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Industry Outreach Breakfast Mentor Graphics January 11, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Industry Outreach Breakfast Mentor Graphics January 11, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industry Outreach Breakfast Mentor Graphics January 11, 2013

2 Welcome Wally Rhines, CEO Mentor Graphics

3 Partnership Overview Craig Hudson, Garmin AT Oregon STEM Employer Coalition

4 National STEM projections 4.1%

5 Oregon Class of 2006 48% 19% 2.6% 90%

6 The STEM Gap Oregon is failing to produce enough STEM Graduates   Double the number of ALL Oregon graduates earning a STEM degree

7 Oregon’s TOP science and math graduates from 2006 1.2% 9% of Graduating Class

8 The STEM Gap Oregon is failing to produce enough STEM Graduates   Double the number of ALL Oregon graduates earning a STEM degree   Double the number of students proficient in Math & Science in 4 th and 8 th grades

9 Future Workforce

10 Economic Return on STEM Investments +6% Increase in long-run state earnings +$ 9 billion Annual increase in personal income +$1.4 billion Annual increase in state and local government general tax and fee revenue

11 Shared Vision and Strategies Learning community to improve delivery Connect businesses to schools More dual credit, Advanced Placement and incentives to attract students to STEM Benefits of participation Increase STEM Workforce – highly educated Oregonians with advanced STEM skills Enhanced Oregon public education system for your children and your employees’ children

12 Why industry partners are the key to education reform Dr. Hilda Rosselli Oregon Education Investment Board

13  First the obvious…  Industry Assets  Educators can not do this alone…  Differing Perspectives  Examples from other nations  Most important…

14 OEIB’s Proposed STEM Hubs  Responsible for organizing and directing STEM operations in a region such as:  Operating a regional, flagship, 6-14 STEM Lab school;  Centralizing and organizing existing regional work around STEM;  Enhancing access to existing regional STEM and CTE facilities and learning opportunities for under-represented students and schools by facilitating inter-district usage and transportation agreements; ands  Improving infrastructure, equipment and machinery in existing STEM and CTE facilities to absorb greater numbers of students.

15 STEM Initiatives at the Federal Level Senator Jeff Merkley U.S. Congress

16 Paul Sale Mentor Graphics How Mentor Graphics Contributes and Benefits

17 Portland State University & Emulation 17 What is emulation? Emulation uses a supercomputer to test chip designs This process reduces the time from design to mass production significantly for chipmakers (up to 1,000 times faster than using a standard computer) Emulators are difficult to use Mentor desires a greater community familiar with how to use an emulator Relatively small, but growing, industry 2009 – Mentor donated an emulator (value ~$1M) 2012 – Mentor donated $825K so that PSU can add a faculty member and open a dedicated lab space for training and research and open a dedicated lab space for training and research

18 Mentor Graphic’s Growth in Poland 18 Current Mentor GM had relationship with University in Poland Desire to find more talent in locations that were not flooded with companies Brought over lead R&D from another country to “lead” the formation of the technical group Continued ongoing, collaborative relationship with university Employees in Poland Majority of employees are software engineers


20 State Representative Chris Harker STEM Taskforce Chairman STEM Access and Success Task Force

21 STEM Task Force Recommendations STEM Council to develop, coordinate, and advance STEM learning and industry engagement in Oregon. STEM Hubs to channel and coordinate community, regional, and state resources for STEM learning. Funding support for STEM students, programs, and teachers. Funding for proper technology infrastructure. Pathways for increasing industry partnership in STEM education. South Metro-Salem STEM Partnership is a perfect example of an emerging STEM Hub.

22 STEM Task Force Recommendations - Statewide STEM Hubs -

23 Breakout Sessions Questions: What is your company or school doing now to promote STEM in schools, colleges, universities? How would you like to participate as a partner? What’s easy? What works? What excites you? Please complete and submit form before leaving, and take some copies with you for others in your company.

24 Craig Hudson Garmin & STEM Employer Coalition Collective Impact Partnership: We are what we do together Get involved and spread the excitement Complete handout and give one to your colleagues Take action and work through the partnership (as we build our capacity) Thank you for coming!

25 For More Information Lita Colligan, Associate Vice President for Strategic Partnerships, Oregon Tech Deb Mumm-Hill, Pacific Northwest Regional Director, FIRST Robotics

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