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Published byShea Rawle Modified over 10 years ago
Special Education Compliance Monitoring Cohort 3 Onsite monitoring
1/6/2011 Special Education Compliance Monitoring Cohort 3 Onsite monitoring Thank you for your interest in the Special Education Compliance Monitoring ONSITE MONITORING process. This webinar tutorial will focus on preparing for the onsite monitoring review visit. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 2014 – 2015
Corrective Action Plans (Year 2)
1/6/2011 Corrective Action Plans (Year 2) Watch CAP Year Webinar / Receive SpEd Program Review Report - Sept Complete Step 1 in IMACS 30 Days From the Date of the SpEd Program Review Report – Oct As a reminder, approximately 5-10% of the districts in cohort 3 have been chosen for an onsite review based on risk factors. As noted by the yellow box on this slide, the onsite monitoring will be conducted during November through April during THIS school year. Onsite Monitoring conducted – Nov - April Submit Documentation to Clear I-CAPs - Dec 31 or sooner Submit Follow-up Timelines – March 20 or sooner Submit Documentation to clear CAPs; Compete Step 2 in IMACS - Apr 1 or sooner ALL noncompliance cleared within 1 year of SpEd Program Review Report No Yes Monitoring Complete for the Cycle Sanctions Determined
Onsite Monitoring ALL Selected Onsite LEAs:
1/6/2011 Onsite Monitoring ALL Selected Onsite LEAs: Highly Qualified Teachers ( a-e) Paraprofessional Training ( ) Implementation of the IEP ( ) Services / Least Restrictive Environment Accommodations Transition IF APPLICABLE for Selected Onsite LEAs: Speech implementer model (400’s) Juvenile Justice Centers (child find) ELL (child find, referral/evaluation) For the school year, the focus areas for this monitoring are: ALL Selected Onsite LEAs: Highly Qualified Teachers ( a-e) Paraprofessional Training ( ) Implementation of the IEP ( ) Services / Least Restrictive Environment Accommodations Transition IF APPLICABLE for Selected Onsite LEAs: Speech implementer model (400’s) Juvenile Justice Centers (child find) ELL (child find, referral/evaluation
Why was my LEA chosen? Selection Criteria: MAP-A participation
1/6/2011 Why was my LEA chosen? Selection Criteria: MAP-A participation Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT) Incidence Rate Placements Self-assessment / Desk Monitoring results Speech Implementer model Dispute resolution Determinations Timely and Accurate Data Since you are viewing this webinar tutorial, your LEA has most likely been chosen to participate in an onsite monitoring review. And your first question is “WHY was my LEA chosen?” The answer is your LEA’s data! This slide shows the selection criteria used for determining the LEAs chosen for onsite reviews during the school year. We look at both current data as well as trend data for MAP-A participation, HQT, incidence rates, and placements. We also take into consideration the results of the self-assessment from last school year and desk monitoring results from this past summer. Because we are collecting data on the use of the speech implementer model, we also take the LEAs use of that model into consideration when making the selections. In addition, child complaint investigations where the LEA was found to have noncompliance and due process cases involving corrective action on the part of the LEA are considered. The final factors considered are the LEA’s annual Determination as well as submission of timely and accurate data. Once these factors are considered, the top 5-10% of LEAs with high risk factors in these areas are chosen for onsite monitoring reviews.
A Learning Opportunity. . .
1/6/2011 A Learning Opportunity. . . So think of the onsite monitoring process as a learning opportunity for your LEA With focused monitoring on standards and indicators related to both content and process as well as personalized technical assistance provided by a team of Compliance Supervisors, Compliance Consultants and either the Director or Assistant Director of Special Education Compliance in Missouri!
Onsite Timeline * Approximately 6 weeks* prior to visit
1/6/2011 Onsite Timeline 6 weeks* prior to visit Receive documentation request letter 2 weeks* prior to visit Documentation DUE to DESE 1 week* prior to visit Receive detailed schedule of onsite review Onsite visit (2-3 day) Building visits Exit interview with LEA 4 weeks* following visit – Onsite report letter This slide shows the timeline that will be followed for the onsite monitoring reviews Remember these are approximate timeframes that may vary depending upon holidays. Please pay particular attention to the dates shared in the documentation request letter describing the process and listing the specific dates for your LEA. * Approximately
Preparing Documentation for the Onsite
1/6/2011 Preparing Documentation for the Onsite The next slides will describe the documentation that must be gathered and submitted to the Compliance Section in the Office of Special Education within FOUR WEEKS from the date of the Onsite Documentation Letter. . . It is VERY important to submit your LEAs documentation NO LATER than the DUE DATE. This is because a pre-onsite staffing is held with the onsite monitoring team to review your documentation shortly after the DUE DATE! We are purposefully allowing about a month for LEAs to gather their documentation with a very short timeframe for us here at DESE prior to the actual onsite review dates. Note that some documentation is for the ENTIRE DISTRICT while other documentation is BUILDING SPECIFIC. Let’s look at the documentation to submit. . .
