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Realities of Teen Pregnancy and Parenting. Teen Pregnancy in Canada ► perhaps this reflects the availability of contraceptives, and the increased awareness.

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Presentation on theme: "Realities of Teen Pregnancy and Parenting. Teen Pregnancy in Canada ► perhaps this reflects the availability of contraceptives, and the increased awareness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Realities of Teen Pregnancy and Parenting

2 Teen Pregnancy in Canada ► perhaps this reflects the availability of contraceptives, and the increased awareness of the risks of unprotected sex brought about by the AIDS epidemic ► Nevertheless, in 1997, an estimated 19,724 women aged 15 to 19 gave birth, and a slightly larger number in this age range— 21,233—had an abortion.

3 Teenage pregnancy rates, by age of women at end of pregnancy, women aged 15 to 19, Canada and United States, 1974 to 1997

4 Risks of Teen Pregnanacy ► The social stigma that once attended out-of- wedlock pregnancy may have diminished ► however, the risks of serious health consequences remain for babies born to mothers still in their teens. ► Children of teenagers are more likely to have low birth weights, and to suffer the associated health problems.

5 Risks of teen pregnancy ► Pregnant teens themselves are also at greater risk of health problems, including, anemia, hypertension, renal disease, eclampsia and depressive disorders. ► As well, teenagers who engage in unprotected sex are putting their own health at risk of sexually transmitted infections.

6 Risks of Teen Pregnancy ► Teenage pregnancy also has economic consequences. ► Childbearing may curtail education and thereby reduce a young woman’s employment prospects in a job market that requires ever higher levels of training. ► In addition, recessions in the early 1980s and 1990s meant that to maintain an adequate standard of living, dual earning became the norm in many Canadian households. ► But teenagers who give birth, particularly at ages 15 to 17, are likely to be single. ► Consequently, most teenage mothers lack a partner to contribute to the household income.

7 Identifying the Decision ► Unless a teen has planned and hoped to become pregnant she may have trouble believing and acknowledging the symptoms of pregnancy ► A girl may try to ignore symptoms which makes it difficult to address the decisions that must be made especially the answer to the important question: “How will I deal with this pregnancy?”

8 ► Teens who are sexually active need to be aware with the early symptoms of pregnancy and be prepared to seek help from someone they trust if they suspect they might be pregnant

9 Sources of Help ► Father-to-be—It is very important that the partner of a pregnant teen is involved in the decision-making process. The father has rights and responsibilities just as the mother does and the decision will have a long term effect on him as well

10 ► Parents—Most pregnant teens do no t want to discuss the issue with their parents however parents can play a large role in supporting the teen with the decision making process.

11 ► Clergy—A member of the clergy can offer support to the teen and may be able to help them talk about the pregnancy with their parents

12 Counselors—There are a variety of counselors who are able to help in deciding what to do and will be able to help throughout the pregnancy and the Childs life if needed.

13 Considering the Alternatives ► There are many options for pregnant teens to choose from, remember to consider all the possible consequences and that not all the options are possible for everyone.

14 Single Parenthood ► One option is to raise the child as a single parent. ► This can be rewarding but can also be draining. ► Burnout or depression may become a problem for many single teen parents

15 Marriage ► Marriage and parenthood can look like an appealing alternative to many teens, however, teens who marry because of a pregnancy face many difficulties. ► About 80 percent of teens who marry because of a pregnancy divorce within 6 years. ► In Nova Scotia in order to be married under the age of 19 you must have written permission from parents. And you must be at least 16 to be married.

16 Adoption ► Adoption involves the termination of all rights and responsibilities for both the biological father and mother

17 Pregnancy Termination ► Few issues are as controversial as abortion. ► Abortion should NEVER be considered a method of birth control. One reason is that no matter where you stand on the issue, abortion is emotionally traumatic

18 Assignment ► Answer Questions #1-7 p.109

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