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Sizewise Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest and Disclosure HR-CECID.

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Presentation on theme: "Sizewise Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest and Disclosure HR-CECID."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sizewise Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest and Disclosure HR-CECID

2 Code of Ethics Sizewise Rentals, L.L.C. was founded in 1996 with a customer commitment: Today our customers and the business communities in which we operate continue to rely on our reputation as a company that maintains the highest standards of ethical business conduct. Provide a wide array of the finest quality bariatric equipment.

3 Code of Ethics This Code of Ethics applies to all directors, officers, and employees of Sizewise. The Code extends to relations between all employees and their co-workers. The Code also extends to conduct between employees and their clients and patients.

4 Code of Ethics We work continuously to provide quality services to our clients, patients and the community with the highest professional and ethical standards possible. We are committed to operating according to all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations.

5 Code of Ethics We are also committed to properly operating according to Federal, State and private payer health care program requirements. We must conduct business professionally and do our best to prevent any fraud or abuse of these Federal, State and private payer health care programs. We also have a responsibility to report any fraud or abuse of these health care programs.

6 Code of Ethics We will not discriminate against applicants, employees, clients or patients on the basis of age, sex, race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation or disability. In order to provide the best possible service to our clients and patients, we will fulfill our obligation to screen, test, manage, and evaluate personnel.

7 Code of Ethics We will fulfill our obligation to orient employees to their roles and to provide staff development education to maintain the current knowledge and skills needed to competently serve our clients/patients. We adhere to standards of integrity in advertising, marketing, billing practices, and managing the services we offer.

8 Code of Ethics We will assist community resources and agencies in admitting, planning and discharging clients and patients in a manner that will meet their total needs for care. We will not knowingly misrepresent the relationship of the Company to other health care providers, institutions, or payers.

9 Code of Ethics We will take appropriate measures to provide our clients/patients with respect, emotional support and personal dignity. We will take appropriate precautions necessary to ensure the safety of our employees and clients/patients.

10 Code of Ethics The failure to adhere to the Company’s Code of Ethics will result in additional training and/or disciplinary action deemed suitable by the employees supervisor, and may include termination.

11 Every employee of Sizewise must have a signed and dated copy of the Company’s Code of Ethics form in their personnel file.

12 By signing the form, the employee indicates that they have read and fully understand the prohibited activities and their responsibilities to the Company as listed within the Code of Ethics.

13 Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Company policy dictates that employees will adopt and maintain a high ethical standard of conduct. One aspect of this policy includes avoiding financial or personal obligations that may affect their judgment in the Company’s dealings with another firm or individual.

14 What is considered a Conflict of Interest? Areas that are included within the policy include: –Holding an interest in a firm that Sizewise either competes, or does business with. –Receiving gain from any purchase or decision made by the Company, aside from that according to the operating agreement of the Company.

15 Other areas of Conflict… –Accepting favors from an individual or organization outside of the Company that may affect the employee’s judgment in making decisions related to Sizewise. –Disclosing privileged information for personal benefit. –Offering services as a consultant or employee of another organization while employed by Sizewise.

16 Protection against these Conflicts To help ensure that employees don’t engage in behavior that could conflict the Company’s interests, they are required to disclose any potential conflicts when accepting the terms included in their Employment Offer Letter.

17 Reporting and review… If there is a change in outside employment or other activities, the employee is required to notify the Company. The Company’s Conflict of Interest and Disclosure policy will be included as part of the employee’s annual review.

18 Training Documentation Print and complete the Training Documentation Form and submit the forms to: Reminder: A signed Code of Ethics form must be sent to Human Resources to be placed in your personnel file.

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