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EXPANSION OF ASIA: 600 TO 1450 AP World History Ms. Kamburov.

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1 EXPANSION OF ASIA: 600 TO 1450 AP World History Ms. Kamburov

2 Chinese Dynasties Chronology  Shang  Zhou  Period of Warring States  Qin  Han  Tang  Song  Brief period of Mongol rule  Ming

3 Tang & Song  Grouped together  Tang expanded China  Fell due to overexpansion and feuds between local warlords  Song  Fell due to Mongol invasion Eventually Mongols were driven out and replaced with the Ming dynasty

4 Tang Expansion

5 Song

6 Tang & Song Accomplishments  Tang – most famous for poetry  Tells us about daily life in China during that time  Under the Song dynasty, China developed printing processes (also increased use of gunpowder)  This facilitated the spread of literacy and later influenced education, etc. in Korea & Japan  DQ: Where else did printing processes simultaneously develop?

7 Tang Poetry At Parting by Wang Wei I dismount from my horse and I offer you wine, And I ask you where you are going and why. And you answer: "I am discontent And would rest at the foot of the southern mountain. So give me leave and ask me no questions. White clouds pass there without end."

8 Political Stability  Under the Tang & Song dynasties, China was very stable  Bureaucratic system based on merit Thus, civil service became a meritocracy as opposed to aristocracy DQ: Who developed this system?  Extensive transportation and communication network within empire  Introduction of paper money and letters of credit  Urban base (e.g. Tang power was concentrated in Chang’an)

9 Wu Zhao  First and only Empress of China  Ruled under the Tang dynasty  Ironically, China was at this time (600 – 1450) highly patriarchal  Women enjoyed very few rights  Foot-binding widespread under the Song dynasty

10 Medical Effects


12 Japan  Most important ruling family was the Yamato clan – the first and ONLY dynasty to rule Japan  Eventually government fell into the control of the Fujiwara family while the emperor remained a figurehead

13 Feudalism in Japan  Developed around the same time as in Europe 1. Emperor – king/monarch 2. Shogun – chief general or high lord 3. Daimyo samurai – lords or knights 4. Lesser samurai – given land by daimyo samurai 5. Peasants & artisans

14 Samurai  Followed the Code of Bushido  Similar to Code of Chivalry for European knights  Stressed loyalty, courage & honor If a samurai failed to meet his obligations, he was supposed to commit suicide

15 The Mongols  Nomads  Superb horsemen and archers  Rivalries between tribes and clans prevented unity until Genghis Khan set them on a unified path of expansion  Led the Mongol invasion of China  Eventually the Mongol Empire spanned from the Pacific Ocean to Eastern Europe Golden Horde in Russia DQ: What major trade routes can you identify in the following map?

16 Mongol Empire

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