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Standardization on bio-based products Solveig Eriksson convenor CEN/TC 411/WG 4 Brussels 13.11.2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Standardization on bio-based products Solveig Eriksson convenor CEN/TC 411/WG 4 Brussels 13.11.2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standardization on bio-based products Solveig Eriksson convenor CEN/TC 411/WG 4 Brussels 13.11.2013

2  2005 CEN – all rights reserved Contents  CEN and main principles of European Standardization  Mandates on bio-based products  CEN/TC 411 “Bio-based products” and its standardization activities  Participation in CEN/TC 411  Process and timetable  WG 4 activities

3  2005 CEN – all rights reserved  Recognised European Standardization Body by EU legislation  National Standardization Bodies (NSBs) from 33 countries:  28 EU countries, 3 EFTA, Turkey, FYROM About CEN

4  2005 CEN – all rights reserved  Voluntary  standards are voluntary in application  Openness and transparency  open to participation of all interested parties and broad consultation  Consensus  we build European consensus among all stakeholders  National commitment  NSBs to implement European standards as identical national standards and withdraw conflicting national standards  Market relevance  reflect market needs  Correct integration with international work  Cooperation with ISO (Vienna agreement) Main principles of European Standardization

5  2005 CEN – all rights reserved Mandates on bio-based products  Mandate: request from EC to develop specific standards or study feasibility and propose standardization programme in specific field  Within framework of Lead Market Initiative  Mandates in the field of bio-based products: M/429 on the elaboration of a standardization programme for bio-based productsM/429 M/430 on bio-polymers and bio-lubricantsM/430 M/491 on bio-solvents and bio-surfactantsM/491 M/492 for the development of horizontal standards for bio- based productsM/492

6  2005 CEN – all rights reserved Bio-based products: CEN Technical Bodies * Work ended in August 2010 M/430 M/491 M/491 M/492 M/429 CEN Technical Board CEN/TC 19 Gaseous and liquid fuels, lubricants and related products of petroleum, synthetic and biological origin CEN/TC 249 Plastics CEN/TC 276 Surface Active Agents CEN/TC 411 Bio-based products BTWG 209 Bio-based products*

7  2005 CEN – all rights reserved  Created in May 2011  Scope: standards for bio-based products covering horizontal aspects:  consistent terminology  sampling  certification tools  bio-based content  application of and correlation towards life cycle analysis  sustainability criteria for biomass used & final products  aspects where further harmonisation is needed at horizontal level  Focus on bio-based products, other than food & feed and bio-mass for energy  Also development of standards for bio-solvents according to M/491 CEN/TC 411 “Bio-based products”

8  2005 CEN – all rights reserved CEN/TC 411 structure CEN/TC 411 Chairman: F. Petit Secretariat: NEN WG 1 Terminology Convenor: H. Omloo WG 2 Bio-solvents Convenor: A. Brossier WG 3 Bio-based content Convenor: F. Bakker WG 4 Sustainability criteria, life cycle analysis and related issues Convenor: S. Eriksson WG 5 Certification and declaration tools Convenor: H. Vooijs

9  2005 CEN – all rights reserved CEN publications bio-based products  2008 CEN – all rights reserved 03/05/2015 9

10  2005 CEN – all rights reserved Publications in development  2008 CEN – all rights reserved 03/05/2015 10

11  2005 CEN – all rights reserved National Mirror Committee National opinion CEN/TC 411 Report back to National Mirror Committee Nominated national delegates Nominated national delegates from other countries Participation of companies/national associations Contribute national opinion, discussion with other participants To participate contact your NSB:

12  2005 CEN – all rights reserved Participation of European and International associations  European/International associations have the possibility to ask for a liaison with a TC:  Need to send an official application including motivation letter, by-laws and list of members  Request needs to be approved by CEN Technical Board  If accepted, organisations will have the right to participate as observers and appoint experts to WGs  Further information:

13  2005 CEN – all rights reserved - AAF (starch) - European Bioplastics - ACE (beverage cartons) - FEDIOL (fats & oils) - CEI-Bois (wood) - Plastics Europe - CEPI (pulp & paper) - CEPE (paints, printing inks and artists’ colours) - CPME (PET manufacturers) - CITPA (paper & board converters) - COPA-COGECA (farmers) - EIHA (hemp) - ESIG (solvents) - EUROPABIO (biotechnology) Note: CEN/TC 249, CEN/TC 19 and CEN/TC 276 might have other liaisons Organisations in liaison with CEN/TC 411

14  2005 CEN – all rights reserved Technical Committee Enquiry (circulation for Comments ) consolidation of comments Formal vote (weighted voting) TIMEFRAME: 3 YEARS Draft Standard European Standard National Standards Bodies National Standards Bodies, Associates… Development process European Standard (EN) National Implement. Technical Committee Standards expected to be published in 2014-2016

15  2005 CEN – all rights reserved CEN/TC 411/WG 4  2008 CEN – all rights reserved 03/05/2015 15

16  2005 CEN – all rights reserved Sustainability and LCA  The standard for Sustainability will be sent for enquiry in February 2014  The same for the LCA-standard  At our 6th meeting in Bucharest we finished handling of the comments on the LCA draft and about half of the Sustainability draft. The rest at an webinar the 20th of November.  Enquiry drafts will be ready after our next meeting in Milan end of January  No thresholds – these will be set through product standards or political decisions  2008 CEN – all rights reserved 03/05/2015 16

17  2005 CEN – all rights reserved Sustainability Standard  All Principles agreed upon  Almost all the criteria are written  Indicators will be in place in the next draft  The Standard is divided in three parts:  Environmental  Social  Economic  Also some general requirements  Annexes will be added where felt necessary to give extra guidance  2008 CEN – all rights reserved 03/05/2015 17

18  2005 CEN – all rights reserved Environmental areas covered:  Air and climate protection  Water  Soil  Biodiversity  Raw materials  Energy  Waste Note: This is a preliminary list and may be changed  2008 CEN – all rights reserved 03/05/2015 18

19  2005 CEN – all rights reserved Social areas covered  Human rights  Labour rights  Land use rights and land use change  Water use rights  Local development Note: This is a preliminary list and may be changed  2008 CEN – all rights reserved 03/05/2015 19

20  2005 CEN – all rights reserved Economic areas covered  Fair business practices  (Financial risk management)  Proposal to remove since not necessary to put in a standard Note: This is a preliminary list and may be changed  2008 CEN – all rights reserved 03/05/2015 20

21  2005 CEN – all rights reserved Sustainability Standard  Our standard will not be an certification scheme! That is for verifiers or certification bodies to handle.  Cooperation with WG5 - common meetings to discuss how they can use our standard when building up their standards for verification and certification tools.  2008 CEN – all rights reserved 03/05/2015 21

22  2005 CEN – all rights reserved LCA - Standard  Using existing ISO 14040 – 14044 as basis.  The focus is on what is specific for bio-based products  Not inventing already invented wheels!  2008 CEN – all rights reserved 03/05/2015 22

23  2005 CEN – all rights reserved Thank you for your attention Solveig Eriksson: Maria Gustafsson: For more information visit:

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