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Caesar’s English Latin Stems stem meaning modern examples

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1 Caesar’s English Latin Stems stem meaning modern examples
Lesson #1 Caesar’s English Latin Stems stem meaning modern examples bi (two) bicycle, biped, bilateral sub (under) submarine, submerge, subtract de (down) descend, deposit, deduce pre (before) predict, prepare, prelude super (over) supervise, superior, superb Analogy TALL : GIANT: a. tire : car b. window : mountain c. high : mountain d. red : sunset DESCEND : ASCEND a. bicycle : tricycle b. submerge : emerge c. man : superman d. school : preschool

2 Caesar’s English Lesson 2 countenance: facial expression
profound: deep manifest: obvious prodigious: huge languor: weakness Analogy MANIFEST : OBSERVABLE :: a. acute : pain b. odious : lovable c. languor : weakness d. condescend : admire WISDOM : PROFOUND :: a. acute : blunt b. prodigious : microscopic c. countenance : expression d. languor : weak

3 Caesar’s Synonyms Countenance: visage, expression, look, presence, air, appearance Profound: deep, far-reaching, absolute, thorough, penetrating, wise, sagacious Manifest: obvious, apparent, illustrate, typify, evident, noticeable, unmistakable Languor: dreaminess, laziness, stillness, inaction, stupor, drowsiness, sluggishness Caesar’s Spanish Latin Spanish English profundus profundo profound manifestus manifesto manifest prodigiousus prodigioso prodigious languidus languido languid

4 Caesar’s English Latin Stems stem meaning modern examples
Lesson #3 Latin Stems stem meaning modern examples un (not) unequal, unable, undone inter (between) international, interstellar, interject semi (half) semicircle, semiformal, semiannual dis (away) dismiss, distract, distort sym (together) symphony, sympathy, symmetry Analogy INTERSTELLAR : STARS :: a. semicircle : circle b. dismiss : convene c. air : marbles d. unequal : equal

5 Caesar’s English Lesson 4 serene: calm acute: sharp
grotesque: distorted condescend: to patronize odious: hateful Analogy SERENE : AGITATED :: a. loud : quiet b. profound : deep c. odious : mask d. countenance : strange

6 Caesar’s English Latin Stems stem meaning modern examples
Lesson #5 Caesar’s English Latin Stems stem meaning modern examples circum around circumnavigate, circumspect, circumvent mal bad malevolent, malady, malicious post after posthumous, postscript, posterity equi equal equilateral, equivocate, equilibrium ante before antebellum, antecedent, anterior Analogy CIRCUMNAVIGATE : SHIP :: a. postscript : letter b. antebellum : war c. orbit : satellite d. equivocate : speaker

7 Caesar’s English exquisite: beautifully made clamor: outcry
Lesson #6 exquisite: beautifully made clamor: outcry sublime: lofty tremulous: quivering allude: indirectly refer to Analogy SUBLIME : PEDESTRIAN :: a. amiable : peevish b. clamor : hubbub c. perplex : mystery d. clamor : riot TREMULOUS : FEAR :: a. clamorous : anger b. incredulous : gullible c. sublime : noble d. amiable : person

8 Caesar’s English Latin Stems stem meaning modern examples
Lesson #7 Caesar’s English Latin Stems stem meaning modern examples aqua water aquatic, aqueduct, aquarium audi hear auditory, audience, audiophile scrib write scribe, inscribe, describe cede go recede, precede, secede cise cut excise, incisive, incisors Analogy SCRIBE : WRITES:: a. audience : hears b. audiophile : stereo c. incisive : speech d. aquarium : fish

9 Caesar’s English placid: calm singular: unique amiable: friendly
Lesson #8 placid: calm singular: unique amiable: friendly incredulous: skeptical perplex: confuse Analogy MIRICALE : INCREDULOUS :: a. placid : serene b. singular : common c. mystery : perplexed d. allude : refer

10 Caesar’s English Latin Stems stem meaning modern examples
Lesson #9 Caesar’s English Latin Stems stem meaning modern examples cred believe incredulous, credo, credible miss send missive, remiss, emission cide kill regicide, homicide, fratricide dict say edict, malediction, contradict bell war rebellion, bellicose, belligerent Analogy REGICIDE : HOMICIDE :: a. missive : communication b. incredulous : gullible c. friendly : furious d. malediction : blessing

11 Caesar’s English melancholy: sadness visage: face venerate: to respect
Lesson #10 melancholy: sadness visage: face venerate: to respect abate: to lessen repose: resting Analogy MELANCHOLY : VISAGE :: a. repose : rest b. traverse : space c. abate : increase d. vivid : color STORM : ABATE :: a. fear : diminish b. traverse : cross c. visage : handsome d. melancholy : dejected

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