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Efforts to Outcomes (ETO)
WIPA DATA ENTRY Efforts to Outcomes (ETO) April 2011
Slide 2: Learning Objectives
Understand the purpose of ETO data entry Know who, what and when to enter (data) into the I&R program Know who, what and when to enter (data) into the WIPA program Know where to go for Resources/Questions
Slide 3: Importance of accurate ETO data entry
OESP (Office of Employment Support Programs) is committed to evaluating the overall WIPA program and the performance of each project. Need accurate and complete information from each project, as captured through the ETO data system Immediate data collection goal: document the activities and successes of the WIPA projects and share these results with SSA and Congress Project Officers receive regular ETO reports which are used to evaluate each project’s performance
Slide 4: Performance Measures
Currently SSA pays particular attention to the following indicators: Number of beneficiaries enrolled in I&R Number of beneficiaries enrolled in WIPA Percentage of I&R to WIPA enrollments Follow along services – Beneficiary Efforts as well as Baseline and Follow Up Assessments Average Cost per beneficiary enrolled Based upon amount of award and number of beneficiaries served
Slide 5: Let Your Good Work Shine
Data entered into ETO is used for several reasons: OESP needs the data to share with Congress to help justify the need for WIPA Project Officers use these reports to assess the performance of your project To assure all the good work you are doing is getting communicated, it needs to be entered into ETO and entered in a timely manner. If it’s not entered, it did not happen
Overview of the ETO programs
Slide 7: Basics of Accessing the ETO data system
ETO is an internet based data collection system Only WIPA personnel who have favorable suitability determination are permitted to access the system Once the favorable suitability determination is obtained, contact your SSA project officer to set up an ETO account Each person authorized to enter data will be assigned their own unique user name and password (MAY NOT BE SHARED)
Slide 8: A Basic Overview of ETO: 2 Programs
The data system is divided into two main parts, or programs: I&R program (titled “Initial Contact and Demographics” in ETO) All eligible beneficiaries who receive services from your WIPA project are entered into the I&R program Capture demographic & I&R service information WIPA Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Only beneficiaries you provide WIPA level services to are entered into this program Captures information about WIPA level services your WIPA project provides
Slide 9: Basic Features Available in Both Programs
Within each program, ETO has features that allow you to complete certain tasks. Enrollment Assessments: Forms in ETO that capture information about the beneficiary in relation to the service you are providing Efforts: The place where case notes regarding the Beneficiary are captured Dismissal: The feature in ETO to make a beneficiary inactive. Beneficiaries that are dismissed can be reactivated
Slide 10: Where to go for Assistance with Technical Issues
Requests for assistance with technical issues only should be directed to Examples of technical issues include assistance with access to ETO, difficultly logging in, finding a beneficiary in ETO, missing data, hardware or software issues and technical difficulties with accessing reports in ETO. Mathematica has many ETO resources available online (manual, cheat sheet, FAQs, etc.):
Slide 11: Where to go for Assistance with Other Issues/Questions
All other requests for assistance related to entering data on beneficiaries to accurately capture services provided should be referred to your VCU Technical Assistance Liaison. If you are unclear to whom to direct your questions – contact your OESP PO Examples include determining who to enter into I&R and WIPA services; determining how to enter WIIRC referrals into ETO; when to dismiss someone from I&R; deciding when a follow-up assessment is necessary; or when to enter efforts into ETO
Working in the I&R Program
Slide 13: I&R Program Who do you enter into the I&R program?
What must be entered into the I&R program? Tips for entering beneficiary information into the I&R program
Slide 14: Who do you Enter into the I&R Program?
