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Karloveská 2 Bratislava 842 22 Slovak Republic Slovak Inspectorate of the Environment Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD

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1 Karloveská 2 Bratislava 842 22 Slovak Republic Slovak Inspectorate of the Environment Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD

2 Illegal Traffic Workshop, Bratislava, 3 - 5 October, 2006

3 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD Slovak Inspectorate of the Environment  is professional control body  consists of  Headquarters  4 Regional Inspectorate (1 Place of Work in Nitra)  performs its activity in the field of  waste management  water management  air protection  nature and landscape protection  integrated pollution prevention and control  biosafety Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006

4 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD  Waste Management Inspection (among other duties)  decides in disputed cases whether the goods in question - in transfrontier shipment of waste – are waste  performs inspections in the place of origin of waste, at consignee, notifier and at border crossings  checks any documentations accompanying shipment  performs physical inspection of the waste  takes samples and analyses them (via contracted accredited labs)  imposes fines and corrective measures  staff resources of Waste Management Inspection  Headquarters – 5 employees  Regional Inspectorates – 32 employees

5 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD COOPERATION Waste Management Inspection (WMI) cooperates  on the national level with customs offices border police  on the international level with Czech Republic, mostly  joint inspections at the border crossings  exchange of information cooperation with Austria – joint inspections at the border crossings under preparation The Netherlands - mostly exchange of information

6 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD Length of Borders (km) Border Crossings Number (app.) No weight restriction Czech Republic 251,82315 Poland 508,2196 Ukraine 95,843 Hungary 630,92618 Austria 115,384 Total number 1.6028046 SLOVAK BORDERS - BASIC DATA

7 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD INSPECTION ACTIVITY FOCUSED ON TRANSFONTIER SHIPMENT OF WASTE IN 2006  SIE - at the border crossings since 1st of January 2006  Guidance for inspection activity Chapter 1.  legislation - national (Act No. 223/2001 Coll. on Wastes) - EU (Directive 259/93 and others)  transition period – based on Accession Treaty to the EU (SVK, PL, HU, LI, MT)  waste shipment into EU for disposal  waste shipment into EU for recovery  waste shipment from EU for disposal  waste shipment from EU for recovery

8 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD INSPECTION ACTIVITY FOCUSED ON TRANSFONTIER SHIPMENT OF WASTE IN 2006  Guidance for inspection activity Chapter 2.  necessary shipment documentations, f.e. notifying shipment consignment note contract between notifier and consignee etc.

9 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD INSPECTION ACTIVITY FOCUSED ON TRANSFONTIER SHIPMENT OF WASTE IN 2006  Guidance for inspection activity Chapter 3.  inspection performance  place of inspection  participating bodies customs offices border police  other business

10 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD INSPECTION ACTIVITY FOCUSED ON TRANSFONTIER SHIPMENT OF WASTE IN 2006 Annexes to the Guidance  notification and movement forms  CMR  controlled vehicles (cargos) – form  report on waste shipment  report on goods in question - for decision if the goods are waste

11 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD Review of inspected shipment Day of inspection:Place of inspection: No.Registration number of vehicle Registration number of trailer Type of good Country of dispatch Country of destination Remark

12 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD SLOVENSKÁ INŠPEKCIA ŽIVOTNÉHO PROSTREDIA Inšpektorát životného prostredia....................... odbor inšpekcie odpadového hospodárstva.........(adresa......) Počet príloh/počet strán : PROTOKOL/ZÁZNAM č.... z kontroly dodržiavania povinností pri cezhraničnej preprave odpadu Prítomní :za SIŽP – IŽP..., OIOH......................................................................................................... uvedú sa ďalší zúčastnení napr. Colný úrad, Úrad hraničnej a cudzineckej polície..., dopravca, príjemca..) P r e d m e t o m tohto protokolu je výsledok kontroly dodržiavania povinností pri cezhraničnej preprave odpadu ustanovených zákonom č. 223/2001 Z.z. o odpadoch a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov (ďalej len „zákon o odpadoch“) v spojitosti s Nariadením Rady (EHS) č. 259/1993 o kontrole a riadení pohybu zásielok odpadu v rámci Európskeho spoločenstva, doň a z neho (ďalej len „Nariadenie“) zo dňa...... vykonanej na...(uviesť miesto šetrenia, napr. hraničný priechod a pod.). Kontrolu vykonal(i) v súlade so zákonom NR SR č. 10/1996 Z.z. o kontrole v štátnej správe v znení neskorších predpisov a zákonom č. 525/2003 Z.z. o štátnej správe starostlivosti o životné prostredie a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov... (uviesť meno zamestnanca SIŽP) za účasti... (uviesť všetkých prítomných).

