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Kingdom of Morocco Ministry of Land-Use Management, Water and the Environment The First Carbon Exhibition in North Africa and Middle East Region Jerba,

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdom of Morocco Ministry of Land-Use Management, Water and the Environment The First Carbon Exhibition in North Africa and Middle East Region Jerba,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdom of Morocco Ministry of Land-Use Management, Water and the Environment The First Carbon Exhibition in North Africa and Middle East Region Jerba, 22-24 September 2004 MDP. WASTE PROJECTS Dr. M.Belhaj Soulami Clean Tech CD CDM Project

2 Methane from Akreuch landfill The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004 Full name : Rabat Akreuch landfill biogas collection and flaring Location : At Akreuch, 12 km far from Rabat; Category : Waste management – CH4 recovery from landfill; Project promoter : City Council of Rabat; PDD : EcoSecurities – CleanTech; Date of operation : 2006; First year of CER delivery : 2006; Crediting period : 2006-2026; Expected CER : 1.6 million. Project summary

3 The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004 Methane from Akreuch landfill Technical issues : –A 4.3 hectare landfill with 25 to 45 m deep layer of waste. –Draining network as central wells with gas from 20 to 30 m around; –Collecting network at 25 m depth taking gas from wells to the drying, suction, flaring system. Financial issues : –Total cost of the project : US $ 1 million Timing : –Starting of works : end of 2005 ; –Operation : 2006. Project description

4 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The site is located in the community of Temara at 12km south west of the city center of Rabat near Bouregreg immediately above the junction with the Akreuch River. The landfill is located at the site of an old quarry; it is characterized by a surface of about 4.3 Ha and a depth varying from 25 to 45 m. Type of the Project (Sector of Activity) Waste Management : CH4 recovery from landfills Technical Description of the Project: The three existing landfills of Rabat Wilaya have reached saturation. In order to achieve an optimal management of resources and to minimize environmental impacts, the local authorities have decided to gather the waste collected in Rabat, Sale and Temara in one single new landfill. In parallel with this process it has been decided to rehabilitate the existing landfills, which will be closed as soon as the new site will be put into service.

5 Technical Description of the Project: The management of the new controlled landfill and the rehabilitation of the existing landfill is the subject of a tender process, which is carried out by the technical departments of Rabat municipality. The current Moroccan law and regulations with regard to landfills indicates particularly that rehabilitation works include the covering of the rubbish of the abandoned area with vegetation and trees followed by the development of terracing in the site. There is no obligation to capture and to combust the generated landfill biogas. The landfill which is open since 1984 includes the waste of the city of Rabat. The site will reach a total saturation by the end of 2004. It receives now 510 tonnes of waste per day. The total accumulated amount of waste in 2002 is estimated at 2.7 million tonnes, and expected to reach 3.1 million tonnes at the closing of the site The project aims to integrate the installation of the capture and flaring system in the rehabilitation process at the existing landfill in Rabat.

6  Technical Description of the Project: The equipment will be up to European technical and environmental standards for combustion qualify and gas emissions. Biogas drainage will be carried out by a network of wells (capture range 20 to 30m), which is connected to a collection network. The gas collection network will be installed at a depth of approximately 25m. The collected biogas will be carried through an extraction turbine towards the flare where it will be burned. The leachate will be drained and treated. At the initial stage no electricity will be generated from the collected biogas. This is due to the high investment costs in power generation equipment, which are too high for the municipality. Another reason is the relatively low estimate of power capacity (2 to 3 MW) that can be generated : It will be difficult to sell the electricity produced within the framework of the current legislation, where the market is characterized by a monopoly of ONE (Office National d’ Electricité).