Enter all callers who you determine; (1) eligible to receive services from your WIPA project, and (2) do receive some services from your project All services provided by a WIPA project begin with delivering Information and Referral services Since the I&R program in ETO captures the I&R information, all beneficiaries eligible for your services should be entered in this program
Slide 15: Definition of Beneficiaries who Are Eligible for any of the WIPA Services
WIPA eligibility criteria: at least age 14, but not yet full retirement age disabled per SSA’s definition, and already receiving (or approved to receive) Social Security benefits based on disability (SSI or a title II disability benefit such as SSDI, CDB or DWB). NEVER enter a caller who is INELIGIBLE for WIPA! If you inadvertently enter someone who is not eligible or is a duplicate, change their last name to “Fake” (they will be deleted from ETO)
Slide 16: Characteristics of Who Gets Enrolled in the I&R Program
Beneficiaries needing I&R Only: I&R callers may not be ready to pursue employment They may only request generic information about benefits, work incentives, programs or services I&R calls can usually be taken care of effectively over the phone or , with an I&R packet mailed as follow up An in-depth intake for I&R callers may not be necessary Beneficiaries needing WIPA Level Services: Beneficiaries needing WIPA Level service must be enrolled in I&R first, before enrolling them in the WIPA Program in ETO
Slide 17: Scenario #1 It’s Tuesday afternoon, you’re at your desk working on a BSA and your phone rings. The caller, Jane, explains she got your name from her mental health counselor, who told her you could help her apply for SSDI and SSI. She’d like to schedule an appointment with you as soon as possible. You explain you are not trained to assist with the application process but can provide her some local resources who are trained. You share with her a few names and phone numbers. She thanks you for your time and you hang up. Do you enter her in the I&R program?
Slide 18: Scenario #2 It’s Wednesday morning, you’re at your desk working on a BSA and your phone rings. The caller, Richard, explains he got your name from his VR counselor. He just completed auto mechanic training and started job searching. He’d like to know how his benefits are going to be affected when he gets a job. He gets $950/month SSDI and Medicare, he hasn’t work since entitled (12/2007). You provide an overview of TWP/EPE, clarify you’d like to send him releases and verify his benefits, he agrees. You tell him you’ll mail him releases and information about work incentives. You schedule a phone meeting for 3 weeks from today to go into deeper detail. Do you enter him in I&R program?
Slide 19: Scenario #3 It’s Friday afternoon, you’re at your desk reviewing some BPQYs that recently came in and your phone rings. The caller, Donna, explains she got your name from her friend, who also receives disability benefits and just started working. She tells you she is not certain whether she can work, but if she were to work, she can’t afford to lose her health insurance. She asks you what would happen to her benefits if she worked. You clarify she’s getting Medicare and SSDI. You provide her a basic overview of the work incentives, referrals to vocational service agencies, and tell her you’ll mail her some handouts and to contact you if she decides to pursue work. Do you enter her in the I&R program?
Slide 20: What Must be Entered into I&R: Enrollments
Enrollment: All beneficiaries who are eligible for and receive services, must be enrolled in I&R Highlighted fields must be completed to move on: first name, last name, benefits received at intake, how did the customer hear about WIPA, employment status at intake, and program start date While other fields are not required to move forward in ETO, they are required by SSA Note: SSN is a required field. It may be left blank only for beneficiaries enrolling in the I&R program who refuse to provide this information.
Slide 21: What Must be Entered into I&R: WIIRC Referrals
Enrollment of a WIIRC Referral: Review info provided by WIIRC, Accept or Reject within 2 days of receipt. WIIRC will complete all fields they are permitted by beneficiary to gather & share (be prepared to fill in others) If after 3 attempts to contact they don’t return any of your calls, change last name to “Fake” using the established protocol listed in the WIIRC-WIPA Referral Protocol document.
Slide 22: What Must be Entered into I&R: Assessments
I&R Assessment: All beneficiaries eligible for your services must have an I&R Assessment Required to fill in every section Additional I&R Assessments: For beneficiaries who do NOT move into the WIPA program, if a new I&R need arises and WIPA services are still not needed, complete another I&R assessment WIIRC Referrals: If I&R Assessment was done by WIIRC Specialist and CWIC find no new I&R need, no need to do an I&R Assessment, simply enroll in WIPA and move on
Slide 23: What Must be Entered into I&R: Efforts and Dismissal
I&R Efforts (I&R Case Notes or Initial Case Notes): The Efforts feature in the I&R program is completely optional (not used in reports) You can choose to ignore this feature or you can choose to use it if you would like If you do choose to use it, you can use it to track any activities you do in relation to the delivering the I&R service, as well as any additional I&R contacts you have with beneficiary after that service is complete
Slide 24: What Must be Entered into I&R: Efforts and Dismissal
Dismissing: Required: any beneficiary referred to or receiving WIPA services Optional: moved out of service area, deceased, I&R need met, incarcerated, unable to contact, declined additional services
Slide 25: Tips for Entering Data in the I&R Program
Make sure you’re in the I&R program (not the WIPA Program) before you start entering data Check for duplicates Enroll and complete assessment by the 15th or last day of the month- to be reflected in reports
Slide 26: I&R Program Summary
Enroll: All beneficiaries who meet WIPA eligibility criteria and for whom you provide at least some services Assessment: Complete an I&R Assessment for everyone enrolled in the I&R program Additional I&R Assessments under narrow circumstances Efforts: Totally optional; can be used for recording your I&R activity if you choose Dismissal: Dismiss any beneficiary from I&R who will receive WIPA services and enroll into WIPA
Working in the WIPA Program
Slide 28: WIPA Program Who do you enter into the WIPA Program?
