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Foods for pregnant Mommy! What’s good…. What’s not….

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Presentation on theme: "Foods for pregnant Mommy! What’s good…. What’s not…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foods for pregnant Mommy! What’s good…. What’s not….

2 Foods to avoid: Seafood high in mercury. ex.: swordfish, perch **Once a week you can have fish if not high in mercury. ex: salmon, tuna, shrimp. Undercooked or raw meat. ex: sushi, scallops, clams Lunchmeat: can cook it then eat it. Goopy eggs Unpasteurized foods ex: soft cheeses such as brie, feta, and blue cheese.

3 Foods to avoid continued… Unpasteurized juice ex.: Apple cider Bean sprouts Raw cookie dough Limit caffeine intake

4 Include Iron Increase you intake of Iron rich foods! What foods are Iron rich?? Answers are in your book! Mommy’s need extra iron to support the needs of the growing embryo and placenta.

5 Folic Acid Need to include Folic acid in their diet. *Look at food labels *Take Prenatal vitamins. These include extra iron and folic acid.

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