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THE SEARCH FOR TALENT based on the Economist Oct 7th-13th 06.

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Presentation on theme: "THE SEARCH FOR TALENT based on the Economist Oct 7th-13th 06."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE SEARCH FOR TALENT based on the Economist Oct 7th-13th 06

2 Words, words, words  intangible asset  brainpower  attracting and retaining talent  balance of brains & balance of power  ageing population  attrition rate  employee loyalty  job security  commitment  diverse workforce  telecommuting  immigration  widening inequality

3 Language focus (prepositions)  (They were told) that the average quality of candidates had declined...... 10% since 2004.  A decline....standards in manufacturing industry is slower than elsewhere.  These jobs now account... 70% of the jobs created since 1998.  These jobs now make... 70% of the jobs created since 1998. .... 2025 the number of people aged 15-64 is projected to fall... 7% in Germany, 9 in Italy and 14% in Japan.

4  (They were told) that the average quality of candidates had declined BY 10% since 2004.  A decline IN standards in manufacturing industry is slower than elsewhere.  These jobs now account FOR 70% of the jobs created since 1998.  These jobs now make UP 70% of the jobs created since 1998.  BY 2025 the number of people aged 15-64 is projected to fall BY 7% in Germany, 9 in Italy and 14% in Japan.

5 Language focus (incl. question-making)  The old battles for natural resources are being supplemented by new battles for talent.  Churchill might have added that the battles of the future will be battles for talent.  (They were told) that the average quality of candidates had declined by 10% since 2004.  No sooner had the bubble burst than many former masters of the universe were begging for work. (No sooner... than... – INVERSION!)  The more countries and companies compete for talent, the better the chances that geniuses will be raked up from obscurity. (THE + COMPARATIVE..., THE + COMPARATIVE…)

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