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Published bySienna Swindall Modified over 10 years ago
Finding Invasive Forest Damaging pests sooner……. Responding better to them when we do find them……. Protecting our Urban Forests through Earlier Pest Detection & Response “Putting the Pieces Together” 1 Result – Less Urban Tree Canopy loss from invasive pests……. Result – Less Cost dealing with invasive pest introductions……. August, 2011 The Northern Research Station Improving People’s lives and the Health of our Nation’s Natural Resources
August, 2011 Detroit – Urban trees removed to deal with EABWorcester – 30,000+ urban trees removed to deal with ALB State Assessments & Action Plans highlight the problem …… and that a better Solution is Needed…… !! 58% SFRA’s listed invasive insects and diseases as a threat to Urban forests !! !! Only 5% listed invasive species management as an ongoing U&CF success !! TIME - The Bug That's Eating AmericaTIME - The Bug That's Eating America By Anita Hamilton July 4, 2011 Since (EAB) was found in the U.S. in 2002, it has killed some 60 million trees in 15 states. Cities will spend more than $10 billion over the next decade to try to stop... Source: The December 2010 – Urban and Community Forest Related Content in 2010 Statewide Forest Resource Assessment and Strategies analysis. 2
Solution: Adding a Community based “Second Line of Defense” CAPS Trapping 3 Pest Vulnerability Risk Assessments Unknown Pest Reporting Community Responses Information posting Public Engagement Special Surveys Diagnostic Labs City Inventories EDRR TrappingCampground Surveys City Crew training First Detector Training Priority Urban Monitoring Known Pest Protocols Invasive Pest Issues Problem: Our current “First Line of Defense” is Not Enough August, 2011 Building a Taller Invasive Defensive Wall
5. Data Management and Analysis… Aggregating local tree and pest risk data enables analysis of pest risk, trends, and management needs at multiple scales. (FS FHP & UCF, States-DNR) 7. Identify Unknown Pests... Clear procedures for citizens to submit pest samples is key. (NIFA, FS FHP, States-DNR & DOA) 1. Monitor in High Risk Areas... Identify Communities at High Risk from invasive insect and diseases. (APHIS, FS-R, States–DOA, Universities) 4. Look for known Pests… As part of local tree inventory and maintenance. (FS FHP, States-DOA & DNR, NIFA, SMA) 3. Urban Tree Inventory… Community level inventories aide site specific mgmt & response decisions. (FS UCF, States-DNR, ISA, SMA) A Systems Approach to organize a Community based “Second Line of Defense” 6. Public Engagement... Citizen involvement is critical. Several successful approaches can help guide State’s citizen engagement development. (NIFA, FS FHP, States-DNR & DOA, APHIS) 4 The Result An effective and efficient Urban Tree Invasive Protection “Second Line of Defense” 2. Engage Priority Communities… High Risk Communities become part of a Monitoring and Response network. ( FS UCF, States-DNR, ISA, SMA) August, 2011
Identifying High Risk Communities 5 From: Potential establishment of alien-invasive forest insect species in the United States: where and how many? Frank H. Koch Denys Yemshanov Manuel Colunga- Garcia Roger D. Magarey William D. Smith National Level analysis is a starting point for state level High Risk Community identification. Refine at the State level using localized knowledge. Key Partners State UCF - State FH Extension State CAPS Committees These High Risk Communities provide the nodes of the “Second Line of Defense” network. Use Available Risk Information August, 2011
Community Level Urban Tree Inventory (in at Risk Communities) ** Most larger communities are already doing some type of inventory… (TreeKeeper, TreeWorks) ** But…inventories need to look for more than maintenance needs… …They need to be looking for invasive pest THREATS … ** Engage those Priority High Risk Communities to become part of the “Second Line of Defense” network! ** If not, they could be introduced to I-Tree or other Inventory packages… ** I-Tree is a free software suite that includes inventory, analysis, and pest protocol modules… For more information contact: Dr. David J. Nowak USDA Forest Service (315) 448-3212 Northern Research Station 5 Moon Library, SUNY-ESF Syracuse, NY 13210 State UCF Program working with City Managers 6 August, 2011
Include a Pest Protocol in Inventory and Maintenance Activities LOOK for known threats… Key Partners State FHP & UCF Programs working with City Managers Bug holes or bullet holes? Don’t be another Worcester! ** Could be a Booklet, could be plastic ID Cards. **** Key **** ---- Use the existing Eyes ---- ** Can be shared as part of normal training. ** What are the primary pests of concern? ** Ensure personnel are trained to recognize them! ** The I-Ped pest protocol is available as part of I-Tree …or…perhaps something simpler… 7 August, 2011
Data Mgmt and Analysis FS FHP & UCF (Purdue/Davey Tree) UFORHIC concept design: ** On Line Resource. ** Easy Data Upload & Summary download. * Report Generators and Query Builders. ** On Line Information Clearinghouse. * Links to the latest Pest Alerts and other pest info. Linking the data across the landscape End User Advisory Group 8 ** The Forest Service is developing an Urban Forest Health Information Center (UFORHIC) to use Urban Information at multiple scales …..supporting: ** Urban Tree Canopy Mgmt (I-Tree analysis modules) ** Prevention Planning (Risk Mgmt before a bad actor arrives) ** Response Decisions (after a bad actor has arrived) August, 2011
