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World History Ms. Austin Room 115
Introduction Welcome to World History! In World History High School, students study the history of humankind with a more concentrated focus from the Renaissance to present day. The six social studies standards of essential content knowledge and four process skills are integrated for instructional purposes. Students will utilize different methods that historians use to interpret the past, including points of view and historical context. The approach we will take is a chronological one, but dates will not be the most important part of the class. Instead, we will focus primarily on what happened, who did it, why they did it, and why it is important.
. The following topics will be discussed throughout the semester.
Review Unit Renaissance and Reformation Global Age Absolutism Enlightenment American & French Revolution Industrial Revolution/Industrial Age Latin and European Revolutions Nationalism Imperialism World War I World War II Cold War Korean & Vietnam War Regional Conflicts The Developing World The World Today
Required Materials A three-ring binder Pens or Pencils Notebook Paper
6 DividersWarm-up, Notes, homework/class work, tests/quizzes, writings, and portfolio World History Textbook & World History Workbook
Notebook and Note taking
It is absolutely essential that you take accurate, legible notes that will help you better understand the class. Your notebook will be evaluated at each test date. A rubric will be given before the first test date.
Missing Work Homework assignments and PowerPoints will be posted on my website most of the time. Additionally, students should check the missing work notebook for copies of handouts, notes, and assignments. When you are absent, any work turned in should be labeled ABSENT WORK. All county policies apply to making up work from absences.
Homework Homework will be assigned usually on Monday of the week and due on Friday of the same week. Homework is due on the date assigned unless absent, then it is due on the following Monday. Homework is not busy work. It is designed for you to either acquire background information for the next day’s lesson, or to make you do some activity that will sharpen your study skills.
Projects & Tests You will be given several days [or in the case of long-term projects, several weeks] notice of any test or project due date. If there is a problem meeting that due date for a project, or other assignment [except for homework], please let me know ahead of time, if possible. If you are working within a group to create a project/presentation, you have an additional responsibility to not let the group down, because every group project has a group grade as well as an individual one.
Late Policy In order to receive credit for all work, it must be submitted when it is due. Late work can be turned in for that 4 ½ grading period, but will only be worth ½ credit. Students who have missing assignments that are not turned in before “missing work” sheets are handed out (usually a few days before either progress reports or report cards come out) must have the sheet signed by a parent or guardian in order to turn the work in. Work not turned in before the end of that 4 ½ week grading period cannot be turned in and will count as a “0” in the grade book. Exams missed due to excused absence can be made up before or after school if arranged or on test makeup day before the end of each 9 weeks.
Grading Grading Scale 93-100% = A 92-85% = B 84-75% = C 74-70% = D
69-00% = F Grading My grading system is very simple—the total number of points you receive divided by the total possible points for those assignments. Points are based on: Class participation (effort) Completion of assignments (daily work) Major projects, tests, and quizzes Students will estimate a test every 1 to 2 weeks. Some tests may be essay or take home. A paper worth 200 points will be assigned 1st semester A project worth 200 points will be assigned 2nd semester.
Student Behaviors Be prompt Be prepared
Be ready to learn when class begins. Be prepared Have materials with you and know due dates. Be a polite and positive participant Speak in a normal tone of voice, and listen attentively. Be productive Turn in work on time, and always do your best. Be a problem solver Correct problems quickly and peacefully before they escalate.
Show Respect Value yourself. Be honest and ethical, and practice strong moral values. Treat all members of the school community and all visitors with politeness and respect. Honor the ideas and opinions of others. Offer to help. Be responsible with property and belongings.
Responsibility for Coursework
Bring notebook, textbook, workbook, and appropriate writing tools to class. Know due dates, and submit all coursework on time. All assignments are posted in the black book and on the class Web site.
Class Rules Have all appropriate materials and supplies and be seated when the bell rings. Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings of the classroom. Adjust your voice level to suit the activity. Follow directions the first time they are given. Observe all rules in the student and county handbook.
If you choose to break a rule…
1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: Stay after class for a minute 3rd offense: Office Referral 4th offense: Parental Conference 5th offense: Immediate removal from the classroom **Radical offenses will result in automatic office referral**
Policies Food and beverages are not allowed in the classroom.
Please be in your seat when the bell rings, as class begins at that time. If you need to get up to sharpen your pencil, blow your nose, throw something away—do it! But do not cause attention to yourself and return immediately to your seat. Don’t talk when I’m talking or when other students are talking in discussion. Hall Passes—2 RR each 4 ½ weeks, 1 misc. I dismiss class not the bell.
My Pledge to Students I will trust you until you give me reason to do otherwise. I will respect you and work with you to solve problems. I will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work as much as possible. I will work with you to meet learning goals. I will offer extra help and alternative assessments should you require them.
Little Books You will need one piece of paper.
Follow my directions to fold and cut.
Who am I?
Who am I?
What I like…
What I like…
What I hate…
What I hate…
What I’ve done…
What I’ve done…
What I want to do…
What I want to do…
A quote…either someone else or yourself
A quote…either someone else or yourself
Your Turn! Make your own little book
Pg 1—Title Page (The History of ___________) Pg 2—Who am I? Pg 3—What do I like? Pg 4—What don’t I like? Pg 5—What I’ve done? Pg 6—What I want to do? Pg 7—Quote (either yourself or someone else) Make sure you have writing and pictures on every page. Due at the end of class
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