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UNICOR Federal Prison Industries, Inc.. Laura J. Sales, Industrial Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "UNICOR Federal Prison Industries, Inc.. Laura J. Sales, Industrial Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNICOR Federal Prison Industries, Inc.

2 Laura J. Sales, Industrial Specialist

3  Unit Secretary, 1991 – 1992  Accounting Tech, 1992 -- 1993  UNICOR Accounting Tech, 1993 – 1994  Warden’s Secretary, 1994 – 1996  Warehouse Supervisor (FPI), 1996 – 1997  Assistant Factory Manager, 1997 – 2004  Inventory Mgmt. Specialist, 2004 -- 2008  Industrial Specialist, Sourcing Mgr, July 2008 About me…..

4 FEDERAL PRISON INDUSTRIES, INCORPORATED FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS  Established by Congress in 1934  Wholly-Owned Corporation  Self-Sustaining  Utilizes Zero Tax-Payer Dollars

5 UNICOR Benefits Tax Payers  C C C Cheaper Prisons  E E E Enhances Discipline -Motivator -Keeps Occupied -Raises Morale  R R R Reduces Idleness  I tems of Value -For Govt Purchase -Other Services -PS Business (RM and services)  S elf-sustaining!


7 UNICOR Benefits Inmates  J ob Training  R educes Return -24% Less Likely -14% More Work  F inancial Responsibility -Victim Restitution -Child Support -Any Court Ordered  Ensures Programming -GED -GED -Clear Conduct -Clear Conduct

8 UNICOR provides opportunity “…to work in a clean, safe environment…to work at a job that is fulfilling…to earn a living and provide for my family while not being a burden.”

9 Goal to be in EVERY Prison FFFFor Federal Agencies EEEElectronic Cable for Military CCCClothes, bedding, gear for Military SSSServices for other Agencies –D–D–D–Data Processing US Patents –E–E–E–Electronic Recycling  Repatriating Jobs/Private Sector  Call Centers  Sub-component Factories  Electronic Recycling



12 “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management.” On January 24th, 2007, President George W. Bush signed Executive Order 13423, “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management.” The order sets goals in the areas of energy efficiency, acquisition, renewable energy, toxics reductions, recycling, renewable energy, sustainable buildings, electronics stewardship, fleets, and water conservation. In addition, the order requires more widespread use of Environmental Management Systems as the framework in which to manage and continually improve these sustainable practices. Executive Order 13423

13 “… federal agencies can donate their used electronics to UNICOR for environmentally sound reuse and recycling.” Federal Electronics Challenge, 08/06/2008 sources/docs/eol_questions.pdf

14 Environmental Stewardship Environmental Stewardship  OSHA Compliant  Federal, State & Local EPA Compliant  Security & Integrity Traceability 3 RD Party Inspections

15 Certifications and Permits Certifications and Permits  IAER Certified—Now ISRI (Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc.)  ISO Certified  EWASTE Permits 1 st in PA to Receive Permit Kansas Permit Received 1 st in NJ to Receive Permit

16 Asset tags (property tags) or any other identifying markings are removed from equipment. Hard Drives are wiped according to DOD secure specifications or are destroyed upon customer’s request. Any Media found is secured and handled according to your agency’s specifications. Secure Solution…..

17 Acceptable Equipment  Servers  Circuit Boards  Monitors/Printers/TV’s  Modems  Communication Systems  Test Equipment  Power Supplies/Electric Motors  Obsolete Electronics  Computer Equipment  Any Electronic Components

18 RECYCLING BUSINESS GROUP ACTIVITIES  Testing/Data Removal  Reconditioning Donate Sell  Component Recovery IC Chips Memory  Recover Residuals Plastics Copper


20 Nationwide Coverage Recycling Factories  Atwater, CA  Elkton, OH  Ft. Dix, NJ  Leavenworth, KS  Lewisburg, PA  Marianna, FL  Texarkana, TX  Tucson, AZ Collection Centers  Atlanta, GA  Englewood, CO  Miami, FL  National Capital Recycling Ctr.  Sheridan, OR

21 The Property Process  Agency Regulations Internal Screening Other  Federal Management Regulations (FMR) Establishes Criteria for Reporting  GSA—Abandonment/Destruction “Federal agencies may abandon or destroy excess personal property when there has been a written determination that the property has no commercial value, or the estimated cost of its continued care and handling would exceed the estimated proceeds from its sale. ” “Federal agencies may abandon or destroy excess personal property when there has been a written determination that the property has no commercial value, or the estimated cost of its continued care and handling would exceed the estimated proceeds from its sale. ” &channelPage=%2Fep%2Fchannel%2FgsaOverview.jsp&channelId=- 24479#trf


23 Due Diligence/End of Life  What is Due Diligence? Ensuring a recycler uses environmentally sound recycling practices.  What is End of Life? The point at which personal property has reached the end of it’s original purpose.  Executive Order 13423 requires agencies to “use environmentally sound practices with respect to disposition of agency electronic equipment that has reached the end of its useful life”.

24 “If a federal agency or facility opts to use READ or UNICOR, they do not need to perform due diligence because the EPA has already conducted due diligence activities for these electronics recyclers to ensure they follow environmentally sound recycling practices.” $$ And our services are FREE!!

25 UNICOR IS THE SOLUTION  Executive Order 13423  Donation in lieu of abandonment and destruction  Benefits the agency, the tax payer and the environment!

26 Questions?

27 Laura J. Sales UNICOR Recycling Business Group 503.843.6791 503.422.6164 Cell

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