7 Estimated Timing of the Project Date of the Project Launching : Estimated as 2005 Project status and current stage pre-feasibility Study achieved Feasibility Study achieved Expected date of full project operationalisation 1 year : 2006 Project Duration 21 years Financial Aspects Total Estimated Costs Development Costs: 0.85 millions of US$ Operational Costs: 0.1 millions of US$ Total Cost of Project: 0.85 millions of US$

8 The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004 Methane from Akreuch landfill Methodology : –AM0003 methodology, approved by the CDM EB (11th meeting). Approach : –Simplified financial analysis of the investment project when BAU is the one possible option; –Two options : Project and BAU. –Determine the amount of waste at the closing of the landfill (2004), calculate the emissions for both the options and deduce the CER. The formula used is the US EPA model : LFG = 2 Lo R (e -kc – e -kt ). Calculations : –At the closing of the landfill, the amount of waste will be 3.1 million tons. –Over the crediting period, the expected CER are about 1.6 million. Baseline methodology

9 Avoided/ Reduced GHG Emissions Reference Scenario or Baseline : The baseline methodology (AM0003) approved by the Executive Board (11th meeting). The project will reduce emission GHG reductions by introducing the collection and flaring of combustion of landfill gas as an additional activity in the rehabilitation process. Without the introduction of this activity, the baseline scenario is the continued uncontrolled release of landfill gas to the atmosphere, similar to all other landfills in Morocco. The emissions will be reduced by converting the methane content of the landfill gas into CO2. It should be noted that due to the existing uncertainties about the generation of electricity from biogas. the emission reductions related to this component are not included in the baseline Over 21 years, the estimated emissions, in terms of CO2 equivalent, are 1,885,000 tons, besides a part of the biogas production that is, at present, burned at site in an uncontrolled way. The community of Rabat could continue the current “business as usual (BAU)” practice without collecting or flaring the landfill biogas emitted. The amount of flaring without the project is estimated to about 20% of the biogas production : about 470,000 tons of CO2 equivalent.

10 Avoided/ Reduced GHG Emissions Selected Accountability Period 3 x 7 years Avoided/ Reduced GHG Emissions Expected Emission Reductions During the Accountability Period Total emission reduction for the accountability period:  Period of 7 years 914,938 T Eq CO2  Period of 2 x 7 years 1,369,283 T Eq CO2  Period of 3 x 7 years 1,594,904 T Eq CO2 Project Contribution to Sustainable Development: The total amount of municipal solid wastes produced in Morocco is about 12,000 t /day. In most of the depositing sites, the waste is disposed in 'rubbish dumps' with no management, gas collection, or leachate treatment whatsoever, and usually without control by the environmental agencies concerned.

11 Project Contribution to Sustainable Development: - Reduced risks of explosions and fires due to controlled landfill gas collection; - At uncontrolled landfills the groundwater and surface water can be contaminated by untreated leachate from landfill sites. Leachate may cause serious water pollution if not properly managed. Surface water runoff from a landfill site can also cause unacceptable sediment loads in receiving waters, excessive generation of leach ate and migration of contaminated waters off-site. With appropriate management on the site, these potential problems should be avoided. - The appropriate management of the Akreuch site will result in a reduction of health risks for the local population, which is caused by toxic effects and the bad odor of the gases emitted. This will be eliminated if the project is implemented. - Improvement of the living circumstances of the local population and generation of work: More value to the neighbourhood around the landfill site, which is a wonderful valley around the Bouregreg river, that is, at present, quite empty because of the landfill (odours, smoke, leachate…). and make it possible to create residential and tourism activities in the region. The project can be characterized as a pilot project as it will be the first of its kind in Morocco. It can serve as an example for other landfill sites in Morocco. The experience gained and data on collected biogas can be used for similar projects in the Moroccan context.

