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Anna Jenkins Director, FSC UK Forest Stewardship Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Anna Jenkins Director, FSC UK Forest Stewardship Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anna Jenkins Director, FSC UK Forest Stewardship Council

2 Background & evolution of FSC Brief overview of how FSC works Why do businesses and civil society engage? Successes and challenges Summary Forest Stewardship Council

3 The problem Forests are in crisis Massive loss of forests continuing –60-80% of logging is illegal in Indonesia and Brazil –Rate of loss 14.6 million ha loss each year. 30 ha/minute Social issues – indigenous peoples’ & workers rights Environmental damage – loss of habitat, species, soils Economic loss – resource loss, loss of livelihoods

4 The problem The timber trade is in crisis Environmental groups campaigning to boycott tropical timber Damaged reputation of timber trade, professional timber users & product retailers Bad reputation affects everyone, not just ‘the bad guys’ Bogus claims of sustainable forest management Loss of demand for timber Timber being replaced by alternatives from non- renewable resources Which has lead to mass confusion amongst timber users


6 How FSC helps… FSC was formed in response to the crisis by environmental and social NGOs, leading businesses and forest managers. Brings together social, environmental and economic interests to define responsible forestry Independent of any one group An accreditation system for forest certification schemes A labelling system for products from well managed forests Voluntary market based incentive FSC allows you to choose to support responsible forest management

7 Independent, international, non-profit organisation An balanced association of over 500 members: Economic: Timber traders, retailers, processors, manufacturers; Social: Trade unions, indigenous peoples, development charities; Environmental: Ecologists, campaigning groups, academics What is the FSC?

8 FSC is a unique collaboration

9 FSC core activities Standard Setting Maintains an international standard of forest management: Principles & Criteria for Forest Stewardship (P&C) Endorses national standards that apply the P&C Sets standards of operation for certification bodies Standards are used by the FSC accreditation unit FSC provides a consistent standards framework for the comparison of forest management and certification globally

10 FSC Principles & Criteria 1. Compliance with laws and FSC Principles 2. Tenure and use rights and responsibilities 3.Indigenous peoples' rights 4.Community relations and worker's rights 5. Benefits from the forest 6. Environmental impact 7.Management plan 8. Monitoring and assessment 9. Maintenance of high conservation value forests 10. Plantations

11 FSC core activities Accreditation System (ABU) FSC is an umbrella under which independent forest inspection (certification) bodies can operate Certification bodies must meet the same minimum standards FSC inspects the certifiers annually in the field and office FSC accredits independent certifiers that certify forest management and chain of custody (CoC) systems The FSC Accreditation system ensures that the certifiers are following the same minimum standards

12 Forest Forest management & CoCcertification Board mill CoC certification Furniture factory CoC certification Retailer

13 The FSC label The mark of responsible forestry Single label on products from all countries

14 Why businesses engage Market Demand Certified companies retain markets (Eg B&Q suppliers) and enter new ones. (Eg Softwood railway sleepers from the UK) The demand is NOT from the person in the street It is from risk averse and CSR aware companies and their investors Investor Demand Certified companies retain their investors. Eg Travis Perkins Price Sometimes higher, especially from tropical sources Price penalties for uncertified material emerging in the UK.

15 Why civil society engages Concern about forests and people Conservation and sustainable resource use Loss of traditional rights and livelihoods Environmental degradation Workers’ and indigenous peoples’ rights An equal stake Social, environmental, economic, north and south balanced FSC offers a solution Civil society increasingly solution focused A tool that helps deliver NGO objectives

16 Why FSC works Civil society and business support Market based initiative: Money talks – quickly. Successful system that has grown organically and spread – leading to positive change at the forest level Sense of ownership amongst the participants The FSC system is audited – trusted It contrasts with regulation which can take too long and is often poorly policed (e.g. health and safety) It contrasts with conventions which are often dumbed down (e.g. Kyoto) or never signed (e.g. Rio forest principles)

17 Progress to date - Global 585 members in 67 countries 12 Accredited Certification Bodies 18 accredited regional/national standards Over 40 million ha forest certified in 57 countries 4 - 6% of global commercially viable forests are FSC certified Over 2500 Chain of Custody certificates in 69 countries 32 National Initiatives Over 8,000 FSC products worth £500 million in B&Q alone FSC was established in 1993; first labelled product in 1996


19 Map to follow

20 Challenges ahead Including more tropical forest areas in the system Including more smaller processors and growers Including more community managed areas Making FSC more sustainable in itself – moving away from charitable support Maintaining a responsive and equitable system that stakeholders can engage in whilst meeting customer needs

21 Summary FSC is the only independent, international timber labelling system. FSC is the only system with support from all these sectors: international environmental NGOs indigenous peoples timber growers and traders manufacturers major high street retailers For further information visit or call 01686 Specify FSC to ensure that you are supporting responsible forest management!

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