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Pregnant and Postpartum Women – PPW Program “Family Works” (Omaha) 1 July 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Pregnant and Postpartum Women – PPW Program “Family Works” (Omaha) 1 July 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pregnant and Postpartum Women – PPW Program “Family Works” (Omaha) 1 July 2008

2 2 PPW - Family Works (Heartland Family Services) Start: September 2007. Program sponsored by: SAMHSA CSAT WCFT PPW 7 PPWs across the nation [Nebraska, Rhode Island, Oregon, California (2), Arkansas, Florida].

3 3 PPC’s Evaluators and FW’s team From PPC: Kate – Mark – Denise - JP From FW: Caroline Thiele – Heather Tingelhoff (Program Manager)

4 4 Objectives Provide cost-effective and comprehensive residential SA treatment services for women and children. Decrease the use and/or abuse of: alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs among PPW. Improve mental and physical health of women and their children. Increase safe and healthy pregnancies. Improve family functioning.

5 5 Target population Total Population: 13 mothers and 16 children. –In residence: 8 mothers and 10 children. Weekend visits by children. –Treatment time: 4 – 6 months. (32 mothers total) –Total # apartments: 7

6 6 Measurement Tools (SAMHSA)

7 7 Data Collection Family Works (Access files) SAMHSA PPC 3 months Paperwork SPSS & SAS files

8 8 Family Works Services Services Provided:

9 9 Focus Groups Family Works January 18 and May 30, 2008 1.Tell us about your experiences so far in the Family Works program (Heartland Family Service). 2.What services of the program have been more helpful? 3.If you could make any changes in the program, what would that be? 4.Is there anything else that would be helpful for the program to serve you and your family better? 5.Since last visit, what changes have you noticed? –Select participants (past)

10 10 Recommendations 1. Develop adult learning activities related to the required classes: smoking; nutrition activities; Family Education Group. 2.Review the current schedule to build in flexibility for participants to: a.Spend additional time with their children ; b. Provide additional daycare options, especially for weekends and evenings.

11 11 Recommendations (cont’) 3.Transitioning to the Community –a. Determine the viability of a transitioning program having new therapists meet the participants prior to discharge so that a relationship can begin before the stressful time of leaving the supportive environment. –b. Housing.

12 12 Lessons Learned Domestic violence, a prevalent situation on PPWs is not addressed in the assessment tools. A focus group will analyze this particular issue with women. SAMHSA has indicated that fathers have to have a more active role in the program, in particular in the development of children, therefore a focus group will address the participation of family members in the recovery process.

13 13 Lessons Learned PPW are willing to share their concerns with facilitators. A focus group is a great opportunity to voice out their worries and to transmit them to the managerial personnel. The data analysis piece has shifted from a predominantly quantitative to a mixed approach. Make sure that the MS Access files can handle the number of fields of the tools (i.e. Children data collection tool).

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