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Dr J D Daryani MD (Hom.) Principal & Medical Superintendent Dr. MPK Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, JAIPUR (India) What Homoeopathy.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr J D Daryani MD (Hom.) Principal & Medical Superintendent Dr. MPK Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, JAIPUR (India) What Homoeopathy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr J D Daryani MD (Hom.) Principal & Medical Superintendent Dr. MPK Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, JAIPUR (India) What Homoeopathy Can Offer For Geriatrics ?

2 Old age does not necessarily mean any earmark demarcation of chronological age, but an age from where the actual retrogressive changes both in body and mind commence

3 ….“While the ageing of the population is essentially a simple phenomenon, its consequences are multiple and not always well recognized”…. – WHO report 548, 1974

4 There are mainly following complaints, where aged people need medical aid : Anxiety Forgetfulness Depression Insomnia General debility Nervous disorders Vertigo & Meniere`s disease Arteriosclerosis

5 Eye : visual problems, cataract Osteoarthritis BPH Menopausal syndrome Senile pruritis Common complaints contd…


7 BARYTA CARB. A remedy indicated, when degenerative changes occur in the old people begins in the brain and vascular system

8 Bartya Carb. Contd… There is a significant regression in the personality and behavior due to degenerative process

9 Bartya Carb. Contd… Dejected feeling Mental & physical weakness Forgetfulness Anxiety Lack of self confidence Childish behavior Depression

10 AURUM MET. Useful in cases of sclerosis of the arteries especially of the brain in people who are low spirited & weak memory

11 Aurum met contd… Hence, it is indicated in Dementia - vascular & Alzheimer`s. Precipited due to bad effects of grief, fright, anger or contradiction

12 Aurum met.contd… It is also useful in depressive state of mind with reserved displeasure prolonged anxiety disgust of life.

13 G E N E R A L D E B I L I T Y

14 ALFALFA stimulates sympathetic system improves appetite and digestion resulting - improvement in mental and physical status General debility contd…

15 Alfalfa also corrects tissue waste

16 General debility contd… GINKGO BILOBA works as a circulatory stimulant causes relaxation of blood vessels & improves the contractile action of the abnormally relaxed vessels by increasing their tone

17 General debility contd… Ginkgo Biloba - improves circulation improves memory useful in cases of senile dementia vascular dementia and Alzheimer`s disease etc.,

18 KALI PHOS. A nervine tonic, useful in neurasthenia, extreme lassitude & depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, weak memory General debility contd…

19 ACID PHOS. A remedy for nervous exhaustion mental debility appears first followed by physical debility resulting from : - Acute illness - Grief - Loss of vital fluids General debility contd…


21 CALCARIA PHOS. Increasing Bone density Helps in callus formation or unification of bones Musculo – skeletal system contd…

22 CALCAREA FLOUR. It reduces osseous growths and enlargement of bone with or without caries, Therefore, a wonderful medicine for osteoarthritis reduces the pain and osteophytes Musculo – skeletal system contd…

23 V E R T I G O

24 Vertigo contd… CONIUM MAC. Vertigo - postural Especially on lying down turning head sidewise

25 Vertigo contd… PHOSPHORUS Vertigo - postural especially after rising


27 Meniere`s disease contd… Commonly used medicines: Phosphorus Chininum Sulph. Natrum Salicylicum Salicylicum Acidum


29 Prostatic Troubles / BPH contd… Frequent urination Difficult urination – interrupt flow Dribbling Cystitis from prostate hypertrophy Sub-acute and chronic prostatitis

30 Commonly used medicines : Conium Meculatum Sabal Serrulata Prostatic Troubles / BPH contd…

31 E Y E C O M P L A I N T S

32 CINERARIA MARITIMA Effective in prevention and treatment of cataract

33 S E N I L E P R U R I T I S

34 Senile Pruritis contd… Commonly used medicines : Dolichos Puriens Fagopyrum Esculentum


36 Hot flushes Night sweats Palpitations Emotional instability Sadness Depressed Irritability Pigmentation of skin Menopausal syndrome contd…

37 Commonly used medicines : Lachesis Sepia Sulphur


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