Staff Building Assignments
1/6/2011 Staff Building Assignments List of all special education staff (certified, non- certified, and contracted), along with their staff assignments. First is the list of all special education staff in the LEA. This includes certified, noncertified and contracted staff. Be sure to indicate both the job and building assignment for each person. An example of this list is shown on this slide. . . Staff Name Job Assignment Building Assignment Tony Teacher Sped Teacher Elementary A Polly Psych Psych Examiner Middle School B / High School C Suzy Speech SLP ECSE in Elementary B Penny Para Paraprofessional Olive OT OT-R Elementary A / Middle School B / High School C Pam PT PT-A Debbie Director DSE LEA
What to submit for Paraprofessionals
1/6/2011 What to submit for Paraprofessionals List of paraprofessionals employed during the school year (including date of hire). Documentation of paraprofessionals training for the school year including training dates, content agenda, clock hours, and participants. Next on the list is the documentation related to paraprofessionals in the LEA. This includes a list of all paraprofessionals employed during the school year noting whether the person was a new hire or a returning paraprofessional to the LEA. It also includes documentation of paraprofessional training provided during the school year including the dates, content agendas, clock hours and participants. This slide shows examples of each of these types of documentation. . . Name of Paraprofessional Status for school year Penny Para New Hire Amy Aide Returning Paraprofessional
What to submit for Educator Files
1/6/2011 What to submit for Educator Files Copies of each special education educator’s weekly schedule (noting teaching assignment, time of planning period, the time and location of each class, as well as, the IEP students served in each class for the week your district is scheduled for the onsite review). Districts may use the model Special Education Teacher Schedule form attached to the documentation request letter. The next documentation required to be sent to DESE is a copy of each special education staff’s weekly schedule noting teaching assignment, time of planning period as well as the time and location of each class and the IEP students served in each class for the week your district is scheduled for the onsite review. As noted in your Documentation Request Letter, we have provided a model form that MAY be used for providing this information . . .
1/6/2011 This is the model Special Education Teacher/Related Services Provider Schedule form. Please note this is a fillable form that also includes drop down boxes for several of the columns to make completion quicker and easier for your staff. Remember, you are NOT REQUIRED to use this form but you ARE REQUIRED to provide all of the information included on the form. It is important to send a schedule that accurately reflects the days of your LEA’s scheduled onsite visit in the building (usually a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday). The form is designed to accommodate the wide variety of special education teacher and related services provider’s weekly schedules. Note the red arrow shows where multiple days of the week may be checked to show that a schedule is followed on multiple days. This should help staff who have block schedules or schedules that are different on different days of the week. Remember that an ENTIRE WEEKLY (Monday – Friday) schedule for each teacher must be provided. A common question relates to the “Teacher of Record” column shown by the blue arrow. This is a “yes” or “no” question in the drop down box for each subject area the special education teacher or related services provider lists on their schedule. Remember “Teacher of Record” means the teacher that gives the grade for the class. Note that for the majority of related service providers, the answer to the question would be “no” since no class credit is being earned during the provision of the related service.
What to submit for Student Files
1/6/2011 What to submit for Student Files Copies of the most current IEP for ________ student(s) from each special education case manager within the selected buildings chosen. Corresponding weekly schedules documenting special education services for the week your district is scheduled for the onsite review. Districts may use the model Special Education Student Schedule form attached to the documentation request letter. Number The next two slides describe documentation that is required ONLY for the selected students for each of the Special Education Case Managers in the buildings that have been chosen to be visited during the onsite monitoring. Pay particular attention to your LEA Documentation Request Letter as it will include the specific information about the buildings chosen for a visit and the number of students that will be monitored during the review. First, send a copy of the ENTIRE CURRENT IEP for each student. Again, for each selected student, the LEA must send a copy of that student’s weekly schedule documenting when special education services are provided. And again, as noted in your Documentation Request Letter, we have provided a model form that MAY be used for providing this information . . .
What to submit for Student Files (continued)
1/6/2011 What to submit for Student Files (continued) Copies of the student information, including class schedule. The class schedule must include the planning period for each of the general education teacher(s). And again, this documentation is ONLY needed for the selected students. You will need to provide the CURRENT class schedule for each selected IEP student. This can be any student information system (SIS) computer schedule. For each general education teacher noted on an IEP student schedule, provide the class schedule including the planning period for that staff. This could be an overall building staff schedule at the high school or middle school level or a copy of the daily/weekly classroom schedule at the elementary level.