12 Methane from Marrakech landfill The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004 Full name : Biogas recovery and flaring in Marrakech landfill Location : At Marrakech city; Category : 3-D (Methane recovery) Project promoter : City Council of Marrakech PDD : SCET Maroc - GERERE; Date of operation : 2006; First year of CER delivery : 2006; Crediting period : 2006-2027; Expected CER : 3.56 Project summary Marrakech landfill

13 The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004 Methane from Marrakech landfill Technical issues : –Draining network as central wells with gas from 20 to 30 m around; –Collecting network taking gas from wells to the drying, suction, flaring system. Financial issues : –Total cost of the project : US $ 3.8 million Timing : –Starting of works : end of 2005 ; –Operation : 2006. Project description

14 The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004 Methane from Marrakech landfill Methodology : –AM0003 methodology, approved by the CDM EB (11th meeting). Approach : –Simplified financial analysis of the investment project when BAU is the one possible option; –Two options : Project and BAU. Calculations : –Over the crediting period, the expected CER are about 3.56 million. Baseline methodology

15 The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004 Methane from Marrakech landfill Environmental issues : –Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; –Reduction of explosion and fire risk as in uncontrolled landfill (BAU); –Control of the waste leachate which can contaminate the soil and ground water; Social issues : –Reduction of health risks on the local population –Improvement of live conditions in the region and creation of better work opportunities (cafe, grocery, trade…). Sustainable development

16 Estimated Timing of the Project Date of the Project Launching : 9/2004 Project status and current stage : pre-feasibility Study achieved Expected date of full project operationalisation : 9/2006 Expected first year for CERs delivery : 2006 Project Duration : 21 years Financial Aspects Total Estimated Costs Development Costs: 0.60 millions of US$ Operational Costs: 1.80 millions of US$ Other Costs: 1.94 millions of US$ Total Cost of Project: 3.80 millions of US$

17 Avoided/ Reduced GHG Emissions Avoided/reduced emissions in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol ☒ Methane (CH4) Reference scenario or baseline Moroccan regulations do not foresee biogas burning coming from waste in landfill rehabilitation. The directives demands only the covering of the waste. The baseline scenario supposes the emission of the total biogas produced by waste The project objective is to arrive at an 85% reduction of these emissions. Without the project, the Marrakech wastes will release 320 230 000 m3 of CH4. Selected Accountability Period From 2006 to 2027 : 3x7 years Expected Emission Reductions During the accountability Period Total emission reductions : 3 557 790 Tons CO2-equivalent Total emission reduction for the accountability period: 1st Period of 7 years 992296.128 T Eq CO2 (first box) 2 nd Period of 7 years 1137828.174 T Eq CO2 (first and second box) 3rd Period of 7 years 1427666.04 T Eq CO2 (second and third box)

18 Project Contribution to Sustainable Development The plumes of smoke and the accumulation leachate in the stagnation areas are all witness aspects of the biogas activity in Marrakech landfill. The global objective of the project is the rehabilitation of the landfill and the improvement of its management and of the countryside, collection of leachate which is a strongly polluting flow, inducing a contamination of superficial and underground water, the reduction of threats of unstable embankments, access roads, draining and collection of biogas for burning by flaring. The waste leaves putrid odors which could spontaneously let off toxic fumes. The increase in temperature, due to the putrification, attracts rats and insects. These animals could be carriers of contamination and pathogenic germ dispersion. the project is proposed in the perspective of phasing out of nuisances and threats in the site which have a negative impact on man and environment. The completion of such a process is a big advantage for Marrakech, a city of excellence in tourism, where the environment is a main capital to preserve and improve. Moroccan government directives, demands only the covering of the waste, forestation, the closure of the site and the remodeling of the embankments.