What must be entered into WIPA? Tips for entering beneficiary information into WIPA
Slide 29: Who do You Enter into the WIPA Program?
Criteria to trigger WIPA Program enrollment consist only of the following: the CWIC offers to provide individualized services to the beneficiary, the beneficiary expresses a desire and willingness to receive these services, AND the CWIC begins providing individualized services (i.e. beneficiary provides signed releases, CWIC interprets BPQY provided by beneficiary) Keep in mind that anyone who is deemed eligible for WIPA level services must initially be enrolled in and then dismissed from the I&R program prior to entry into the WIPA program--NEVER enter a beneficiary directly into the WIPA program
Slide 30: Characteristics of Who Gets Enrolled in the WIPA Program
Individuals considering future employment who have worked since entitlement to disability benefits. Individuals who are already employed with urgent benefits issues that could cause employment loss or reduction. Individuals who are already employed who require assistance with managing work incentives to maximize the financial benefit from working. Individuals with job offers who need information in order to make a decision about accepting employment or individuals who have already accepted employment and will begin work soon.
Slide 31: Characteristics of Who Gets Enrolled in the WIPA Program (continued)
Beneficiaries who are actively looking for work, receiving job placement / job development services, or are actively planning for self-employment. Beneficiaries who are already employed but are considering a job change of some sort for which work incentives counseling is needed. Individuals who are interested in pursuing employment and need accurate information to access appropriate employment support services. Individuals who are interested in pursuing employment and are strong candidates for PASS or other work incentives.
Slide 32: Scenario #2 Revisited
It’s Wednesday morning, you’re at your desk working on a BSA and your phone rings. The caller, Richard, explains he got your name from his VR counselor. He just completed auto mechanic training and started job searching. He’d like to know how his benefits are going to be affected when he gets a job. He gets $950/month SSDI and Medicare, he hasn’t work since entitled (12/2007). You provide an overview of TWP/EPE, clarify you’d like to send him releases and verify his benefits, he agrees. You tell him you’ll mail him releases and information about work incentives. You schedule a phone meeting for 3 weeks from today to go into deeper detail. Do you enroll him in the WIPA program right now?
Slide 33: Scenario #3 Revisited
It’s Friday afternoon, you’re at your desk reviewing some BPQYs that recently came in and your phone rings. The caller, Donna, explains she got your name from her friend, who also receives disability benefits and just started working. She tells you she isn’t sure she can work, but if she were to work, she can’t afford to lose her health insurance. She asks you what would happen to her benefits if she worked. You clarify she’s getting Medicare and SSDI. You provide her a basic overview of the work incentives, referrals to vocational service agencies, and tell her you’ll mail her some handouts and to contact you if she decides to pursue work. Do you enroll her in the WIPA Program right now?
Slide 34: What Must be Entered into WIPA: Enrollments
Enrollment: Those eligible for WIPA level services who you begin delivering WIPA services to should be enrolled the WIPA program Enroll by finding in ETO and bringing in enrollment information from the I&R program Required fields for Intake Page were filled on the I&R program, but be prepared to update demographics as you get more information SSN required--be sure to enter on Intake Page if not gathered during I&R service delivery
Slide 35: What Must be Entered into WIPA: Assessments
Assessments: Baseline and Follow-Up Baseline Assessment: Should be completed for ALL individuals enrolled into the WIPA program A beneficiary only gets 1 Baseline Assessment Required to fill out every section with the exception of the optional section (Benefits Analysis) May take more than one sitting to complete (may only get partial info from the beneficiary in one contact) Continue updating Baseline until the point you have verified benefits, any changes that occur in the person’s situation after that point should be noted on a Follow-Up Assessment
Slide 36: What Must be Entered into WIPA: Assessments (continued)
Follow-Up Assessment: Complete for a beneficiary anytime there is a change in their situation such as a change in employment, education, or use of work incentive No limit to the number of Follow-Up Assessments Each time you learn of a change in a beneficiary’s situation, take a new Follow-Up Assessment If the change that occurs is reflected in the optional section, a Follow-Up Assessment is only needed if optional section was filled out in a previous assessment CWICs are required to fill out every section with the exception of the optional section (Benefits Analysis)
Slide 37: What Must be Entered into WIPA: Assessments (Follow-Up continued)
Follow-Up Assessment continued: Examples: job search, using employment services, goal is to earn enough to stop benefits, Start/Stop working, Increase/Decrease hours/wages, Employer health coverage starts/stops, Work Incentive starts/ends, Assigned Ticket.
