPO record/RPPO publication (where refereed) b.Scientific or technical journal (refereed) c.Official historical record d.Scientific or technical journal (not refereed) e.Specialist amateur publication f.Unpublished scientific or technical document g.Non-technical publication, periodical, newspaper h.Personal communication, unpublished ISPM 8. Determination of Pest Status in an Area

12 Pest Information Sources Primary Literature (research papers, specialist texts) Grey Literature (conference proceedings; pamphlets, PRA’s) Secondary Literature (“encyclopaedias”) Electronic sources Specimen information Listservers Newspapers Unpublished information (letters, unpublished documents)

13 Pest Information Sources Primary Literature (research papers, specialist texts) 1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location 4. Recording and publication

14 Pest Information Sources Grey Literature (conference proceedings; pamphlets, PRA’s) 3. Location

15 Pest Information Sources Secondary Literature (“encyclopaedias”) 3. Location 4. Recording and publication

16 Pest Information Sources Electronic sources 2. Technical Identification 3. Location

17 Pest Information Sources Listservers Newspapers 1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location Unpublished information (letters, unpublished documents)

18 Pest Information Sources Specimen information 1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location4. Recording and publication



21 Pest Information Sources Specimen information 1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location4. Recording and publication

22 Entomological reference collection Taxonomic research Database for entomological specimen records Brunei + Cambodia + Indonesia ++++ Lao PDR + Malaysia ++++ Myanmar ++ Philippines +++ Singapore +++ Thailand ++++ Vietnam +++

23 Overview ISPM 8 – definition of pest record and criteria for evaluating a record Information sources and how criteria can be used to evaluate the records they contain Importance of reference collections and the records they preserve Information management systems Local databases Sharing information among databases Australian Plant Pest Database Global linking of databases

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