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Photos from AP/Worldwide Photos and UPI/Bettmann, Newsphotos The Love Canal.

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2 Photos from AP/Worldwide Photos and UPI/Bettmann, Newsphotos The Love Canal

3 Introduction 16 acre rectangular tract – SE City of Niagra Falls 1890’s: William. T. Love –Constructed canal for adjacent hydroelectric plant –Project abandoned due to new technologies Remaining canal: –1000m long –30m wide –5m deep

4 Problem: Causes Between 1942 and 1953: –Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corp. disposed of 21,800 tons of waste in the canal 1953 - property sold to the city for $1 Land was used for –Housing Development (257 homes) –Elementary School First Clay Cap failed

5 Problem Waste started appearing in backyards and basements Residents complained: –Chemical odours –Loss of vegetation –Respiratory problems –Rashes –Poor Health 2nd August 1978 - State of emergency declared –Unsafe levels of chemicals in air of 239 homes –School was closed –Pregnant women & children evacuated –Immediate remedial action

6 Alternative Solutions Insitu / Exsitu: –Physical /chemical treatment –Thermal treatment –Biological treatment –Containment –Air emissions / Off- Gas treatment

7 Solution Adopted Initial Actions –Collection, treatment and disposal 2130m perimeter trench dug between canal borders and adjacent housing On site treatment facility Clay cap + polyethylene layer Monitoring wells Storage + high temperature incineration –Removal of sewer system creek sediment –Remediation of 93rd Street School soil –Buyout of contaminated homes

8 Solution Adopted Courtesy of:

9 Current State 16 acre area surrounded by an eight foot barb wire fence Renamed Black Creek Village for a new image The school and 227 homes near the canal have been demolished Plans to have people move into some of the empty homes remaining are underway Capped with a new layers of clay

10 Lessons Learned Increased “NIMBY” attitude Increased awareness of epidemiology Better waste planning and management Effects on environment from toxic waste

11 Thank you

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