Slide 38: What Must be Entered into WIPA: Efforts
Efforts: The only Efforts that should be entered into WIPA are for significant actions that occur with or on behalf of a beneficiary AFTER the Baseline is completed
Slide 39: What Must be Entered into WIPA: Efforts
Beneficiary Efforts can include things like: questions about the use of a work incentive discussion of how to report earnings to SSA discussion with the VR counselor about the beneficiary’s use of a work incentive discussion of a potential increase in work hours that is being considered the completion of a BSA the completion of a WIP
Slide 40: What Must be Entered into WIPA: Efforts (continued)
Do not record every contact or attempt as an Effort. You call and leave a message for a beneficiary—not an Effort You mail the beneficiary updated SGA information—not an Effort You discuss the BSA with the beneficiary on the phone—an Effort You contact the VR counselor and discuss the beneficiary’s situation—an Effort ETO is not a timekeeper to document how you spend your time as a CWIC Complete the fields on the WIPA Effort that are relevant to the significant action you are recording
Slide 41: What Must be Entered into WIPA: Dismissal
Dismissing: Dismissing from WIPA is NEVER required and is not recommended; it is an optional action – for example: Incarcerated Moved out of service area Passed away Referred to WIPA program Unable to contact WIPA needs met Declined additional services
Slide 42: Tips for Entering Data in the WIPA Program
Make sure the beneficiary is enrolled in and dismissed from the I&R program before enrolling into WIPA Make sure you’re in the WIPA program (not I&R) before entering data about WIPA services Enroll and complete assessment(s)/Efforts by the 15th or last day of the month-to be reflected in reports
Slide 43: WIPA Program Summary
Enroll: All beneficiaries who receive individualized counseling and planning must be enrolled into WIPA Enroll in and then dismiss from I&R before enrolling in WIPA Assessments: Complete a Baseline Assessment for EVERYONE enrolled in WIPA Baseline is completed once all benefits have been verified Assessments: After Baseline, complete a Follow-Up Assessment anytime you learn about a change in a beneficiary’s situation – this would NOT also be entered as an effort Efforts: After Baseline, complete an Effort for any substantial action involving the beneficiary or engaged in on behalf of a beneficiary Dismissal: Never required
Case Study: Joseph
Step 1: Joseph - 1/5/2010 You get to the office first thing in the morning and listen to your voice mail. You have a message from Joseph Bridges which was left last night at 5:45pm. On the message Joseph tells you he was referred to you from his mental health case worker and he is wanting information about what would happen to his benefits if he decided to work. You call Joseph back and leave a message. What are you required to enter in ETO? Nothing Enroll in I&R Enroll in I&R and start the I&R Assessment
Step 2: Joseph- 1/6/2010 Joseph calls back while you are in the office. You spend 45 minutes on the phone with him. He lets you know he has been receiving $1100 of SSDI for a couple years, ever since he was hospitalized. He shares he hasn’t worked since then and heard that if he goes to work SSA will stop his benefits. He explains that he is not sure how much he can work and is concerned he could lose that support by trying to work. You explain the basics of SSDI work incentives and the opportunities it presents for him. You also explain Medicare and your state’s Medicaid Buy-In program and provide referrals to vocational services. He tells you he needs to think about everything you shared with him and will call back in a couple weeks, if he decides to pursue working.
Step 2: Joseph- 1/6/2010 (cont.)
