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Review SPPTP progress so far Present an overview of next steps for SPPTP as a citywide model Discuss a model for how we can best work together to implement.

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Presentation on theme: "Review SPPTP progress so far Present an overview of next steps for SPPTP as a citywide model Discuss a model for how we can best work together to implement."— Presentation transcript:


2 Review SPPTP progress so far Present an overview of next steps for SPPTP as a citywide model Discuss a model for how we can best work together to implement the citywide model

3 Springfield Pregnant and Parenting Teen Project Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3

4 Integrated Collaborative Coordinated Case management services

5 CoordinatedServices

6 Your services are now coordinated “Your services are now coordinated” SPPTP

7 2013: Citywide Model of coordinated services  Coordinated case management by correct service portal for all services  Teens have a citywide network of providers that understand and are committed to the success of young parents  Shared goals and service plans across citywide agencies  Shared data system by community providers and a circling back of data to permanent medical and educational homes  Consistent messaging

8 BHN: Casework and Mental Health Services YWCA: Domestic Violence Advocacy and Community Youth Worker MCDI: GED Services Community Education Counselor: Assist Community participants in achieving educational goals Community Nurse: completing Comprehensive Health Assessments as well as providing Community participants education and referrals regarding health and well being

9 Current Model June 2013 Springfield Family Support Center : Intake and Referral Partner Early Intervention Medical Homes YMCA: Health Recreation and Wellness Partner TLC Headstart: Healthy Relationships Partner New England Farmworkers, Futureworks: Career Development Partner Healthy Families, Parents and Teachers, Early Headstart, EIPP: Home Visiting Partners Education Partners: Brice Flowers, Community Education Counselor; YPP,Training Resources of America: GED Partners, STCC and HCC Home City Families: Parent/Child Engagement Partner Nursing and Medical Consultation: Ruth Mahoney Community Nurse Mental Health and Case Management Support: Behavioral Health Network, Gandara Youth Worker/Domestic Violence Advocacy: YWCA

10 October 2012 June 2013  referrals 300400  Enrolled 108178 (CHA completed)  Active 87103

11 Accomplished so far…







18 Young Parents Community Network Comprehensive coordinated services for all young parents of Springfield. Empowering them to make choices that will improve the trajectory of their future & their children’s future.


20 Goals Plans Data Networked system Shared Accountability Any door

21 From program to system change Backbone Service Team Community Teams

22 Strategic community teams Share ImpactBest practice Learn

23 mission Role Outcomes


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