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 Remove hats and get rid of gum before entering the room.  Please enter the classroom silently and immediately begin working on the first agenda item.

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Presentation on theme: " Remove hats and get rid of gum before entering the room.  Please enter the classroom silently and immediately begin working on the first agenda item."— Presentation transcript:


2  Remove hats and get rid of gum before entering the room.  Please enter the classroom silently and immediately begin working on the first agenda item.  The first agenda item will either be SSR, journal writing, or grammar warm up.  Any homework that is due will be collected while you are working on your first agenda item.  Have homework out and ready to turn in.

3  If you are absent from class you must get that absence cleared prior to coming to the next class meeting. If I have to send you during class you will be given a tardy.  When you return from an absence it is your responsibility to get any work that you missed. Check the daily agenda on the back counter and ask a neighbor what was missed.  See Mrs. Perez before school or after school to get handouts or ask questions about work that was assigned during your absence.  If you have work to turn in from your absence, you should do so before the bell rings.  If you are absent when a test was given, you have one week to make it up.

4  You need to bring your classroom materials with you to each class meeting!  Materials include the following: blue or black ink pens, lined paper, highlighter, SSR book, Holt book (if the teacher requests it).  LATE WORK IS NOT ACCEPTED!

5  SSR means Silent, Sustained, Reading  You may choose a novel that has at least 250 pages (or more)  You may read whatever you like as long as it is school appropriate and your parents approve

6  Weekly progress reports, athletic grade sheets or any other item that requires my attention should be placed in the tray on my desk before the bell rings!  If this is not done before the bell rings you will have to wait until after school.

7  All personal belongings will remain under your desk during the class period.  Cell phones are absolutely prohibited- this is a school district rule! If I see them, I will take them.

8  You must ask permission to leave your desk at any time during the class period.  If you need a tissue, if you need to staple something, get something from another students desk, etc. You must ask permission.

9  There is NO grooming in this class or yourself or others.  This includes, but is not limited to:  Brushing hair (yours or someone else’s)  Braiding or “doing” yours or other’s hair  No makeup  Painting your nails  Cleaning your shoes  In this room we follow the dress code, so if it takes you having to adjust your clothes to meet dress code; you are grooming which is not allowed.  This is a classroom, not a bathroom or a hair salon  NO body lotion or perfume or hairspray  It gives me and everyone else a headache!

10  This classroom is a safe place.  You need to respect your peers, the teacher, and yourselves at all times.  Disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.  If you act respectfully, you will very rarely break classroom and school rules for appropriate behavior.

11  All work will be written in blue or black ink only.  All work should have the proper heading: Name Date Period Assignment *This should be written in the top right hand corner of your paper!

12  If you need to use the restroom, you will use one of six courtesy passes.  Please raise your hand at an appropriate time and I will dismiss you. Please do not blurt out your business! You make think it is funny, but no one wants to know.  These passes will be worth extra credit points, so use them wisely!

13  Mrs. Perez will dismiss you from class, not the bell!  You will not be dismissed until your area is clean and Mrs. Perez says “class dismissed”.

14  Be sure to study the notes you took!  There will be a quiz on this information at the next class meeting!

15  Website  Edmodo: Edmodo English 12 WC: py5jnq English 3 CP: xkafgr  Email:

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