What are you required to enter in ETO? Nothing Enroll in I&R Enroll in I&R and complete the I&R Assessment Enroll in I&R, complete the I&R Assessment, dismiss from I&R, and enroll in WIPA
Step 3: Joseph- 2/19/2010 Joseph drops by your office. He lets you know he decided to move forward with the idea of working and got hooked up with VR services. He asks you to get the details about his benefits, so he knows for sure what will happen when he works, noting he’d like his VR counselor to also get the information you’re sharing with him. You create a plan with Joseph to gather benefit information. You ask Joseph a number of detailed questions about his situation and ask him to sign releases. He agrees to follow up with you in 2 weeks with some final details about his work goal, and you let him know you expect to have his benefits verified by then. What are you required to enter in ETO? Enroll in WIPA Dismiss from I&R, Enroll in WIPA and start Baseline Assessment Dismiss from I&R, Enroll in WIPA, start Baseline Assessment and create a WIPA Effort. Enter a new I&R Effort in the I&R program
Step 4: Joseph- 3/2/2010 You’ve received some of the verifications for Joseph’s benefits, and you call him to clarify the details on his work goal. Joseph explains he had to cancel one appointment with his VR counselor because he was sick with the flu, and they’ve rescheduled for later this month. He lets you know he’ll call you once he’s met with his counselor and finalized his employment plans. What are you required to enter in ETO? Nothing Dismiss from WIPA Create a WIPA Effort Create an I&R Effort
Step 5: Joseph- 4/7/2010 You get a call from Joseph, he shares with you a summary of all the work he has been doing. He attended a career planning class at the local one-stop, met with his VR counselor twice and has figured out his work goal. He shares with you that he is going to go to school to become a certified ASC mechanic, which should take about 5 months. After he has completed his training he plans to get a job working 40 hours/week. He tells you that based on his market research he’ll be earning $13/hour. He asks you whether he has to be concerned about losing any benefits. You review with him what you verified about his benefits and re-explain the SSDI and Medicare work incentives. You explain you will write up the information you explained and provide it to him and his VR counselor. You let him know you’ll get him that summary by the end of next week. You contact the remaining benefit agencies and secure the final verification on his benefits.
Step 5: Joseph- 4/7/2010 (cont.)
What are you required to enter in ETO? Nothing Dismiss from WIPA Finish Baseline Assessment Finish Baseline Assessment and create a WIPA Effort
Step 6: Joseph- 4/12/2010 You type up a draft of Joseph’s BSA and give it to a colleague for a peer review. What are you required to enter in ETO? Nothing Complete Benefits Analysis tab in the Baseline Assessment Create a WIPA Effort Create an I&R Effort
Step 7: Joseph- 4/14/2010 You receive the reviewed BSA back from your colleague, make the suggested changes and call Joseph to let him know you have it done. You leave a message and ask him to call you and let you know if he could come by the office on 4/16 to go over the information together. Joseph calls back later in the day and lets you know he could come by on the 16th at 1pm. What are you required to enter in ETO? Nothing Complete Benefits Analysis tab in the Baseline Assessment Create a WIPA Effort Create an I&R Effort
Step 8: Joseph- 4/16/2010 You review the BSA with Joseph. He doesn‘t have any additional questions. You plan to touch base with him in 3 months to see how the training is going and if there is any new information on the benefits front. What are you required to enter in ETO? Nothing Create a WIPA Effort Create an I&R Effort Dismiss from WIPA
Step 9: Joseph- 7/16/2010 You try contacting Joseph, you get his voice mail system and leave him a message. What are you required to enter in ETO? Nothing Create a WIPA Effort Create an I&R Effort Dismiss from WIPA
Step 10: Joseph- 7/18/2010 Joseph returns your call, he explains he started training 2 months ago, and it’s going well. He’s still working with VR and thanks you for getting him connected with their services. He explains that he plans to be done with training in late September and start job searching around that same time. He agrees to contact you when he secures employment, so you can review the BSA, otherwise you let him know you’ll contact him in another 3 months. What are you required to enter in ETO? Nothing Create a WIPA Effort Complete a Follow-Up Assessment Create a WIPA Effort and a Follow-Up Assessment
Final Thoughts Timely, accurate and complete data entry is CRITICAL!!!! Mathematica has a resources website which has links to many helpful resource and reference documents, as well as links to archived trainings. You can find this site at: Contact your TA liaison or Project Officer for questions about what to enter
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