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 The next fulfillment of Messianic prophecy occurs at Matthew 2:13-15.  However, Matthew does not use “fulfilled” in a way that we typically think of.

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Presentation on theme: " The next fulfillment of Messianic prophecy occurs at Matthew 2:13-15.  However, Matthew does not use “fulfilled” in a way that we typically think of."— Presentation transcript:


2  The next fulfillment of Messianic prophecy occurs at Matthew 2:13-15.  However, Matthew does not use “fulfilled” in a way that we typically think of the word.  There can really be no doubt that Matthew 2:15 is a type/antitype prophecy.  Hosea isn’t actually predicting anything in Hosea 11:1.  But, there are similarities between Israel & Jesus as the Son of God.  In essence, Matthew says, “When Jesus came out of Egypt, it was like the time the nation of Israel came out of Egypt.”

3  There are similarities between the nation of Israel’s journey to and from Egypt & Jesus’ journey to and from Egypt.  Both went to Egypt in order to preserve life.  Famine for Israel; Herod’s madness for Jesus.  Both came from Egypt for redemption.  God redeemed His people from Egypt.  Jesus came from Egypt in order to be redemption.  Both dealt with evil rulers.  Pharaoh & Herod.


5  We find this prophecy originally given in Hosea 11:1.  Let’s read Hosea 11:1-7 to get the context.  The picture is of a child growing up & leaving home.  Not only does this child leave home physically, but he forgets what he was taught in the home.  Old Testament writers often used “son” to describe Israel.  God loves His people & desires a close relationship with them.  How did God demonstrate His love for Israel?  How did Israel disappoint God?  How did Israel’s disappointing behavior affect God’s love for them?  How does God demonstrate His love for us?  How do we disappoint God?  How does our disappointing behavior affect God’s love for us?


7  Joseph obeys the angelic dream & flees to Egypt.  What would likely have occurred had Joseph not taken his Son to Egypt?  What do we learn here about God’s providential care?  How does God demonstrate concern for us in sending Jesus to Egypt?  Why did God not leave Jesus in Egypt?

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