19 Methane from WWTP The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004 Full name : 1.3 MW wastewater- derived power generation unit (Marrakech); Location : At Marrakech city; Category : 3-D (Methane recovery) and 1-D (Renewable energy production for the grid); Project promoter : RADEEMA – public agency; PDD : SCET Maroc - GERERE; Date of operation : 2007; First year of CER delivery : 2007; Crediting period : 2007-2016; Expected CER : 112,500. Project summary

20 The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004 Methane from WWTP Technical issues : –WWTP for 1 m 3 /s (pretreatment, primary, settling, activated sludge treatment); –Biogas collecting from digester 11,000 up to 20,000 m 3 /day; –Expected electricity generation : 8 up to 14.5 GWh per year; Financial issues : –Total cost of the project : US $ 19.3 million Timing : –Starting of works : 2005 ; –Operation : 2007. Project description

21 The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004 Methane from WWTP Methodology : –Paragraph 86 for activity 3-D and paragraph 29 for activity 1-D, of Appendix B of the simplified M&P. Approach : –For activity 3-D, calculate the emissions for both the project and BAU options and deduce the CER; –For activity 1-D, determine the avoided emissions by calculating the Combined Operating Margin with recent additions P CEF of the national power plants ; Calculations : –The CEF moves down from 0.896 (OM) to 0.836 (RA); –Over the crediting period, the expected CER are about 112,500. Baseline methodology

22 The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004 Methane from WWTP Environmental issues : –Biogas power as a non polluting energy source compared to fossil fuels (air pollution, soil and water resources contamination…); –Biogas power as a renewable energy, not endangering energy supply for future generations. –Enhancing the quality of natural areas and resources by treating the waste water before disposal; Social issues : –Better life framework (better quality of natural areas and resources, no more odor, healthy life conditions…); Sustainable development

23 Description of the project In 10 ha to the north of the city on the left bank of the River Tensift, and on the left side of the RN9 in the direction of Safi. Type of the project (sector of activity) A small scale category 1A CDM project : production of electrical energy by lend user. Technical description of the project The project is related to the achievement of a waste water treatment plant in Marrakech. The nominal capacity of primary treatment is equivalent to that of 1 300 000 inhabitants, with : Average hydraulic charge: 1.05m3/second Polluting charge : BOD5 – 58 t/day; TSS – 53 t/day The project will be done in two phases. The first to be carried out in 2007: It is expected, during the first phase to reduce organic production immediately by one third in downhill Marrakech. The second step (in 2010) concerns the extension of the plant involving the secondary treatment, based on the biological treatment, by activated sludge which will allow to obtain 100% purification performance. The project expects the generation of 11 000 m3/day of biogas in the first stage and 20 000 m3/day in the second. This will allow the production of the plant’s electrical energy needs, up to 100% in the first phase and 46% in the second. During the first phase, the electricity generated will exceed the plant’s needs. In this sense, an arrangement will be found to sell the excess to ONE (National Electricity Office).

24 Avoided/ Reduced GHG Emissions Avoided/reduced emissions in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol ☒ Carbon Dioxide(CO2) ☒ Methane (CH4) Reference Scenario or Baseline : The reference level corresponds to covering all the needs of the existing electrical energy station from the national electricity grid and is calculated, knowing the carbon emission factors from the power plant electric national grid and using the « Combined Margin : Operating margin with recent additions » method. Thus, the corresponding emissions in the baseline are estimated at 174700 T CO2 during the accountability period (10 years). This also includes the avoided methane emissions due to burning of biogas. Selected Accountability Period From 2007 to 2017 : 10 years Expected Emission Reductions During the accountability Period Total emission reductions per year: 11.250 Tons CO2-equivalent Total emission reduction for the accountability period: Period of 10 years : 112.500 T Eq CO2

25 Project Contribution to Sustainable Development Phase out discharges located places in the north of the city Improve the quality of used water discharged in natural receiving media (The River Tensift) Eliminate nuisance smells It could also have positive impacts through its contribution to the sanitary state for the citizens and the touristy image of Marrakech. Other Relevant Information Environmental impact study achieved in 2002. a level project will allow energy autonomy. the project will have negative returns on the price structure, which will triple in cost.