13 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD 1.Time of inspection: 2.Dispatch: Title: Address: Tel.: Fax: Other: 3.Consignee: Title: Address: Tel.: Fax: Other:

14 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD 4.Conveyer: Title: Address: Tel.: Fax: Other: 5.Country of export: 6.Country of import: 7.Country of transit: 8.Means of shipment: Road:Yes:No: Train:Yes:No: Boat:Yes:No: Other: Cargo: 9.Registration number of vehicle (cargo): Registration number of trailer (cargo):

15 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD 10.Shipped waste – listed according Regulation No. 259/93: Green ListYes:No: Title and number of waste Amber ListYes:No: Title and number of Red ListYes: No: Title and number of waste Not listed wasteYes:No: Title of waste Description of waste:

16 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD 11.Packaging of waste: 12.Quantity of waste: 13.Notification form: 14.Movement form: 15.Papers: 16.Other relevant data: Place:..................., date:...................................................... Signature of SIE employee............................................... Signature of Customs Office employee................................................ Signature of Border Police employee................................................. Signature of conveyer................................................. Signature of consignee

17 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD  SIE imposes fines for illegal waste shipment – up to 5.000.000,- SK (app. 125 000,- EUR)  in November 2005 a municipal waste was illegally imported from Austria – 1.300 tons  this case still under the procedure  fines for illegal shipment of waste ( this year) :  500.000,- SK (app. 12.500,- EUR) – import of mixed plastics waste – 4.607 tons (waste was disposed at incineration plant O.L.O. Bratislava) from Slovenia (Dinos a.s. Celie) to Slovakia  100.000,- SK (app. 2.500,- EUR) – export of waste oils from Slovakia (Slovakiachem) to the Czech Republic (Energoinvestment s.r.o., Kostelec, Zlín)

18 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD  other cases  KM Group – export of waste aluminium to the Czech Republic - examination upon request of CEI, - Czech Republic returned cargo back for the reason of bad quality of the good, - cargo really returned to Slovakia,  Kovohuty Krompachy - import of copper waste to the Slovakia (from Germany), - examination upon request of CEI, - request was sent late - it was not possible to find out relevant evidence  Genesis – import of textile waste and municipal waste from Canada - examination upon request of Slovak Customs Office - cargo was not allowed to enter Slovakia.

19 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD Place of inspections Regional Inspectorate Total BratislavaPlace of work Nitra Banská Bystrica ŽilinaKošice Border Crossings5586630 Other Place8375427 Total13815111057 Number of inspections executed so far:

20 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD Regional Insp. Border CrossingsDay of Inspection Time of Inspection Controlled cargos Total number With waste Notification Yes No Waste/Shipment(transit, import, export) Bratislava PW Nitra Brodské-Lanžhot16.05.20067.00-11.008011-combustible waste/T Čuňovo-Rajka17.05.200611.00-16.0053---- Petržalka-Berg18.05.200616.00-20.0086312combustible waste-1N/T; combustible waste-1Y/I; plastic waste-1N/I Komárno-Komárom16.05.20067.00-11.0030---- Brodské-Lanžhot27.09.20069.00-14.00871-1iron scrap/T Šahy-Parassapuszta17.05.200611.00-16.001093-3iron scrap-2/I; waste bricks-1/I Šahy-Parassapuszta18.05.200616.00-20.0096---- Šahy-Parassapuszta06.09.20068.00-12.0070---- Šahy-Parassapuszta07.09.200611.00-15.008711-waste paper/I Šahy-Parassapuszta19.09.20069.00-13.0094----

21 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Bratislava, 3 – 5 October, 2006 Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD Regional Insp. Border CrossingsDay of Inspection Time of Inspection Controlled cargos Total number With waste Notification Yes No Waste/Shipment(transit, import, export) Banská Bystrica Kráľ-Bánréve16.05.20067.00-11.0022--- Slovenské Ďarmoty - Balassagyarmat 17.05.200616.00-20.0016---- Šiatorská Bukovina - Salgótarján 18.05.200611.00-16.0052---- Šiatorská Bukovina - Salgótarján 05.09.20069.00-13.0048---- Kráľ-Bánréve06.09.20069.00-13.0035---- Slovenské Ďarmoty - Balassagyarmat 07.09.20069.00-13.0030---- Šiatorská Bukovina - Salgótarján 11.09.20069.00-13.00471-1iron scrap/I Slovenské Ďarmoty - Balassagyarmat 13.09.20069.00-13.0031----

22 Workshop on Illegal Traffic Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD Regional Insp. Border CrossingsDay of Inspection Time of Inspection Controlled cargos Total number With waste Notification Yes No Waste/Shipment(transit, import, export) ŽilinaDrietoma-Starý Hrozenkov 15.05.20067.00-11.0028---- Svrčinovec-Mosty u Jablunk. 16.05.200611.00-16.0035321waste paper-1Y/I; waste paper-1N/I; aluminium waste-1Y/I Trstená-Chyžné17.05.200616.00-20.00241-1PET-bottles/I Lysá pod Makytou- Střelná 01.08.20068.00-12.003511-combustible waste-1Y/I Svrčinovec-Mosty u Jabl. 02.08.20069.00-14.0040---- Makov-Bílá-Bumbálka03.08.20069.00-14.002911-copper ash/I KošiceMilhosť-Tornyosnémeti16.05.200611.00-16.0071---- Vyšný Komárnik- Barwinek 17.05.200616.00-20.0061---- Slovenské Nové Mesto- Sátoraljaúhely 19.05.20067.00-11.0047---- Milhosť-Tornyosnémeti20.09.20068.30-12.4574---- Vyšný Komárnik- Barwinek 21.09.20069.30-13.3080--- Slovenské Nové Mesto- Sátoraljaúhely 26.09.20069.00-13.0067---- TOTAL 3016641679

23 Slovak Inspectorate of the Environment Department of Waste Management Inspection Headquarters, JD Illegal Traffic Workshop, Bratislava, 3 - 5 October, 2006

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