Public Engagement 9 Engaged Citizens….. They are an incredibly untapped resource that wants to help! The options and approaches for engaging them are many…. Key Partners State FH – State DOA – Extension State UCF – City Foresters ** State determination…how to best help the public… … help you. ** Key ** There are success stories to consider…. August, 2011
Identifying Unknowns !! An Engaged Public is Critical to finding new pests sooner !! !! They have found the majority of initial introductions !! !! Make it easier for them to help do this !! ** Providing known pest info is good… ….but there is more to it…!! ** KEY ** How to report unknown specimens for proper identification. Key Partners State FH – State DOA - Extension National Plant Diagnostic Network Report Invasive Pests to: Minnesota Department of Agriculture Plant Protection Division “Arrest the Pest” Hotline 651-201-6684 – Metro Area or 1-888-545-6684 – Greater Minnesota Three elements: ** Must be prepared to be responsive to this increased public input. ** A clear contact point and prescreening capacity before samples go to NPDN is key. ** Need the NPDN partnership established. 10 August, 2011
Seven Steps to Build the Community based “Second Line of Defense” 11 1. Prioritize Monitoring… Identify the High Risk Communities in your State…. 2. Engage High Risk Communities … It is in THEIR best interest to be a part of the coordinated “Second Line of Defense” Monitoring and Reporting network.... 3. Local Tree Inventories… Promote Community level inventories that support local Management Decisions and Pest Risk Assessment…. 4. Look for Known Pests… Ensure whoever is looking at trees (inventory/maintenance crews) are trained and looking for priority pests…. 5. Coordinate Individual Community Inventories …. For prevention and response planning at multiple scales. UFORHIC could be a central source of forest health information… 6. Engage the Public…. Statewide…Together (DNR, DOA) determine the best statewide approach… Locally…help priority communities engage their publics…. 7. Identify the Next Unknown…. Establish a coordinated unknown pest sample submission network that is visible and available to the public.… August, 2011 ** Champions with the Vision to orchestrate the process…..that’s you! What is Needed?
-- This is About -- 12 ---- Saving Urban Tree Canopy ---- ---- Reducing Invasive Species Response Costs --- by: ** Using a Logical & Effective Systems Approach… ** Applying Existing Tools and Information…. ** Effective Program Collaboration…. ** Catalyzing Key Partnerships…. August, 2011
What can be done Regionally? 13 Demonstrate… ”Regional Support for Putting the Pieces Together” ** Sustaining Existing Urban Canopy Goals? ** Reducing Costs and Impacts Goals? ** Look for State/Multi-State opportunities to apply the Seven Step Approach …. ** Encourage Program coordination to put the Key Partnerships in place…. ** Make sure State Foresters are fully informed…. ** Leadership to Help Address the identified State Resources Assessment Need ** August, 2011 Several Leadership States to…... ** Conduct the Seven Step Systems Approach….. ** Demonstrate implementing all the components….. Next Steps
Recent National Actions 14 ** Team to describe National Initiative …. NRS/TNC/ADF/WO UCF & FH Staff…describe National Initiative and develop implementation work plan this calendar year…. ** Continental Dialogue.… Provide a forum for interagency steering /coordination of Initiative implementation…. ** NASF Engagement.… Michael Buck… FH Committee … UCF Committee (Strategic investments that support State Action Plan needs) …. ** NIFA ….Recognizes roles in outreach and training (First detector/IPM 3 ) and NPDN…. ** TNC …. Interest in helping to lead efforts in major metropolitan areas (State chapters)…. ** Contact with SF Regional Groups …. Positive discussion initiated with Southern Committees and with CA …. ** APHIS …. Recognize opportunity to link several efforts they are engaged in…. August, 2011 ** ADF …. Recognize opportunity to outreach/network to many players…Partners meeting…. ** Partners are ready and willing to actively participate….It is more about coordinated staff effort than about new money**
Seven Steps to Build the Community based “Second Line of Defense” 15 1. Prioritize Monitoring… Identify the High Risk Communities in your State…. 2. Engage High Risk Communities … It is in THEIR best interest to be a part of the coordinated “Second Line of Defense” Monitoring and Reporting network.... 3. Local Tree Inventories… Promote Community level inventories that support local Management Decisions and Pest Risk Assessment…. 4. Look for Known Pests… Ensure whoever is looking at trees (inventory/maintenance crews) are trained and looking for priority pests…. 5. Coordinate Individual Community Inventories …. For prevention and response planning at multiple scales. UFORHIC could be a central source of forest health information… 6. Engage the Public…. Statewide…Together (DNR, DOA) determine the best statewide approach… Locally…help priority communities engage their publics…. 7. Identify the Next Unknown…. Establish a coordinated unknown pest sample submission network that is visible and available to the public.… August, 2011 This is a: ** Low Cost – High Yield – Win/Win – For the Resources and for Programs!
16 Jerry Boughton Northern Research Station 610-557-4180 Newtown Square, PA 19073 The Northern Research Station – Improving People’s lives and the Health of our Nation’s Natural Resources. August, 2011
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