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SCSX5018 GRID COMPUTING Subject Handle By: R.Surendran. M.Tech.,(Ph.D).,

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Presentation on theme: "SCSX5018 GRID COMPUTING Subject Handle By: R.Surendran. M.Tech.,(Ph.D).,"— Presentation transcript:

1 SCSX5018 GRID COMPUTING Subject Handle By: R.Surendran. M.Tech.,(Ph.D).,

2 Syllabus: UNIT I INTRODUCTION 10 hrs. High Performance Computing- Cluster Computing-Grid Computing- Grid Computing Models- Types of Grids – An overview of Grid Business Areas- Grid Applications –Grid Protocols UNIT II GRID COMPUTING SYSTEMS AND ARCHITECTURES 10 hrs. Grid architecture – Grid architecture and relationship to other Distributed Technologies –Concept of virtual organizations- Grid Computing road map UNIT III THE NEW GENERATION OF GRID COMPUTING APPLICATIONS 10 hrs. Merging the Grid services Architecture with the Web Services Architecture UNIT IV OPEN GRID SERVICES ARCHITECTURE AND INFRASTRUCTURE 10 hrs. OGSA – Sample use cases – OGSA platform components - OGSA Basic Services. Technical details of OSGI- OGSI/OGSA service elements and layered model UNIT V GRID COMPUTING TOOL KITS 10 hrs. Globus Toolkit – Architecture, Programming model, High level services – OGSI.Net middleware Solutions REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Joshy Joseph & Craig Fellenstein, “Grid Computing”, PHI, PTR-2003. 2. Ahmar Abbas, “Grid Computing: A Practical Guide to technology and Applications”, Charles River media – 2003. 3. Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, “The Grid2: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure”. Morgan Kaufman, New Delhi, 2004 4. Fran Bermn, Geoffrey Fox, Anthony Hey J.G., “Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality”, Wiley, USA, 2003 5. Maozhen Li, Mark Baker, The Grid: Core Technologies, John Wiley & Sons, 2005. WEBSITE:, 1. 2. (Unit 5)‏ UNIVERSITY EXAM QUESTION PAPER PATTERN Max. Marks : 80 Exam Duration : 3 hrs. PART - A : 6 questions of 5 marks each without choice 30 marks PART - B : 5 questions from each of the five units of internal choice, each carrying 10 marks 50 marks SCSX5018 GRID COMPUTING LTPCredits Total Marks 3003100

3 Grid Computing Joshy Joseph (Author), Craig Fellenstein (Author) IBM Press, 2004Joshy JosephCraig Fellenstein The Grid 2: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure by Ian Foster (Editor), Carl Kesselman (Editor) Morgan Kaufmann; 2 edition (November 18, 2003)Ian FosterCarl Kesselman 3. Grid Computing: Practical Guide To Technology & Applications by Ahmar Abbas Charles River Media; 1 edition (December 2003)Ahmar Abbas Reference Books:

4 UNIT I INTRODUCTION High Performance Computing: High-performance computing (HPC) uses supercomputer and computer clusters to solve advanced computation problems In today’s complex world of computational power, very high speed machine processing capabilities, complex data storage methods, next generation telecommunication, new generation operating system & services and extremely advanced networking services capabilities, At the same time industry, business and home users are handling the more complex & challenging demands on the network so we are entering a New Application Driver is “HPC” EXAMPLE:

5 Supercomputers are used for highly calculation-intensive tasks such as problems involving quantum physics, weather forecasting,climate research, molecular modeling (chemical compounds, biological macromolecules, polymers, and crystals), physical simulations (such as simulation of airplanes in wind tunnels, simulation of nuclear weapons, and research into nuclear fusion).quantum physicsweather forecastingclimate research, molecular modeling (chemical compounds, biological macromolecules, polymers, and crystals), physical simulations (such as simulation of airplanes in wind tunnelsnuclear weapons, and research into nuclear fusion). supercomputer A supercomputer is a computer (ie) at the frontline of currentcomputer processing capacity, particularly high speed of calculation.

