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Published byDiamond Geer Modified over 10 years ago
Objective To use picture clues, media clips and the Muslim concept of Jihad to understand Muslim attitudes to war.
Outcomes… Your GOALS for the end of this lesson are… Grade C
All will be able to describe the meaning of ‘greater’ and ‘lesser’ JIHAD and explain why the concept of ‘lesser JIHAD’ is often misunderstood. Grade B Most will be able to examine quotes from the Qur’an and explain their meaning. Grade A/A* Some will be able to express an opinion on whether it is ever ethical for a Muslim to fight in a war. Your GOALS for the end of this lesson are…
STARTER… What do you think the word STRUGGLE means?
Write a definition OR a list of words OR ideas to explain this word. Struggle means to do something with difficulty in an attempt to reach a goal.
The main Muslim attitude to war is that it is part of Muslim struggle (JIHAD) – Muslims believe that it may be necessary to go to war to achieve JUSTICE as long as the war is JUST. The Muslim version of a JUST WAR (sometimes known as a HOLY WAR) has slight different conditions to the Christian version.
ALL Muslims will avoid WAR if possible.
The word Islam comes from the word SALAAM, meaning PEACE. It also means submission. Muslims are taught that they should work or fight for JUSTICE. ALL Muslims will avoid WAR if possible.
Watch the following clip carefully... What does the term JIHAD mean?
There are TWO types of JIHAD what are they?
The Qur’an teaches Muslims that in order to follow the will of Allah, people will face many struggles, both inside themselves and in the world.
There are TWO types of JIHAD
A personal effort made by every Muslim to devote his or her life to carrying out Allah's will and fight against evil. There are TWO types of JIHAD GREATER JIHAD What do you think this struggle involves? 2. LESSER JIHAD GREATER (inner) JIHAD struggle that Muslims face within themselves. LESSER (Physical) JIHAD Struggle with the outside world
JIHAD Greater Lesser Set up your book in the following way… Use the following slides to help you make notes
GREATER JIHAD… The struggle that Muslims face within themselves.
This is the conflict of good and evil within ourselves. Using your mini whiteboards can you work out what GREATER JIHAD involves from the following pictures...?
DO NOT be greedy
I want a hat and scarf! DO NOT envy
Do good deeds
Visit Mosque regularly
Study the Qur’an regularly
Study Quran regular Study the Qur’an regularly
Help the poor and needy Help the poor and needy
Be a good friend and neighbour
How is HAJJ a good example of GREATER JIHAD?
The struggle that Muslims face with the world.
LESSER JIHAD… The struggle that Muslims face with the world. This is physical struggle – although Islam is a religion of peace the Qur’an teaches that there are certain circumstances where the use of violence is permitted. Using your mini whiteboards and the following slides can you work out why violence is sometimes permitted...
The Qur’an teaches must fight if they are attacked.
Muhammad himself fought in wars and many of his teachings permit war.
Muhammad did it – so its ok! Muhammad himself fought in wars and many of his teachings permit war.
Those who die in a holy war will go straight to heaven.
Something to think about…
Which is more difficult to achieve, the GREATER or LESSER jihad? Why?
Outcomes… Grade C Did you achieve
All will be able to describe the meaning of ‘greater’ and ‘lesser’ JIHAD. Did you achieve YOUR goals?…
Watch the following clip carefully
Watch the following clip carefully... Why is the concept of JIHAD often misunderstood by non-Muslims?
JIHAD misunderstood... The idea of Jihad is often misunderstood by non-Muslims who then see Islam as being a violent religion, when the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful. This is mostly a stereotype fed by the media who misunderstand many aspects of Muslim life. Jihad is often linked to terrorists and terrorism as they misuse the concept of Jihad to justify their actions.
So jihad doesn’t mean war...
Although jihad does not mean war, many Muslims believe that the fight against evil and the preservation of Islam may justify going into battle. This is then described as Harb-al-Muqadis, which is technically a Holy War.
