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Health. HE8.5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision making skills to enhance health.

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1 Health

2 HE8.5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision making skills to enhance health.

3 Identify healthy related situations that might require a thoughtful decision. A close friend invites you to a party where teens will be drinking alcohol. Your friend asks you to lie to your parents about where you are going. –Is it healthful for you to attend the party and lie? Why? –Is it safe for you to attend the party and lie? Why? –Is it legal for you to attend the party and lie? Why? –Will you let your parents down if they find out you lied to them? Why?

4 Analyze when assistance is needed in making a healthy related decision. Get advise from a trusted friend, teacher, preacher, or other adult that you admire. Ask yourself these questions: Is the decision I’m making going to be: Healthful? Safe? Legal? Show respect for myself and others? Follow guidelines of responsible adults? Demonstrate good character?

5 List healthy options to a health related issue or problem. Ways you can take charge of your health: Gain knowledge about your heredity and make the most of who you are. Strive to improve the environment you in which you live. Get healthcare when you need. Have check-ups. Choose healthful behaviors and avoid risk behaviors. Get adequate sleep. Drink water instead of soft drinks. Eat fruits and vegetables. Relax!!! Exercise Say NO to wrong actions. If you fail, get back up!!!!

6 Predict potential outcomes of each option when making a health related decision. Be aware of hazards in our community… Chemical hazards (meth labs, community education) Food-borne related illnesses (resturant inspections) Human Sewage Contaminated Swimming pools (regular inspections) Mold Mosquito-borne Viral Diseases

7 Choose a healthy option when making a decision. Should I wear a seatbelt? Should I order fried chicken and french fries or grilled vegetables and chicken? Should I share drinks with others? Should I wash my hands frequently? Should I wear a helmet on a four wheeler, bike, or skateboard? Should I make a risky decision? Should I take dares? Should I do what I know would disappoint my family?

8 Describe the outcomes of a health related decision. Making responsible decisions lead to actions that: –Promote health –Protect safety –Follow laws –Show respect for others and self –Demonstrate good character

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