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Solar flare waiting time distribution (WTD) First steps Oscar Olmedo.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar flare waiting time distribution (WTD) First steps Oscar Olmedo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar flare waiting time distribution (WTD) First steps Oscar Olmedo

2 Outline Flare waiting distributions  What does it model?  Power law distribution Sympathetic Flaring

3 Flares Boffetta (1999) “Self-Organized Criticality or Turbulence?”  Lu and Hamilton(1991) Magnetic field evolves in a Self organized critical state so flares are an avalanche process.  Or Flares arises from turbulent process. Turbulence shows time intermittency I.e. dissipative events are not uniform but occur in bursts.  Shell model of MHD turbulence correctly reproduce the power law distribution

4 Flares Wheatland (2000)”Origin of the solar flare WTD”  Shows Power law originates from an exponential distribution of flaring rates. These results support the avalanche model.

5 Distribution Boffetta (1999)  Power law Wheatland (2000)  Time between flares follows a time varying Poisson distribution.  Distribution of flaring rates is exponential

6 WTD (Wheatland) Wheatland (2000) Poisson model for flare waiting times. (Right) Flare rates as calculated with Bayesian blocks

7 Bayesian blocks Jeffrey Scargle “Studies in astronomical time series analysis. V. Bayesian blocks, a new method to analyze structure in photon counting data.(1998) Each block represent different Poisson rate

8 Power Law P=Ax -a a=2.1 Wheatland a=2.16 ±0.05 Boffetta a=2.4±0.1

9 Sympathetic flaring Pearce and Harrison (1990)  First to show sympathetic flaring Moon (2002)  Looked at more events


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