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AP Physics Monday 13.10.14 Standards: 2c2 Students should understand the motion of projectiles in a uniform gravitational field. Objective: SWBAT solve.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Physics Monday 13.10.14 Standards: 2c2 Students should understand the motion of projectiles in a uniform gravitational field. Objective: SWBAT solve."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Physics Monday 13.10.14 Standards: 2c2 Students should understand the motion of projectiles in a uniform gravitational field. Objective: SWBAT solve 2D Kinematics AP Problems Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Review HW 3.Mythbusters: bullet fired 4.Solve AP Problems Homework Finish AP Problems Warm Up 32. A ball is thrown and follows a parabolic path, as shown above. Air friction is negligible. Point Q is the highest point on the path. Which of the following best indicates the direction of the acceleration, if any, of the ball at point Q? A B C D E. No Acceleration

2 AP Physics Tuesday 13.10.15 Standards: 2c2 Students should understand the motion of projectiles in a uniform gravitational field. Objective: SWBAT solve problems involving relative velocity. Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Review AP Problems 3.AP WORKSHOP THIS WEEKEND 4.2 More Word Problems Homework 2D Kinematics HW Warm Up A target T lies flat on the ground 3 m from the side of a building that is 10m tall, as shown above. A student rolls a ball off the horizontal roof of the building in the direction of the target. Air resistance is negligible. the horizontal speed with which the ball must leave the roof if it is to strike the target is most nearly?

3 AP Physics Wednesday 13.10.16 Standards: 2c1 Students should understand the motion of projectiles in a uniform gravitational field. Objective: SWBAT use their knowledge of projectile motion to crack an egg. Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Relative Motion: Objects in Wind & Water 3.Relative Motion Example Homework Relative Velocity 1-4 p.29 Warm Up 143. The free fall trajectory of an object thrown horizontally from the top of a building is shown as the dashed line in the figure. Which sets of arrows best correspond to the directions of the velocity and of the acceleration for the object at the point labeled P on the trajectory?

4 AP Physics Thursday 13.10.17 Standards: Students should understand the motion of projectiles in a uniform gravitational field. CCS.ELA-Literacy.RST11-12.10 By the end of grade 12, read and comprehend science/technical texts in the grades 11- CCR text complexity band independently and proficiently Objective: SWBAT solve projectile motion problems based on an object falling from a high place. Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Review HW 3.Crack the Egg Lab Homework Lab Write Due Next Tuesday Projectiles Quiz Tomorrow 1 AP free Response Question 15 minutes using AP scaling Warm Up A flare is dropped from a plane flying over level ground at a velocity of 70 m/s in the horizontal direction. At the instant the flare is released, the plane begins to accelerate horizontally at 0.75 m/s 2. The flare takes 4.0s to reach the ground. Assume air resistance is negligible. Relative to a spot directly under the flare at release, the flare lands. A) directly on the spot. B) 6.0 m in front of the spot C) 274 m in front of the spot D) 280 m in front of the spot E) 286 m in front of the spot

5 AP Physics Friday 13.10.18 Standards: Students should understand the motion of projectiles in a uniform gravitational field. Objective: SWBAT score 80% on the quiz Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Quiz 5 3.Relative Motion Homework Test Review Monday Test Wednesday Relative Motion p.29 #2-5 Warm Up 47.A whiffle ball is tossed straight up, reaches a highest point, and falls back down. Air resistance is not negligible. Which of the following statements is true? I.The ball’s speed is zero at the highest point. II.The ball’s acceleration is zero at the highest point. III.The ball takes a longer time to travel up to the highest point than to fall back down. A) 1 only B) II only C) I&II D) 1&III E) I,II,&III

6 Break the Egg Lab Activity Objective: Break the egg with the marble on the first try by rolling it off a table and through 3 rings. Take as many practice runs as you want, but you only get one shot once you want to break the egg. (If you do this you get five bonus points to your lab write up.)

7 How to complete the lab write Up 1.Come up with a question or hypothesis that you think you can prove. : ex. hyp. The 3 equations of motion will predict the motion of a following marble enabling us to break an egg. 2.Write down materials & procedures used and write down your procedure for setting up the experiment and implementing the experiment. (Do not include anything about calculations in this section) 3.Data: Use the scant information that you have to make a parabolic graph that represents the position of the marble. We do not have time data so we will just graph vertical and horizontal position y vs. x 4.Questions you will need to answer in your Calculations portion of the lab: -1. What was the projectile’s initial velocity? -2. How long was the projectile in the air before it hit the egg? -3. Find the components of velocity of the marble as it goes through each of the three rings and as it hits the egg -4. What was the projectile’s final speed and angle as it hits the egg? 5.Analysis: In this section just justify your results using data. This entails evaluating your hypothesis as true, false, or inconclusive and provide it with actual data. One thing you might try proving is that the motion is parabolic. It may help depending on whether you are arguing for true, false, or inconclusive. 6.Conclusion: Summarize your results: Include important data that you got from the lab. Talk about and name some sources of error. Talk about and name any design changes or improvements you’d make to the lab.

8 New Lab Write Up Format Section4321 Question/HypothesisThe central question the lab is asking is stated along with a plausible hypothesis The central question is stated and something resembling a hypothesis is stated Only the central question is stated The section is missing or contains the wrong central question. Materials/ProceduresThe procedures are written step by step in complete sentences and the materials are clearly listed. The procedures and materials are listed but unorganized. The procedure does not explain the lab Either the procedures or the materials are incomplete. Only procedures are present, or only materials are present. Data CollectionThe lab contains a table and a graph that represents the data accurately and is labeled correctly with the equation of the line written. The lab contains a table and a graph but it may be missing some labels and the graph may not be done correctly. The lab is missing a graph completely. The data is incomplete. CalculationsStudents have all calculations completed, with work shown, and they are correct. Students have all calculations completed and at least half are done correctly and all work is shown. Students do not have all calculations completed, and little work is shown. Calculations section is mostly or entirely missing. AnalysisThe student gives evidence from their lab data why their hypothesis is true, false, or inconclusive. The discuss the relationships between the variables that were graphed and if linear they write down the equation of the line. The students gives evidence from their lab data and attempts to prove that the hypothesis is false, true or inconclusive, but the data is misapplied and doesn’t support their claim. For linear graphs, no equation is given. This section discusses whether the hypothesis is true, inconclusive, or false but no data is used to support the hypothesis and any reference to the graph or the data is too general to be helpful. This section is omitted or the student may mention the hypothesis and its validity, but doesn’t explain or the explanation is not plausible ConclusionThe conclusion includes a summary of your lab results, (which will include numbers or equations), gives %error and discusses sources of error. It also gives a suggestion about how to improve the lab. The conclusion includes a summary of your lab results. It includes data. % error is given. Either and least 1 source of error discussed or a suggestion is given to improve the lab. The conclusion includes a summary and either % error, or mentions types of error, or mentions improving the experiment. The conclusion is omitted or only includes a brief summary.

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