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Welcome to 4th Grade! Mrs. Olive- Mrs. Oliff Mrs. Olliff-yes.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 4th Grade! Mrs. Olive- Mrs. Oliff Mrs. Olliff-yes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 4th Grade! Mrs. Olive- Mrs. Oliff Mrs. Olliff-yes

2 I need a Room Parent.  Party planner  Newsletters  Lots of fun  Two parents can work together  Snacks for test week

3 Daily Schedule   Mrs. Olliff’s Schedule 2014-2015   7:15-7:45Bus Duty (TTM/Success Maker)   7:45-7:55Spelling   7:55-8:40Math Club   8:40-9:25Math   9:25-11:05Reading/Language Arts   11:05-11:20Recess   11:20-12:00Specials   12:00-12:20SSR/DEAR (Silent Reading time)   12:25-12:55Lunch (12:20- 12:45 Olliff)   12:50-1:30Reading Club   1:30-2:00Unit (Science/Social Studies)   2:00-2:05Prepare for Dismissal   2:05-2:25Dismiss to ASP/Car Rider; 1 st Load; 2 nd Load

4 Communication  Agendas: Communication Log Communication Log Homework Assignments Homework Assignments Upcoming Events Upcoming Events Please sign each night Please sign each night  Newsletters Sent electronically Sent electronically  Thursday Folders Contain graded papers as well as papers from the office Contain graded papers as well as papers from the office Please keep these papers unless they are to be corrected and returned. Please keep these papers unless they are to be corrected and returned. Please sign and return the next day Please sign and return the next day

5 Webpages  http://www.cherokee.k1 http://www.cherokee.k1 http://www.cherokee.k1  Click faculty and staff  Find your teacher’s name * Weekly Spelling Words/ Vocabulary Words * Newsletter * Upcoming Events 4th grade standards can be found at: rade.aspx

6 Math Practice Multiplication facts - practice sites on your teacher’s website Speed test will be given throughout the year. We like Mr. Myers and Buzzy’s. It is very important for your child to know their multiplication facts. We will know their multiplication facts. We will be learning double digit multiplication, long division and will be using Multiplication with fractions.

7 Think Through Math (TTM)  Online math program aligned with Common Core  Meets the students where they are  Can be completed at school and home  Students receive online help when needed  Students earn points  Various competitions

8 Reading BINGO  Each student is required to read 5 books during the first quarter. Must fill one row on the sheet. Students can do more.  BINGO sheet does NOT require students to read only AR books.  If it is an AR book students may take the test and record their grade on the sheet.  Students fill out book report forms for books that are not AR.  BINGO sheets are due October 3 rd.  Students will receive a new BINGO sheet each quarter.

9 Spelling Contract  Pretest on Monday  Grading of Pretest 100 – No Contract – Challenge Words only on Friday test 100 – No Contract – Challenge Words only on Friday test 95 – Complete one activity - Challenge Words only 95 – Complete one activity - Challenge Words only 90 – Complete two activities – Challenge words only 90 – Complete two activities – Challenge words only 85 or lower – Get to 40 and all words on Friday test 85 or lower – Get to 40 and all words on Friday test  Contract due on Friday

10 Binders  The following items should be in binders at all times: Agenda – Tickets sheets Agenda – Tickets sheets should be kept in the back should be kept in the back Pocket of the agenda at all times. times. Homework Folder Homework Folder Subject Tabs Subject Tabs Handouts Handouts Extra Paper Extra Paper  Please do not take anything out of the binders

11 4th Grade Projects  Weather Project  Time Capsule  Various Research Projects  Various Reading Projects

12 Homework About Homework: Just do it.  Agendas are filled out daily with the day’s homework and when we will have tests.  Students are responsible for adding information to their own agendas.  Students are responsible for completing homework and returning it to school.

13 Totally Terrific Tickets   Totally Terrific Tickets   Behavior Management System Using Totally Terrific Tickets   Possible ways to earn tickets.   2 for having agenda signed   1-3 for quiet acts of kindness- ex: Holding the door open for a friend.   2 tickets for following Mountain Road Expectations.   2 tickets for completion of all homework.   Bonus tickets may be given at any time for exceptional behavior or good grades.     How do I lose Tickets?   5 Disruptive Behavior/ Failure to Maintain Self-Control   5 Missing or incomplete assignment/Ticket Sheet   10 Disrespectful Behavior (words or actions)   2 Talking or being off task     What if I lose my Totally Terrific Tickets?   Oops! Lost tickets will not be replaced.       How can I spend my Totally Terrific Tickets?     25 = Lunch with a 4 th Grade friend   30= Homework Pass ( only one per month)   30= SuccessMaker Pass ( only one per month)   20= Computer Pass   40 = Sit by a friend pass   Be sure to save your Tickets for our quarterly Barter Day   Surprise events (determined by teachers throughout the year)  

14 Record Sheet  Each student has a record sheet that should be kept in the back pocket of the agenda.  Any time a student is asked to pay tickets because of misbehavior, the teacher will record it on this sheet.  Please initial next to the infraction the same day it occurs.

15 Record of Weekly Scores  Success Maker Reading 2 times per week 2 times per week At school only At school only  TTM 3 times per week 3 times per week School and home School and home

16 Reading  Children will not be reading a story from the reading textbook every week. Sometimes we do reading through Social Studies or Science  This week we are doing reading through Social Studies. These grades will count twice once for reading and once for Social Studies.

17 PTA  Please support your child by joining PTA  PTA allows us to have many programs that enhance your child’s education.

18 Thank You for Coming I am looking forward to an exciting year! I am looking forward to an exciting year! Mrs. Olliff

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