Outcomes… Grade C Did you achieve
All will be able to explain why the concept of ‘lesser JIHAD’ is often misunderstood. Did you achieve YOUR goals?…
Muslim teachings on WAR…
I think this means… I think this means… Permission (to fight) has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory. (Qur’an 22:39) Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress (break the rules). Allah does not like transgressors. (Qur’an 2:190) And what is (the matter) with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and (for) the oppressed among men, women and children. (Qur’an 4:75) Muslim teachings on WAR… I think this means… I think this means… I think this means… And if two parties among the believers should fight, then make settlement between the two… in justice and act justly. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly. (Qur’an 49:9) If anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land – it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind. (Qur’an 5:32) Read each QUOTE and write down what you think it means – what is it teaching Muslims about WAR?
Muslim conditions of a JUST or HOLY war...
JUST CAUSE = Defence of Islam Self-defence Fighting injustice All other non-violent methods must have failed! It must END when the enemy surrenders. War must be authorised by a Muslim Authority! I say its OK! It should aim to restore PEACE and FREEDOM This is called FATWA! It must be fought with the MINIMUM amount of suffering and innocent civilians MUST NOT be killed. NOW think about the SIMILARITIES and DIFFERENCES to the JUST WAR criteria. Create a KEY and highlight these on your mind map. Muslim conditions of a JUST or HOLY war... Now match these 6 conditions up to the QUOTES from the Qur’an. Can you work out the 6 conditions of a Muslim JUST/HOLY war from the picture clues? THINK – PAIR – SHARE (everyone on their mini whiteboards)
SIMILAR DIFFERENT JUST CAUSE = Defence of Islam Self-defence
Fighting injustice SIMILAR DIFFERENT
All other non-violent methods must have failed!
SIMILAR All other non-violent methods must have failed!
War must be authorised by a Muslim Authority!
DIFFERENT War must be authorised by a Muslim Authority! I say YES! This is called FATWA!
SIMILAR It must be fought with the MINIMUM amount of suffering and innocent civilians MUST NOT be killed.
It must END when the enemy surrenders.
DIFFERENT It must END when the enemy surrenders.
It should aim to restore PEACE and FREEDOM
Choose ONE similarity and ONE difference…
How are they SIMILAR? Explain your response How are they DIFFERENT? Explain your response
Outcomes… Grade B Did you achieve
Most will be able to examine quotes from the Qur’an and explain their meaning. Did you achieve YOUR goals?…
Muslims AGAINST war… A growing number of Muslims (such as the Muslim Peace Fellowship) have a more PACIFIST view...WHY? This is because... The word Islam is Arabic for PEACE – PEACE is therefore at the heart of their faith. WMD and nuclear weapons cannot follow the rules of lesser Jihad as innocent people will always be killed. There are always other means to gain PEACE instead of war. Violence only leads to more violence – it increases hatred. References in the Qur’an relate to the past not the present. HOWEVER they too will accept WAR as a LAST RESORT.
‘A religious person should not fight in a war’
In your answer you should refer to one religion other than Christianity. Swap with a partner and mark each others work in GREEN PEN The type of question (D) and the marks for each question (6). Please comment – giving a POSITIVE and a TARGET Do YOU agree? I…… because… I also…… because… Finally I… because…. (ii) Give reasons why some people might disagree WITH YOU. Some people might disagree with me because… Also… Finally… REMEMBER: Points should be DETAILED
Outcomes… Did you achieve YOUR goals?… Grade A/A*
Some will be able to express an opinion on whether it is ever ethical for a Muslim to fight in a war. Did you achieve YOUR goals?…
Call to JIHAD… Now we know what we do about GREATER and LESSER JIHAD we can make a decision over recent events and dismiss any misconceptions... We will look at 4 events that some have claimed to be examples JIHAD... Use what we have learnt in today's lesson to decide whether you think each of these to be an example of Jihad – Explain your response to each example.
Plenary... One thing I have learnt today is...
One thing that has surprised me this lesson is... One thing I would like to know more about is...
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