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1 Protective measures for pregnant workers ERA Conference ‘EC Law on Equal Treatment Between Women and Men in practice‘ Trier, November 10, 2009 Prof.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Protective measures for pregnant workers ERA Conference ‘EC Law on Equal Treatment Between Women and Men in practice‘ Trier, November 10, 2009 Prof."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Protective measures for pregnant workers ERA Conference ‘EC Law on Equal Treatment Between Women and Men in practice‘ Trier, November 10, 2009 Prof. dr. Petra Foubert Law School, Hasselt University, Belgium Curia law firm, Leuven, Belgium

2 2 different approaches  Issues of pregnancy/ childbirth/ breastfeeding in the workplace approached from 2 angles: Discrimination angle Health and safety angle  The relationship between these 2 angles is not always a ‘pure’ one

3 Relevant EC legislation  Equal treatment/ non-discrimination: Dir. 2006/54/EC (recast directive)  Health and safety: Dir. 92/85/EEC (pregnancy directive)

4 Equal treatment/ non-discrimination  No general prohibition of discrimination in founding treaties  Still 2 specific instances of discrimination prohibited: Discrimination on grounds of nationality (within limits of EC ’ s powers) – art. 12 EC Wage discrimination between men and women – art. 141 EC

5 Wage discrimination  Art. 141 EC: Economic purpose ECJ opted for a fundamental rights approach Bedrock article (not legal basis!) for all EC sex equality measures

6 Dir. 2006/54/EC  Directive ‘ on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation (recast) ’  A number of provisions explicitly relate to pregnancy/ childbirth

7 Dir. 2006/54/EC  Art. 2: ‘2. For the purposes of this Directive, discrimination includes: (a) […]; (b) […]; (c) any less favourable treatment of a woman related to pregnancy or maternity leave within the meaning of Directive 92/85/EEC.’

8 Dir. 2006/54/EC  Art. 15: ‘Return from maternity leave A woman on maternity leave shall be entitled, after the end of her period of maternity leave, to return to her job or to an equivalent post on terms and conditions which are no less favourable to her and to benefit from any improvement in working conditions to which she would have been entitled during her absence.’

9 Dir. 2006/54/EC  Art. 28: ‘Relationship to Community and national provisions 1. This Directive shall be without prejudice to provisions concerning the protection of women, particularly as regards pregnancy and maternity. 2. This Directive shall be without prejudice to the provisions of Directive 96/34/EC and Directive 92/85/EEC.’

10 Dir. 2006/54/EC  General provision: Art. 14: Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of sex in relation to: Conditions for access to employment Access to vocational guidance, training, … Employment and working conditions Membership of/ involvement in employers/ workers organisations

11 Dir. 2006/54/EC  Case C-294/04, Carmen Sarkatzis Herrero, judgement of 16 February 2006 Temporary servant on maternity leave who gains a permanent post after taking part in a competition Calculation of seniority only as of end of maternity leave ECJ: Dir. 76/207 precludes unfavourable treatment of pregnant worker on the basis of maternity leave or in relation with such leave

12 Health and safety  Many MS had protective legislation for women workers long before E(E)C came into existence  1987: European Commission examined this legislation for compatibility with predecessor of recast Directive (76/207)  Commission distinguished between ‘ anomalous provisions ’, ‘ humanitarian provisions ’ and ‘ health and safety provisions ’

13 Health and safety  Status of what Commission called ‘health and safety measures’ remained rather unclear  EC contributed to this situation by the adoption of Dir. 92/85/EEC ‘on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding (tenth individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)’

14 Dir. 92/85/EEC  Approach = health and safety  No link with equal treatment directives: i.e. problematic  Pregnancy/ delivery/ breastfeeding = relevant traits for categorisation, as opposed to a specific derogation from equal treatment directives  Risk of discrimination of women workers

15 Dir. 92/85/EEC  2 types of protective measures: Restrictive/ negative protective measures: pregnant workers are excluded from certain jobs/ working conditions/… Enhancing/ positive protective measures: require employers to give pregnant workers special treatment

16 Dir. 92/85/EEC  Restrictive/ negative protective measures: E.g.: pregnant/ breastfeeding workers should be protected against hazardous agents, processes or working conditions Make available alternative to night work if medical certificate is produced

17 Dir. 92/85/EEC  Enhancing/ positive protective measures: E.g.: Maternity leave  Continuous period of min. 14 weeks before and/or after childbirth (right)  Including 2 weeks of compulsory leave before and/ or after confinement  Payment/ adequate allowance, at least equivalent to allowance in case of illness

18 Dir. 92/85/EEC  Enhancing/ positive protective measures (continued): E.g.: Prohibition of dismissal:  From beginning of pregnancy to end of maternity leave: no dismissal for reasons connected with pregnancy  Citation of substantiated rights in writing

19 Dir. 92/85/EEC Prohibition of dismissal (continued):  Case C-460/06, Paquay: prohibition also concerns decision to dismiss/ preparations for dismissal  Case C-506/06, Mayr: no prohibition in case of ova fertilised in vitro, but not yet transferred to uterus

20 Dir. 92/85/EEC  2008: Commission proposal for directive amending dir. 92/85/EEC: Art. 141 EC added to legal base of proposal Prohibition of dismissal:  Beginning of pregnancy till 6 months after end maternity leave  Also prohibited: all preparations for a dismissal

21 Dir. 92/85/EEC  2008: Commission proposal for directive amending dir. 92/85/EEC: Maternity leave:  18 weeks  6 of which to be taken after childbirth (compulsory)  12 other weeks (non-compulsory): before or after childbirth  Childbirth after due date: no reduction in post- natal portion of leave

22 Dir. 92/85/EEC Maternity leave (continued):  Additional leave in case of premature childbirth, children hospitalised at birth, children with disabilities, multiple births  Illness connected with pregnancy occurring 4 weeks or + before confinement: no impact on duration of maternity leave  Adequate allowance: if it guarantees income equivalent to last monthly salary or an average monthly salary (ceiling possible; not lower than allowance in case of illness)

23 Dir. 92/85/EEC  Missing issues in Commission proposal: Breastfeeding (breaks …) Position of fathers (possibilities to bond …) Reproductive health/ reproductive hazards  May 6, 2009: E.P. sent report back to Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality

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