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Tsunami Warning! ( Our Children’s Lives are in Danger)

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Presentation on theme: "Tsunami Warning! ( Our Children’s Lives are in Danger)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tsunami Warning! ( Our Children’s Lives are in Danger)

2 December 26, 2004

3 An unstoppable, unavoidable wave crashing down – today’s culture

4 Let’s zoom in here…

5 Note the father with the child on his shoulders. What would he do to rescue her? But let’s look even more closely…

6 Note their expressions! But soon it will be like this…. They think it is funny, that they can ride it out! …Is this how we dismiss the danger of our culture?

7 And then like this….

8 What is in this wreckage?

9 What is the destruction from the current cultural tsunami?

10 What will the souls of our children look like after they have been hit for years by the social and cultural tsunami? (Are we taking it seriously?)

11 We don’t realize how many of our children are the walking wounded, suffering and bleeding in our society and in our churches To see the effects of the culture on our kids, click here to see “Casualties of War” on the Teen Mania website. (return to this presentation when the video finishes)here

12 Let’s bring it home -- out of 20 kids (in your church)… 6 Drunk in the past month 5 used illegal drugs4 considered suicide 2 tried it 8 have cut themselves18 have seen porn online 5 have been solicited online 10 have had intercourse 2 have been raped Some are staggering under multiple hits

13 Out of 20 kids (in your church)… 6 Drunk in the past month 5 used illegal drugs4 considered suicide 2 tried it 8 have cut themselves18 have seen porn online 5 have been solicited online 10 have had intercourse 2 have been raped 1 will keep their faith through college X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX ?

14 Some hard realities Over 80% of churched youth leave the church forever upon graduating high school At the current rate of evangelism 4% of today’s youth will be believers in the next generation. Builders (’27-’45): 65% Builders (’27-’45): 65% Boomers (’46-’64): 35% Boomers (’46-’64): 35% Busters (’65-’83): 16% Busters (’65-’83): 16% Bridgers/Millennials (’84-present): 4% Bridgers/Millennials (’84-present): 4%

15 Why is this happening ? “Behavior is governed by belief” Where do these beliefs come from? Centuries of a progression toward highlighting man and reducing God Centuries of a progression toward highlighting man and reducing God Renaissance, Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution, Darwinism Renaissance, Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution, Darwinism Now compounded by Now compounded by The media barrage The media barrage The technology barrage The technology barrage The result is a difficult world for a young person to navigate To see an excellent video giving insight into how kids struggle to be clear about God, click here to see “Clear” by Student Life Ministries (10 min) (return to this presentation when the video finishes)here

16 Understanding this Generation “A Marketed Generation” An average teen by graduation: An average teen by graduation: Is exposed to over 9 million marketing images Is exposed to over 9 million marketing images Sees 200,000 sexual references and 1 million acts of violence on TV Sees 200,000 sexual references and 1 million acts of violence on TV Has spent 6,000 hours on the internet Has spent 6,000 hours on the internet Who is deciding what is worth watching? Who is deciding what is worth watching? A $170 billion market A $170 billion market Can a young person be expected to navigate that on their own? Can a young person be expected to navigate that on their own? Should they have their own TV or computer in their room? Should they have their own TV or computer in their room? Can a parents’ criteria continue to be: “It’s not too bad…???” Can a parents’ criteria continue to be: “It’s not too bad…???”

17 Understanding this Generation “A Relational Generation” “If I’m going to do anything, I’m going to do it in a group” “If I’m going to do anything, I’m going to do it in a group” 63% Live in households where both parents work 63% Live in households where both parents work ½ of young people have lived through their parent’s divorce ½ of young people have lived through their parent’s divorce The vast majority of young people suffer feelings of isolation The vast majority of young people suffer feelings of isolation No wonder “Relationship is the new currency of this generation of students” No wonder “Relationship is the new currency of this generation of students” It is what they crave. It is what they crave.

18 Understanding this Generation “A Confused Generation” Beliefs regarding faith: Beliefs regarding faith: 47% - Morality is relative 47% - Morality is relative 91% - No absolute truth 91% - No absolute truth 30% - All religions pray to the same God 30% - All religions pray to the same God 65% - No way to tell which religion is true 65% - No way to tell which religion is true They are left piecing together their own theological system They are left piecing together their own theological system (ie “my version of God..”) (ie “my version of God..”)

19 The New Paradigm of Truth PARENT’S CULTURE “If it is true, it will work” Truth is an objective, external reality Truth is an objective, external reality Truth does not change with circumstances Truth does not change with circumstances Sin in a believer: Sin in a believer: Not living out truth Not living out truth YOUTH CULTURE “If it works, it is true” Truth is a relative, internal experience Circumstances establish truth Sin in a believer: Revealing untruth What do we do?

20 Develop A Rescue And Equipping Mindset! ► Understand the crisis that YOUR children are in  NO ONE escapes!  80% will leave the church forever if you don’t change. ► The culture is exerting everything it has  We have something more ► Shepherd children as equally important members of the flock  This is not “just” the youth & children’s department’s responsibility  They are precious to God (Matthew 18:6) The Solution

21 Step #1 Build Relationships With Young People Let them experience the Love of Christ which the world cannot offer ► Make sure they have significant, intimate relationships with mature Christians “You don’t know me”  In their families ► “If we don’t engage the families, there is a futility to what we do” ► “The single most important influence on the life of a teenager is their parents”  With other adults ► Kids are looking to see if adults validate the truth claims of Christianity. ► The builder goldmine The Solution

22 Step #2 Disciple And Train Young People Give them the confidence of the Truth of God which the world does not know Develop convictions: “We are talking about a belief that goes so deep that it unlocks the secrets to one’s very own identity, purpose, and destiny in life.” (McDowell) ► Teach them to:  Know why they believe  Know how to interpret  Know what they believe  Develop application ► Teach the Bible, not the traditions of men (the hypocrisy factor) The Solution

23 Step #3 Let Them Serve And Lead Let them know the power of the Holy Spirit which the world cannot overcome “ They’ve grown up with a resolve to be something, the question is they don’t have a lot of purpose about what they’re going to do or what they’re going to be.” ► Give them opportunities  In service and evangelism  To the community  In the body The Solution

24 Where do you go from here? Develop a plan that works for your church! For assistance in developing a plan to rescue and equip your young people, contact me: Dave Hoffman 413-9639

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