26 Methane from WWTP The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004 Full name : 2.6MW wastewater- derived power generation unit (Fez); Location : Fez city; Category : A small scale category 1A CDM project : production of electrical energy by end user Project promoter : RADEEF PDD : SCET Maroc - GERERE; Date of operation : 2008; First year of CER delivery : 2008; Crediting period : 2008-2017; Expected CER : 237400. Project summary WWTP

27 The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004 Methane from WWTP Technical issues : –WWTP for 157000 m 3 /day (pretreatment, primary, decanting unit, sludge treatment); –Biogas collecting : 31350 up to 41405 m 3 /day; –Expected electricity generation : up 50%; Financial issues : –Total cost of the project : US $ 150 million Timing : –Starting of works : 2007 ; –Operation : 2008. Project description

28 The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004 Methane from WWTP Methodology : –Paragraph IA electricity generate by the user of Appendix B of the simplified M&P. Approach : –calculate the emissions for both the project and BAU options and deduce the CER; –determine the avoided emissions by calculating the Combined Operating Margin with recent additions P CEF of the national power plants ; Calculations : –The CEF moves down from 0.896 (OM) to 0.836 (RA); –Over the crediting period, the expected CER are about 237400 T. Baseline methodology

29 The first Carbon exhibition in North Africa and Middle East region – Djerba, September 22-24, 2004 Methane from WWTP Environmental issues : –Biogas power as a non polluting energy source compared to fossil fuels (air pollution, soil and water resources contamination…); –Biogas power as a renewable energy, not endangering energy supply for future generations. –Enhancing the quality of natural areas and resources by treating the waste water before disposal; Social issues : –Better life framework (better quality of natural areas and resources, no more odor, healthy life conditions…); Sustainable development

30 Project Description Technical description of project The project consists of the achievement of a waste water treatment plant in Fez. The nominal capacity of primary treatment is equivalent to that of 1 567 000 inhabitants, with : Average hydraulic charge : 157.000 m3/day Pollution charge : BOD5 - 90 tones/day (Pic) ; TSS - 220 tones/day The project will be done in two phases. The first, in 2008, concerns 1.Water collector 2.Pre-treatment (removing fences and sand removal/de-greasing) 3.Primary treatment - settling unit - 4. Activated sludge treatment (anaerobic management, sludge stocking, mechanical desiccation) - 5. Electricity production unit It is foreseen that there will be a reduction in organic pollution of 85% in downhill Fez. The project expects the generation of 31350 m3/day of biogas in the first stage and 41 405m3/day in the second stage. This will allow the production of the plant’s electrical energy needs, up to 50%. Estimated Timing of the Project Date of the Project Launching : 2005

31 Financial Aspects Total Estimated Costs Installation cost : 100 million $US Operating cost : 5 million $US / yr Total project cost : 150 million $US Sources of Identified Financing Cash : RADEEF funds Long Term Loan : European Investment Bank – 20 million euros French development Agency - 30 million euros RADEEF and the Moroccan State - 18 million euros

32 Reference Scenario or Baseline: Avoided/Reduced emissions in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol  Carbon Dioxide(CO2)  Methane (CH4) The reference level corresponds to the providing of the all power needs of the WWTP from the national electricity grid. It is calculated, knowing the carbon emission factors from the power plant electric national grid and using the « Combined Margin : Operating margin with recent additions » method. Thus, the corresponding emissions in the baseline are estimated at 297 760 T CO2 during the accountability period. Selected Accountability Period From 2008 to 2017 :  10 years Expected Emission Reduction During the Accountability Period Expected Average emission reduction per year : 23 740 T CO2 Total emission reduction for the accountability period: 237400 T Eq CO2 Reference Scenario or Baseline: Contribution du projet au Développement Durable : To phase out discharges of waste waters around the city Improve the quality of waste waters discharged in natural receiving media (The Sebou River) Eliminate nuisance smells

33 For more informations : Permanent Secretariat of CDM National Council Climate Change Unit Directorate of Partnership, Communication and Cooperation Ministry of Land-Use Management, Water and the Environment 36 Avenue Al Abtal – Rabat – Morocco Tel/Fax : +21237681759 Tel/Fax : +212 37 77 47 88

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