1/6/2011 This is the model Special Education Student Schedule form. Please note this is a fillable form that also includes drop down boxes for the Location of services column to make completion quicker and easier for your staff. Remember, you are NOT REQUIRED to use this form but you ARE REQUIRED to provide all of the information included on the form. It is important to send a schedule that accurately reflects the days of your LEA’s scheduled onsite visit in the building (usually a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday). Please note ONLY the student’s special education and related services should be included on this weekly schedule. Just like with the Teacher Schedule form, note the form is designed to accommodate the wide variety of students’ weekly schedules. Note the red arrow shows where multiple days of the week may be checked to show that a schedule is followed on multiple days. This should help for students who have block schedules or schedules that are different on different days of the week. Remember that an ENTIRE WEEKLY (Monday – Friday) schedule for each student must be provided. Common questions about this form include column for the “Name of Teacher of Record for Class” which is shown by the blue arrow. As noted on the column heading, this means the person who is responsible for giving the grade to the student for the official transcript or grade card. Sometimes this will be the same person as the special education provider such as self-contained or resource classes. Other times, this will be a different person from the special education provider such as co-taught classes. The green arrow is showing the Location column. Note that this is a drop down box for either special education or general education.
Building documentation
1/6/2011 Building documentation Maps with room numbers for the selected onsite buildings. Contact information for the selected onsite buildings including the special education contact. Bell schedule for the selected onsite buildings (including lunch schedule). The final documentation to send will be for each selected school building that will be visited during the onsite review. For each of these buildings, provide: 1. A map of the building with room numbers 2. Contact information for the building including the address as well as names and phone numbers for the principal and the special education contact for that building 3. A bell schedule for the selected building including the lunch schedule
Speech Implementer Model
1/6/2011 Speech Implementer Model PRIOR to Onsite Provide a copy of the written description of the model used by the LEA DURING the onsite Interviews with speech implementer and supervising SLP Review of student files Review of implementation This slide applies ONLY to LEAs chosen for the speech implementer review. Prior to the onsite monitoring, the LEA will provide DESE with a copy of the written description of the model used by the LEA. During the onsite review, both the speech implementer (s) and the supervising Speech Language Pathologists will be interviewed. In addition, these staff will provide student files for an onsite review. Also, documentation of the implementation of the speech implementer model with be requested and reviewed onsite.
ELL: Child Find / Eligibility
1/6/2011 ELL: Child Find / Eligibility PRIOR to Onsite Provide copies of all documentation related to the referral, evaluation, and eligibility determination for selected ELL students Referral for Consideration of a Special Education Evaluation Review of Existing Data Evaluation Report Notices of Action DURING the onsite Interviews with LEA staff This slide applies ONLY to LEAs chosen for the ELL Child Find and Eligibility review. Prior to the onsite monitoring, the LEA will provide DESE with a copies of documentation related to the referral, evaluation and eligibility determination for specific eligibility categories of ELLs in the district. This documentation should include, but is not limited to, the Referral for Consideration of a Special Education Evaluation, the Review of Existing Data form, the Evaluation Report, as well as copies of any Notices of Action. During the onsite review, interview with special education staff will explore procedures and practices related to child find and eligibility determinations for ELLs with disabilities.
1/6/2011 During the Onsite The onsite visit is usually scheduled for two to four days depending upon the size of the LEA. All onsite activities are conducted at the building level.
Activities Classroom Observations File Reviews (if applicable)
1/6/2011 Activities Classroom Observations Are students where IEP/schedule indicate? File Reviews (if applicable) Speech Implementer There will be three types of activities occurring during the onsite visit: Classroom Observation, File Reviews and Interviews. Classroom observation of selected students and selected teachers will occur in each selected building. If applicable, the speech implementer file reviews will occur in each selected building.
Activities (continued)
1/6/2011 Activities (continued) Interviews Special Education Teacher Student based IEP Team Members Director of Special Education Process Coordinators, etc. Speech Implementer/Supervising SLP The final activity will be interviews. Special Education case managers in the selected building will be interviewed along with the following IEP team members for selected students: the special education teacher, general education teacher and the person interpreting educational implications of evaluations. A building specific interview schedule will be provided to the LEA approximately one week prior to the onsite visit. DESE will make every attempt to complete interviews before or after school, or during teacher plan periods. However, we ask that the LEA be flexible in providing coverage for interviewees in some circumstances. If applicable, speech implementer and supervising SLP interviews will also fall under these same guidelines.
Where to send documentation
1/6/2011 Where to send documentation Mail to: Sandy Kliethermes, Supervisor Office of Special Education, Compliance PO box 480 Jefferson City, MO Fax to: to: Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about your onsite monitoring review. This slide shows my contact information. Feel free to mail, fax or the documentation to me prior to your due date.
Onsite Monitoring Training for Cohort 3
Thank you for participating in the tutorial. We hope that you’ve learned the information that will assist you in successfully completing this activity in the special education compliance monitoring process. If you still have questions or need assistance, please contact me at The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability in its programs and activities. Inquiries related to Department programs and to the location of services, activities, and facilities that are accessible by persons with disabilities may be directed to the Jefferson State Office Building, Office of the General Counsel, Coordinator – Civil Rights Compliance (Title VI/Title IX/504/ADA/Age Act), 6th Floor, 205 Jefferson Street, P.O. Box 480, Jefferson City, MO ; telephone number or TTY ; fax number ;
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