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Re-wilding The National Forest Sam Lattaway Biodiversity & Access Officer The National Forest Company.

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Presentation on theme: "Re-wilding The National Forest Sam Lattaway Biodiversity & Access Officer The National Forest Company."— Presentation transcript:

1 Re-wilding The National Forest Sam Lattaway Biodiversity & Access Officer The National Forest Company


3 1986 2006 1987 – Idea of a National Forest is born 1990 – Location chosen from 5 options

4 Why create the Forest here? Symbolically central Spans 3 counties & 2 regions One of the least wooded areas of England Mining and clay working created massive potential for regeneration and environmental improvement

5 1986 2006 1987 – Idea of a National Forest is born 1995 – National Forest Company formed 1990 – Location chosen from 5 options 1991 – Development team established

6 “To create, through working partnerships and with community participation, a new 200 square mile multi-purpose forest for the nation in the heart of England.” National Forest Company mission statement

7 Objectives of The National Forest Landscape enhancement Habitat creation and management Recreation and tourism resource High quality timber Rural diversification Economic stimulation Community involvement

8 1986 2006 1987 – Idea of a National Forest is born 1995 – National Forest Company formed 2004 – Launch of 2 nd 10-year strategy 2005 – 10 th anniversary celebrations 1990 – Location chosen from 5 options 1991 – Development team established

9 The first 10 years

10 Landscape-scale habitat creation Woodland in 19916%3,010ha Woodland in 200616.8%8,440ha Woodland target33%16,550ha Other habitats in 19913%1,500ha Other habitats planned+2%1,000ha Total habitats38%19,000ha Total change+29%15,000ha Woodland in 19916%3,010ha Woodland in 200616.8%8,440ha Woodland target33%16,550ha Other habitats in 19913%1,500ha Other habitats planned+2%1,000ha Total habitats38%19,000ha Total change+29%15,000ha

11 Forest cover in 1995 Forest cover in 2006

12 How is it delivered? 0 100ha 200ha 300ha 400ha 500ha 600ha 1995/96 1996/971997/981998/99 1999/00 2000/012001/02 2002/032003/042004/05 2005/06 Partners & Other Land acquisition Mineral/derelict land restoration Tender Scheme

13 National Forest Tender Scheme Open to all landowners For habitat creation and management Minimum 2ha with 50% new planting 30 year contract Funded through EWGS and NFC 80% paid in year 1 20% in year 6

14 National Forest Tender Scheme Over £29 million invested since 1995 3,450ha on 192 sites 80% on privately owned land 80% broadleaved trees Has encouraged farm diversification Significant contribution to BAP targets

15 Biodiversity Action Plan Produced with partners Launched in 1998 Reviewed in 2004 16 habitats 9 species Targets set for 2010

16 Progress towards revised targets

17 The next 10 years

18 Climate change

19 Habitat fragmentation



22 Landscape-scale thinking


24 The next 100 years

25 Landscape-scale management

26 Re-introductions?

27 The National Forest Have made great progress Nearly half way to our target But still plenty to do Big challenges for the future But also bigger opportunities?

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