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IVALSA / CNR Trees and Timber Institute / National Research Council largest Italian RTD institution in wood based technologies part of National Research.

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Presentation on theme: "IVALSA / CNR Trees and Timber Institute / National Research Council largest Italian RTD institution in wood based technologies part of National Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 IVALSA / CNR Trees and Timber Institute / National Research Council largest Italian RTD institution in wood based technologies part of National Research Council and Commessa 3 research sites: Sesto Fiorentino, Follonica and San Michele 70 people staff Contacts: IVALSA/CNR via Biasi 75, 38010 San Michele a/A (TN), ITALY Martino Negri ( / Jakub Sandak ( International Partnering Meeting, Find partners for your FP7 projects, 30-01-2007, Winterthur / Zurich, Switzerland

2 Main research areas: W-industrial applications (processing, drying, modification...) W-building systems (seismic, fire, durability, psychology…) Cultural Heritage and Landscape & Environment Competences: w-quality, surface characterization, hygro-thermal behavior, w-chemistry, w-anatomy, physico-mechanical properties (…) Selected scientific projects: Wood Plus+/Innovation (EU); Black locust/Forest (EU); Xyloreach (EU); InnovaWood SSA/SSA (EU); LeaderII (EU); SOFIE (IT); VALERIE (IT) International Partnering Meeting, Find partners for your FP7 projects, 30-01-2007, Winterthur / Zurich, Switzerland IVALSA / CNR italy Trees and Timber Institute National Research Council

3 Problem: SME solicitation to avoid the final step of sanding during finishing; raised fibers on the surface for some species (spruce, fir, other conifers) Solution: develop novel surface formation process with: complementary cutting techniques / friction treatment / freezing surface / burning (?)… + automatic system for roughness measurement / adaptive process control + integration of machining process and surface finishing Seeking for: experienced scientific partners, SME (associations of SME) attracted proposal 1: NeWProSS New Wood Processes for Smooth Surface International Partnering Meeting, Find partners for your FP7 projects, 30-01-2007, Winterthur / Zurich, Switzerland IVALSA / CNR italy Trees and Timber Institute National Research Council

4 Problem: exposed wood changes color / loses esthetical attractiveness Solution: optimize w-species selection and finishing to improve outdoor performance measure color changes (+ NIR, gloss, wettability, roughness… ) for several w-species without any treatment & finished with varied techniques (water based / solvent based / bio based / traditional based (oils & wax) / nano based / plastic layer based…) during field & laboratory tests (UV, Xeno light) - focused not only on finishing products but also on wood itself Seeking for: scientific partners, SME (associations of SME), architects, novel techniques proposal 2: w-COCO wood COlor Change for Outdoor uses International Partnering Meeting, Find partners for your FP7 projects, 30-01-2007, Winterthur / Zurich, Switzerland IVALSA / CNR italy Trees and Timber Institute National Research Council

5 Problem: SME solicitation to increase profitability of production (quality, yeld, efficiency), reduce costs and improve personnel safety Solution: re-engineering of the w-working machines by implementing automatic systems for: adaptive control of feed/cutting speed, detection of abnormal cutting, detection of the tool damage, monitor tool wear… develop innovative tools / machinery for narrow-kerf sawing Seeking for: experienced scientific partners, SME (associations of SME) both users of machines and machine/tool producers proposal 3: SMooP Smart Machines for Wood Processes International Partnering Meeting, Find partners for your FP7 projects, 30-01-2007, Winterthur / Zurich, Switzerland IVALSA / CNR italy Trees and Timber Institute National Research Council

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