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Zone Blitzes & Coverages out of the 4-3 Defense

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1 Zone Blitzes & Coverages out of the 4-3 Defense
Jim Hilvert Head Football Coach Thomas More College

2 Overview Why Zone Blitz? Keys to Zone Blitzing Teaching Blitz Coverage
Single LB’er Blitzes Two LB’er Blitzes

3 Why we Zone Blitz Positives Negatives Disguise Blitz & Coverage
Allow to Blitz w/o Playing Man to Man Allows to be Multiple = FUN Defensive Ends Drop Soft Underneath Weak in the Seams/Flats

4 Keys to Zone Blitzing Communication Collision WR’s
Safeties/DE/LB must talk to each other Collision WR’s Be physical and re-route any vertical route Dictate where ball will be thrown Don’t cover any route under 5 yds Defend deep / Give up Flats Must work vs Run & Pass

5 4-3 Stack Defense Rover – Strongside LB Stud – Strongside DE
Tackle – 3 Technique Mike – Middle LB Bob – Weakside LB Whip – Strong Safety Free Safety – Aligns to Passing Strength

6 4-3 Stack Defense

7 Coverage = Buzz 3 3 Deep / 3 Under Coverage

8 Blitz Coverage = Buzz 3 6 Players in coverage
3 Deep are responsible for their 1/3 3 Underneath players are playing match up zone 2 SCIF Defenders (Seam/Curl/Flat) I/S alignment on any #2 displaced WR Responsible for collision on any vertical by #2 Feel #2 / See #1 / Listen

9 Blitz Coverage = Buzz 3 2 SCIF Defenders 1 #3 Match Player
Wall off any inside breaking route by #1 Curl Dig Break on Flat Route when thrown 1 #3 Match Player Opens up to #3 WR and react to route If #3 goes out, “PUSH” and over take new #3

10 Blitz Coverage = Buzz 3 O/S Deep 1/3 Defenders Middle 1/3 Defender
Corners align 1x6 inside #1 WR Slow shuffle out and must play 3 Step Deep and deepest in their zone Middle 1/3 Defender One Safety is a Post/Seam Defender Will open up and run to middle 1/3 on snap 15 yards deep after snap of ball

11 Single LB’er Blitzes STACK ROCKET BUZZ 3
Rover will blitz off strongside edge Time up blitz with QB cadence Aiming point is OT’s near hip Pitch player on option / QB on zone read Wrong arm any run block and press vertical Free Safety & Bob are SCIF players Mike is #3 Defender Whip is Middle 1/3 Defender

12 Single LB’er Blitzes STACK ROCKET BUZZ 3


14 Single LB’er Blitzes STACK ROCKET BUZZ 3 vs 5 STEP

15 Single LB’er Blitzes STACK EAGLE BOB LOOP BUZZ 3
Eagle Call sets 3 Tech away from strength Loop tells 3 tech to blast B Gap Weakside End will loop into A Gap Bob will blitz off weakside edge Bob will wrong arm run block and press vertical Whip and Rover are SCIF Mike is #3 Defender FS is Middle 1/3 Player

16 Single LB’er Blitzes STACK EAGLE BOB LOOP BUZZ 3 vs POWER

17 Single LB’er Blitzes STACK EAGLE BOB LOOP BUZZ 3 vs NCAA RT

18 Two LB’er Blitzes Spy / Hunt Calls In/Out Calls Spy tells Stud to drop
Hunt tells End to drop In/Out Calls Remaining LB’er will tell dropping DE where to go Any 2x2 send In Any 3x1 send Out If 3x1 to dropping DL side, LB must say “Trips”

19 Two LB’er Blitzes RAM – Rover and Mike Blitz Strongside Edge
Like to run to RB Rover D Gap, Mike C Gap Mike should blitz right off Stud’s butt If not TE, Rover and Mike must keep space between each other. Good against Slide Protection Rover outside RB, Mike inside RB

20 Two LB’er Blitzes STACK RAM HUNT BUZZ 3 – “In Call”

21 Two LB’er Blitzes STACK RAM HUNT BUZZ 3 – “Out Call”

22 Two LB’er Blitzes MOB – Bob and Mike Blitz A &B Weakside
Like to run away from RB Bob B Gap, Mike A Gap Mike should blitz right off Nose’s butt Good against Man/Slide Protection Does Center carry Nose?

23 Two LB’er Blitzes STACK MOB SPY BUZZ 3 – “In Call”

24 Two LB’er Blitzes STACK MOB SPY BUZZ 3 – “Out/Trips Call”

“OKIE” tells Stud to play 9 technique Rover aligns to Passing Strength 11 Personnel Defense/Blitz Mike and Bob Cross blitz over Center LB’ers must communicate who’s going first? Patience, Patience, Patience

26 Two LB’er Blitzes STACK OKIE COWBOY X HUNT BUZZ 3 – “In Call”

27 Two LB’er Blitzes STACK OKIE COWBOY X HUNT BUZZ 3 – “Out Call”

“OKIE” tells Stud to play 9 technique Rover aligns to Passing Strength 11 Personnel Defense/Blitz Mike and Bob Blitz over Guard Bob should blitz right off 3 Tech butt

29 Two LB’er Blitzes STACK OKIE SOONER HUNT BUZZ 3 – “In Call”

30 Two LB’er Blitzes STACK HOT DOG 2/COLD
“HOT” tells Stud and End to drop Both are Curl players vs 2x2 Vs 3x1 Check “Cold” Corner to single WR plays man-to-man Dropping Stud/End has RB Rover and Bob edge blitz

31 Two LB’er Blitzes STACK HOT DOG 2 vs 2x2

32 Two LB’er Blitzes STACK HOT DOG COLD – AUTO CHECK vs 3x1

33 Jim Hilvert 859-344-3516
Questions? Jim Hilvert

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