6 A computer cluster is a group of linked computers, working together closely thus in many respects forming a single computer.computers The components of a cluster are connected to each other through fast local area networks. Clusters are usually deployed to improve performance and availability over that of a single computer.local area networks computer cluster Head Node Compute Node 1 Cluster= 1 Head Node + no.of Compute Node

7 Early Computing Chain: Massively Parallel Processing personal computer faster and more capable than PC Multi-user computers with small size IBM IBM -large-scale computing purposes CrayCray, IBM and Hewlett-PackardIBMHewlett-Packard High Performance Computing :Very large amounts of processing capacity over short time periods (FLOPS - Floating Point Operations Per Second)‏

8 Cluster Computing: Distributed Computing refers to the linking up of many individual computers to perform the task (Cluster machine)‏ A computer cluster is a type of parallel or distributed processing system, which consists of a collection of interconnected stand-alone/complete computers cooperatively working together as a single, integrated computing resource. The components of a cluster are connected to each other through fast local area networks. Clusters are usually deployed to improve performance and availability over that of a single computer.local area networks 1 Cluster Group of Cluster Refer Our University Cluster Computing Lab Location :vis com 2 nd floor

9 Parallel Computing brings together many CPUs together in one box. Problem with Traditional Parallel Supercomputer:  Expensive software  High maintenance cost  Costly to upgrade  Very high starting cost So, what is the solution? Ans: Cluster Computing Cluster Computing= no.of Cluster Cluster1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4

10 Cluster Architecture:

11 shared-memory parallelism Linux Clusters (Beowulf),Solaris Clusters (Berkeley NOW),NT Clusters (HPVM),AIX Clusters (IBM SP2),SCO/Compaq Clusters (Unixware),Digital VMS Clusters, HP clusters, …. All nodes will have similar configuration Nodes based on different processors and running different OS Shared Memory Parallel system

12 Benefits of Cluster Computing:  System availability (HA).offer inherent high system availability due to the redundancy (backup or fail-safe )of hardware, operating systems, and  Hardware Fault Tolerance. redundancy for most system componentsRAID), including both hardware and software.  OS and application reliability. run multiple copies of the OS and applications, and through this redundancy  Scalability.adding servers to the cluster or by adding more clusters to the network as the need arises or CPU to SMP.  High Performance. (running cluster enabled programs)‏  Load-balancing : when multiple computers are linked together to share computational workload or function

13 Cluster Middleware: An interface between use applications and cluster hardware and OS platform. Middleware packages support each other at the management, programming, and implementation levels. Middleware Layers: –SSI Layer(Single System Image ): collection of resources as one, more powerful resource A cluster without a SSI is not a cluster –Availability Layer: It enables the cluster services of Checkpointing, Automatic Failover, recovery from failure, fault-tolerant operating among all cluster nodes

14 Clusters with virtual Machine: virtual Machine

15 Cluster Applications

16 Reference: Rajkumar Buyya Department of Computer and Information Sciences University of Hyderabad

17  Back defined as,”Grid Computing is a hardware & software Infrastructure that provides dependable(reliable,), consistent(regular), pervasive(extensive(ie) all over the place) and inexpensive access to high end computational capabilities”  Ian Foster & kesselman defined as, “Coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in Dynamic, multi institutional organizations”  IBM defines grid computing as “The ability, using a set of open standards and protocols, to gain access to applications and data, processing power, storage capacity and a vast array of other computing resources over the Internet”.  Dr. Buyya defined as "a type of parallel and distributed system that enables the sharing, selection, and aggregation(gathering) of geographically distributed resources dynamically at runtime depending on their availability, capability, performance, cost, and users' quality-of-service requirements“  Share the resources and services in a large-scale Environment with secure, seamless(faultless) and transparent manner. Resource: Computers, scanners, printers, Data, Storage space …etc  The new model for sharing networked IT resources efficiently & securely Definition: GRID COMPUTING

18 Need for Grid Computing: “In today’s incredibly complex world of computational power, very high speed machine processing capabilities, complex data storage methods, next generation telecommunication, new generation operating system & services and extremely advanced networking services capabilities, At the same time industry, business and home users are handling the more complex & challenging demands on the network so we are entering a new era of computing called Grid Computing” Features of Grid Computing: Extension of distributed computing Sharing of resources in a large scale environment Support the virtualization Technique to the resource Open standards are used. More loosely coupled, heterogeneous, and geographically dispersed. Quality of service is achieved. Ability to perform higher throughput computing Resource allocation is done in accordance with SLAs (service level agreements). Resource & Load Balancing Virtualize resources across an enterprise High Computation Power, Availability and Reliability Utilization of resources Increase collaboration

19 Grid Computing Base: Co-ordinated resource: Based on policies & service level agreements resources are shared in a grid network infrastructure. Open Standard protocols & frameworks: These standards must be applied for resource discovery, resource access, resource co-ordination QOS(Quality Of Service): End user expect high level Quality Data’s handling in Grid Computing:  The ability to integrate multiple distributed, heterogeneous & independently managed data sources.  The ability to provide efficient data transfer mechanisms  The ability to provide data caching& data replication to minimize hardware traffic.  The ability to provide data discover, Which allow the user to find data based on characteristics of the data.  The capability to implement data encryption & decryption in the grid network secure fashion.  The ability to provide the back up to prevent data loss. Access the additional resources

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