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Again. America animal another answer any are.

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Presentation on theme: "Again. America animal another answer any are."— Presentation transcript:

1 again

2 America

3 animal

4 another

5 answer

6 any

7 are

8 because

9 been

10 bought

11 brother

12 brought

13 change

14 color

15 come

16 could

17 country

18 danger

19 do

20 does

21 done

22 dont

23 early

24 earth

25 eight

26 end

27 enough

28 every

29 eye

30 father

31 fought

32 four

33 friend

34 from

35 give

36 goes

37 have

38 heard

39 into

40 learn

41 live

42 love

43 many

44 love

45 many

46 mother

47 move

48 of

49 often

50 once

51 one

52 only

53 other

54 people

55 put

56 rough

57 said

58 says

59 school

60 should

61 some

62 something

63 strange

64 stranger

65 sure

66 the

67 their

68 there

69 they

70 thought

71 through

72 to

73 today

74 together

75 tomorrow

76 tough

77 two

78 very

79 want

80 was

81 were

82 what

83 where

84 who

85 wont

86 word

87 work

88 world

89 would

90 you

91 your

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